Pokémon: Diamond and Pearl Adventures

Summary: Ten year old Kori begins her journey throughout the Sinnoh Region. Read along and see how she works her way through all eight Gyms and eventually to the Sinnoh League, with her Chimchar and other pokémon.

Kori's POV: Diary Entry, June 10th, 2007

It's finally going to happen! I'm, going to be a trainer!

I, Kori Day, will be ten in two days; at that time, Professor Rowan will begin giving out the starter pokémon to all the new Trainers who are on time to receive them.

I asked my dad one time why the Professor would wait until the day of my birthday to give out the starters. He said it was because the Professor had some sort of list of all the children that lived in Twin Leaf and Sandgem Town and on that list I'm the youngest ten year old at the moment. That sounds too easy to me; I mean how does Rowan manage to make a list? Is there a form everyone has to fill out? Who knows. But I'll trust dad on this; he is one of the Professor's aides after all and has been since our family moved from Nuvema Town in the Unova Region...

Anyway that's the past. The point is I'll be able to take the League Challenge! I just hope no one takes the pokémon I want.

At least there are no ten years olds in Sandgem Town who will be starting their journies.


Another Diary Entry, June 11th, 2007

I've been thinking about which starter I would go for tomorrow. People can be so strange and indecisive about their choice but not me; I know I've made the right decision.

Chimchar would be the starter that I would pick for myself. Now some people would pick Piplup or Turtwig, but Chimchar seems like the best choice. A powerful fire- type and very adorable. Seems like such an awesome choice!

Ever since I moved to the Sinnoh Region, Chimchar has been my favorite starter. If I was back in my home region Unova I don't know what I would have picked... All I have to do is wait one more night and Chimchar and I will begin our journey together.


Kori stopped writing a moment to take a quick peek at her alarm clock; it read 11:26 p.m. Definitely time to call it a night. If she wanted to get Chimchar before anyone else, she would have to wake up early so that she wouldn't come to the lab late. She put her journal in the blue messenger bag that was already packed for her journey. With all the adventures she was going to have, she would need to write about all of it. Kori went back to her bed and fell right to sleep.

June 12th, 2007

Kori got up from bed... okay more like she was water gunned from her bed... She wasn't an early riser, but honestly that was what the alarm clock was for. Aargh, Kori thought to herself, Dewott just likes picking on me too much.

She jumped out of bed and into a quick shower. Dewott made that mess on the bed, let her clean it. After the shower, Kori managed to quickly finger brush her very short black hair, jumped into her outfit for the day: blue jeans, black shirt, green hoodie and sneakers. The outfit that would have to be continually washed and worn throughout her whole journey. Kori grabbed her bag and jogged down the stairs. Her parents and her little sister, Taylor, were eating breakfast together. "Bye everyone!" Kori yelled, still running towards the door.

"Hold it!" Her mom, Cari yelled. She and her Dewott both wore stern expressions on their visages. "Sit down and eat breakfast with your family young lady! Who knows when you'll see us next?"

"But mom... I need to make sure that the pokémon I want doesn't get picked before I get there."

"I know baby," Cari said in an understanding way. She had been in the same position, worried about the same thing when she was ten. "I've been there, but I still want you to eat with us."

Kori sighed dejectedly and sat at the table between her dad, Steve and Taylor. Steve patted her arm.

"Kori, you have nothing to worry about," he said. "I called Professor Rowan a few minutes ago to make an appointment for you. He'll make sure to hold your choice as long as you make it to the appointment at nine."

Kori looked at a nearby clock. It was 7:45 a.m. It made Kori glad that she had told her dad the choice she made for a starter. Kori dug into her breakfast, feeling so relieved and very hungry.

"Which pokémon are you picking?" Taylor asked. Kori's dad was the only one who knew Kori's pick. Her mom and sister had made a game out of trying to figure out which of the Sinnoh starters it would be. She never gave them a hint though; it was too funny seeing them get so worked up about it.

"I'm not telling."

"Oh come on!" Taylor complained, just like the eight year old she really was.

"You'll see for yourself when I come back right after." Kori told her smugly.

Cari sighed in relief. "So you are coming back?"

Kori nodded. "It doesn't seem right to just leave without you meeting my partner. "

"That's good," Cari said. "There's something I'll have to give you once you come back."

Kori wondered what the gift was. Her mom, who had been a talented trainer and awesome mother throughout the years, couldn't keep a secret to save her life; Kori knew that if she were to ask then she would tell her. Good thing she liked surprises then.

Once they were done with their meal. Steve and Kori said their goodbyes and left for Sandgem Town. Any wild pokémon were taken care of by Steve's Rufflet. Kori thought about how much she missed all of the Unova pokémon that she used to see when she was younger. They ended up making it to the lab fifteen minutes early. Kori was so excited that she jogged up to the doors. At the same time, someone was already exiting. They bumped into each other and fell on the ground.

Kori groaned; that fall was really rough. She slowly got up and the other person, a girl judging by the skirt, was still on the ground. Kori smiled and offered my hand. "I'm really sorry about that. Are you okay?"

The person raised herself enough for Kori to see her face. Dawn, she glared at Kori and slapped her hand away before raising herself up. "Maybe you should watch where your going next time," she said nastily.

At this point, Kori's father had caught up to his quick moving daughter. Kori heard someone calling Dawn's name but she was too angry to really care. Kori couldn't stand Dawn and her nasty attitude. Ever since Kori's family moved to Sinnoh from Unova, Kori and Dawn had butted heads. She teased Kori because she didn't know the names of any of the native pokémon in the area or didn't understand what contests were. Dawn would make fun of Kori when she didn't seem to know something. But Kori got even one time when they were in pre-school together. It was so bad that it got her to stop teasing Kori. It had to do with one Plusle and one Minun, but that was a story for another time.

I should have never offered to help her up, Kori thought angrily. Dawn left, after saying hello to Steve. Thank god. Kori then remembered her pokémon partner that was waiting inside. She grabbed her dad's hand and dragged him inside. No way was little Ms. Contest Snob was going to ruin this.

As they entered the building, Professor Rowan greeted them with his normal, gruff voice; the kind of voice and demeanor that made people who were just meeting him nervous. Kori had been inside the lab a lot as a child so she was used to it. They followed him to his work table where there were still two pokéballs left Kori noticed the symbols on the balls. One has the symbol for fire and the other was for grass. Probably. It was definitely green. Looks like the water- starter, Piplup was gone.

"A trainer has already picked the water- type, Piplup," Professor Rowan explained. "But you still have the grass- type Turtwig and the fire- type Chimchar to pick from, if you wanted to change your mind."

"No way!" Kori yelled. She picked up the pokéball that she wanted and released the pokémon inside. "I choose Chimchar!" The fire chimp pokémon appeared calling its name. It jumped into Kori's arms and hugged her as she kept a tight grip on it's pokéball. Steve smiled and Professor Rowan nodded with approval.

"Excellent choice," he said. That was when he pulled out a black box and put it on the work table. Chimchar sat itself on the table next to the box as Kori opened it. Inside was a light, green pokédex, same color as the hoodie Kori was wearing and five other pokéballs.

"These are for you to begin your journey," Professor Rowan said. "As you already know, the green device is a pokédex, it helps to identify all of the pokémon in the region that you meet. Since you already have pokémon in your household that are not native to the Sinnoh Region, I am gifting you with a national pokédex that will allow you to get information about pokémon from any region."

"You have also received five pokéballs for you to capture more pokémon. If you need more pokéballs, you can buy them. Please also remember that you can only carry six pokémon with you at a time. Any other pokémon you catch after that will automatically be transported to this lab. Understood?"

Kori nodded. She understood and she also remembered that she could transfer her pokémon in a Pokémon Center if she wanted to. After being born the daughter of someone who works in a lab with pokémon for a living, there is only so much you DON'T know about how this works. Kori looked at her Chimchar, who smiled back. She pocketed the pokéballs and grabbed the pokédex. She pointed the device at Chimchar to see how it works. A voice began to speak:

Chimchar- the Fire Chimp Pokémon. It is very agile. Before going to sleep, it extinguishes the flame on its tail to prevent fires.

"Chim?" Kori smiled.

"The pokédex was definitely talking about you."

Chimchar jumped up and yelled "CHIMCHAR!" Kori pressed another button on the pokédex.

"Chimchar is a female," the pokédex answered. It sounded like a robotic woman's voice. Hmmm... "Chimchar knows Scratch and Ember." Kori closed the device and put it in her jacket pocket. She put a short strand of her short black hair behind her ear and smiled at Chimchar. Kori held her hand out, never losing her smile.

"Hey Chimchar," Kori said softly. Chimchar looked at her, almost in a serious manner. "My name is Kori and I want to be your trainer."

"I can't promise that there won't be a lot of hard times; we may lose really badly or we may cry...," Kori all of a sudden felt like she was going to choke on her words. She almost unsure how she was going to continue and this speech was getting embarrassing. "Anyway... I promise we'll have good memories too. I promise that I'll be the best partner and trainer I can be for you. So..."

Chimchar was silent; just kept on looking at Kori, almost like she was trying to find something. Must have found it because she slowly smiled.

"Chimchar!" Chimchar jumped into Kori's arms, who turned towards her dad. Steve was smiling proudly. The new trainer walked towards him and they all left after saying goodbye to the Professor. They walked home; Chimchar jumped in the ground, studying everything in the area in front of them, especially in the wild grass. After living in a lab since you were in an egg, all of this could definitely be an experience.

By the time they all made it back home it was probably ten o'clock in the morning. Kori and Steve waved when they saw Dawn's mom, Johanna. Just because Kori couldn't stand her daughter, doesn't mean that she has any problem with Johanna; the woman had always been nothing but nice to her.

Cari and Taylor were sitting in the living room, on the couch. Taylor was listening to music and mom watching the TV. They stood up and looked at the pokémon in Kori's arms.

"I want you to meet my new partner Chimchar," Kori said.

"Chim chim."

Cari smiled. "Nice to meet you Chimchar."

Taylor had a look her face. Not a mean, leery one, but a very confused look. "I was so sure you would pick Piplup... or maybe Turtwig." Chimchar became sad when Taylor said that, but she smiled again when Taylor said: "Chimchar is really cool though." Chimchar became ecstatic; jumped out of my arms with that crazy energy that all fire- types seemed to have. Kori went to run after her before her mother pulled her back.

"I have something for you." Cari quickly ran into the kitchen and came back holding a container. "I want you to take this egg with you on your journey." Kori got a good look at what was inside the container; it was a blue egg with shell patterns on it.

Kori took the egg from Cari. "What kind of pokémon is going to hatch?" Kori asked curiously. Cari smiled mischievously. "You'll have to wait until it hatches."

Kori shrugged. It was fun that way. Kori jogged up the stairs, looking for Chimchar. She found her in front of her bed, looking very bashful as she was seemed be getting a scolding from Cari's Dewott. Kori put one of her hands on her hip while the other hand pulled out her pokédex. "What'd you do Chimchar?" Kori asked while she pointed the device towards Dewott.

Dewott- the Discipline Pokémon. Strict training is how it learns its flowing double- scalchop techinique. Scalchop techniques differ from one Dewott to another. It never neglects maintaining its scalchops.

Dewott walked over to Kori with a disapproving frown. The frown was so severe, it reminded Kori of an old lady.

"Dewott wott dewott!" Dewott yelled angrily pointing out the mess that Kori had yet to notice. The books in her room were on the floor instead of the bookshelves. The walls looked a little scorched but nothing that couldn't be fixed with some scrubbing. A mess for sure- but nothing was broken.

"You really should apologize for the mess Chimchar," Kori lectured.

Chimchar rubbed the back of her head bashfully. "Chim chim." She at least looked embarrassed by her behavior.

Dewott still did not look happy, so Kori decided to appease her by cleaning up the mess; less hassle that way, she reasoned. The water pokémon looked happier by the time she and Chimchar finished cleaning up. By the time the two were finished and went back downstairs, Kori wasn't so sure that Chimchar and her would make it to Jubilife City before nightfall, so much time had passed.

"So I assumed you finished cleaning?" Cari asked. Figures that Dewott would tell her; the tattle tale.

Chimchar and Kori laughed, embarrassed. "Yep. We made it spotless."

At least Dewott seemed happy to hear that. Kori quickly said goodbye to Kori's family and was about to leave before she heard "Chim!"

Kori turned back around. Chimchar was jumping up and down on the floor, pointing at the pokémon egg that was left on the counter. Oops.

Kori giggled. Well, that was embarrassing. Her family was mercifully silent about that. Instead, they continued to wave after she came back for the egg and left along with Chimchar.

"Chimchar!" The pair turned back around. Taylor yelled, "Make sure that you take care of Kori okay? And win all of your battles!"

"Char! Chimchar!" Chimchar jumped on Kori's shoulder. Both rookie trainer and pokémon waved back at them, only to stop when they could no longer see Kori's family or TwinLeaf Town.

They walked back to Sandgem Town and stopped at the Pokémon Center. Nurse Joy was nice enough to check on Kori's pokémon egg as well as register her for the League challenge. Chimchar ate the pokémon food that was offered while Kori checked her supplies. Definitely enough to last a couple of days- at least until they reached Jubilife. Kori took out the digital map to see how far away the city was from where they were. Chimchar looked over Kori's shoulder curiously. Kori showed her the map.

"The first city after this is Jubilife City," Kori explained, pointing it out on the map. "I signed us up to take the Gym challenged. Once we have all eight badges, we'll be able to compete in the League." Chimchar's face brightened up with a smile after hearing that. Kori took that as a good sign, meaning Chimchar probably knew about the League. "You ready to give it your all?"

Chimchar threw her arms in the air. "Chimchar!"

Kori smiled, happy to see the enthusiasm. "That's great!" She pointed at another location on the map. "The first gym is actually in Oreburgh City right here, but I want to make it to Jubilife before nightfall since we would have to pass it anyway."

"Chim," Chimchar answered. She seemed disappointed that there was no gym in Jubilife City but she seemed to understand why it was important. "Chimchar char?"

"I know that the leader of the first gym is someone named Roark. He runs a rock- type gym." Kori answered. "You're a fire- type so judging on type you wouldn't be able to be very effective. " Chimchar looked very offended by that statement. "But I've seen my mom's Dewott defeat pokémon that have had the type advantage over water- types. I'm sure we could win; we need to train hard and think good strategies." Chimchar looked appeased by the statement. The flame on her tail burned brighter with her enthusiasm.

"But we won't be able to do this alone." The energetic pokémon looked real serious then. "I mean, I know you're strong and will continue to get stronger... and once the egg hatches we'll have another teammate, but that won't be for a while. It'll be a baby when it hatches, We need more teammates to help us on our goal. That also means more friends."

At the word 'friends', Chimchar smiled. "Char." She understood that they couldn't do this alone; her trainer and she were going to need all of the help that came their way. A light blared and a beeping sound could be heard. That means that Nurse Joy was finished with the egg. Chimchar and Kori walked towards Nurse Joy's station.

"Here is your egg Kori," Nurse Joy said. "It seems very healthy, but it may be a little while before it hatches though. Probably a few more days. Have a nice day and come back anytime."

Kori smiled, happy that the egg was healthy. "Thank you Nurse Joy." Kori grabbed the egg and pulled Chimchar's pokéball out. Once Chimchar saw it she was upset; she wasn't having it.

"Chimchar! Char!" she yelled. She backed away from Kori until she jumped back to the ground. Kori quickly put it back and caught up with her. Chimchar had her back to her.

Kori kneeled on the floor, behind Chimchar. "Chimchar I'm sorry," Kori said. "Please talk to me." So far, this has been the first time Chimchar has been angry with Kori and they've only been together for a few hours. Kori felt like such a crappy trainer. "Please..."

She slowly turned towards Kori. She still looked angry. "Char char chim." She jumped with anger. "Chimchar char!" Professor Rowan, while nice to her and the other pokémon, kept her in her pokéball for too long it seemed.

"You don't like being in your pokéball." Chimchar nodded. "Then I won't return you to it." Chimchar looked at Kori questioningly. "Chim?" "Yep, even if I get irritated with you." So that's what Professor Rowan would do. Hmm... Chimchar is a fire- type with a lot of energy. He's not as young as he used to be. Kori could understand the reasoning but Chimchar doesn't like it. Not nice to make the pokéball a tool for time out.

Anyway, Chimchar walked slowly towards me and put her hand on my face. It felt wet. Was I crying? I used my sleeve to quickly wipe it away. "Chim char."

"I'm really sorry about that," Kori said sincerely. She held Chimchar in one arm and also grabbed the egg with the other arm.

Chimchar seemed to have accepted the apology and moved onto Kori's shoulder. Kori put the egg in a tighter grip. They left the Pokémon Center and then Sandgem Town.

Kori's Pokemon