hey guys(:

so, this title is most likely totally overused, but I'm too new to this fandom to really be sure, so I'm just going to use it.

this is a collection of Kurtty oneshots. some of these ideas have probably been used before, I have quite a few laid out, but i'm not too sure. I honestly didn't intentionally take anyone else's ideas, and I hope that I didn't do it at all.

Some will be fluff, some angst, etc. Any submissions will most likely show up in here somewhere down the line :D


Spring Cleaning

It was difficult to concentrate on anything else. One foot on the top of a lamp, the other being put to use dusting, both of his two-fingered hands, holding long-handled feather dusters, working away at the spider webs in the corners. His tail was looped around the handle of a broom, taking care of the floor around the table.

Kitty's fingers were loosely wrapped around the handle of the mop, tilting her head in wonder to follow her friends movements. She still had to wax the floor, though she wasn't sure why, because it'd be ruined by the end of the day. She had her earbuds in, hair up in a messy bun, no jewelry, and the crappiest clothes she owned on. She had prepared for this much-dreaded day well. But now, the kitchen's white tiles were forgotten, because Kurt was leaping around on the ceiling like a freaking monkey.

He was like a...a god of housework. Hanging off of the chandelier now, he was arched up irregularly to reach the far wall with his feet. Something in the back of her mind wondered what the muscles that could do that looked like.

One impossible-looking backflip later, he was standing less than a foot in front of her, beaming. "All done! Vhat next?"

She started to grin. "Hey, would you mind, like, waxing the floor?"

The kitchen was the picture of immaculacy by the time lunch rolled around. As she'd anticipated, the floor wound up dirty and scuffed again as the huge group of teenagers shuffled in and out. Kurt winced every time anyone took a step, so he was pretty much stuck in perpetual misery.

Swallowing a chuckle, she put a hand on his shoulder. "C'mon, you don't have to watch this. The pool is still totally gross."

Nodding silently, he allowed her to lead him out of the kitchen. "We have to, like, go get changed if we're gonna really clean it. And Bobby will be totally on our asses if we don't. Meet you down there?"

He grinned at that. "I bet I'll be ready faster zan you."

"Oh, I doubt that." Now determined to just get to her room faster, she phased through a wall and started up the stairs. A pair of hands closed on her shoulders.

"Ve might as Vell make zis fair." She heard the familiar bamf and suddenly she was just outside her room. "Beeil dich, Kätzchen," he smirked as he disappeared once more. (Hurry up, Kitten)

Wasting no time, she jumped forward to phase through her door, but forgot one little detail and wound up slamming face-first into the offending wooden panel and falling flat on her ass. Blushing as she heard laughter coming from down the hall, she shoved it open, already stripping off her shirt.

Once she got her bikini top on, she started to pull her pants down hastily, and without fully taking them off, began to tear her closet apart looking for the bottom. She spied the purple material and grabbed it, glancing up to notice that she'd forgotten another little thing.

Her door was hanging wide open, and Evan was standing outside, frozen mid-step, with his mouth hanging open and his eyes over-wide.

With a strangled screech of, "EVAN!", a well-aimed dictionary knocked the door closed. Her cheeks were nearing burgundy as she pulled on the bikini bottom, and, now changed, glanced out the window to see if Kurt was outside yet. She hoped that her friend would at least have the decency to not teleport straight to the poolside. To her horror, he was already heading out the front door.

She phased through the floor until she reached the second level, and a burst of desperation hit her. Kurt was at least a third of the way to the pool.

With an unwise but heroic running jump, she phased through the window, and slapped her feet on the ground for a moment before she actually made contact to help dispel the shock that would hit from jumping to the ground from that high up. Angling herself in mid-air, she dipped her head and tucked her arm in and went into a shoulder roll, and wound up standing up. Before the rush could catch up with her, she took off at a run, sprinting fast enough that the overconfident Nightcrawler soon found her gaining on him.

They reached the pool neck-and-neck. Kurt was starting to draw ahead, and she lunged forward, pouncing on him with such skill that her namesake (or, well, nickname-sake) would be proud.

Unfortunately, that also sent them careening into the pool.

The surfaced moments after them, and heard the tail end of Kurt's declaration. "-ON!"

She tread water easily, scowling at him. "What was that?"

"I von! I totally VON!"

"What? In what way did you win?"

He grinned proudly, fangs flashing grandly. "You were on my back. I was in front of you. That means I got here first!"

"You totally didn't! I could've gotten here but I jumped at you instead of the water. I didn't want to get wet yet."

Kurt ignored her protests and replied with a smirk, "That's what she said."

She jabbed his arm, glaring, but broke out into a smile. The jump was starting to really hit her. She groaned. "I'm gonna get out. I'm getting dizzy."

Kurt followed her out of the pool. She lifted herself up on the edge, waiting for her brain to settle. Well, that's what it felt like.

As soon as the moment passed, she looked up with a grin. "Did you see me jump? I went, like, ten yards out that window. It was awesome!"

His concerned expression melted into a relieved grin. He ruffled her hair. "You're insane, Kätzchen."

She shoved him. "Oh, you love me."

He laughed, pulling her into a one-armed hug, carefully ignoring a frequently smothered voice in the back of his head. "Alright, let's get this over with."

Because she has no idea.