Maiden- Thanks so much for all the favs and alerts for this fic! It makes my day when I see those emails. Remember, I love reviews! ;)

One Step At a Time

Chapter 6- Stressed to Kill

Amon threw open the door to the Kame Game shoppe with a loud groan. Pulling off his red blazer in disgust. He hated that red coat with a passion, because it meant he was still weak as a duelist. Amon dreamed of the day he'd don a yellow or even a blue blazer. With a defeated sigh, he threw the coat over the kitchen table, walking towards the stairs, but stopped short upon seeing multiple people in the living room. Ruby eyes flickered from one face to another only to be floored by a number of things. Firstly, two men whom he'd never seen before stood hovering over his little sister. Second, Cairo, who was usually so bubbly and full of life, sat on the sofa in between Yugi and Tea with a blank expression. This sent Amon into 'big brother' mode and was quickly kneeling down in front of her.

"Cairo?" he asked, trying to lift his sister's chin so he could look her in the eye. However, her eyes looked straight through him. "What's wrong?" he asked, more so directed towards his parents.

"Amon, we need to have a little talk." Tea began, motioning for her son to sit beside her. Amon reluctantly got up and did as his mother asked. "Remember how we'd tell you all those stories from when we were your age? About ancient Egypt and seven magical items?"

"Yeah, that's how dad met Atem." Amon responded, not sure why his mother was bringing up old tales of the past.

"Now, we'd like you to meet him." Tea gestured towards the golden skinned Pharaoh still glued to Yugi's side. Now, Amon was genuinely shocked. He now noticed the sharp similarities between the two men. Instead of asking the millions of questions now forming in his head, Amon merely stared at the older of the pair with wide ruby eyes. "It's almost impossible to explain, but he's now part of our world."

"Amon, did you know of Cairo getting into a fight today?" Yugi asked his son, earning a nod from the boy.

"Yeah, uh, I heard about it after it'd already happened. But when I tried to find her, she was already in Crowler's office."

"Did you know the boys she fought with?"

"Not really. I know the leader. Tahano Ishikaki. He's a total jerk and thinks he rules the school."

"So he's a bully?" Atem asked, his fists clenching in anger. He was starting to feel the insanity and rage flood back to him. Something he hadn't felt since he witnessed Yugi, Joey and Tristan get beat up by those thugs that used to run Domino High.

"Yeah." Amon nodded, still in awe of the ruby eyed man. "He's a good duelist, but not as good as Cairo. I know for a fact she could take 'em." Amon looked to his sister, expecting a wide grin upon hearing his praise. But her expression hadn't changed.

"Son, you remember what I told you about mine and Atem's relationship?" Yugi asked, carefully wording himself. "About me being his reincarnation?"

The trihaired teen nodded.

"I was known as his hikari, meaning his light. And he was my yami, meaning my darkness."

"Why are you telling me this?" Amon stood up, his eyes narrowing in on his father. "What's it got to do with Cairo?"

"I was getting to seems she's a hikari as well."

"So what? So she's some ancient chick's reincarnation."

"My daughter to be exact." Atem spoke up, his baritone voice striking the young boy as terrifying. "Yanna was the cause of today's altercation. She's grown quite fond of your sister and acted out of protection. She's bonded with Cairo, creating a mental link between the two. Yanna can force her will over Cairo's and vice versa. However, since both girls are so new to the idea of 'mind swap', the results can be quite...unwanted."




Violet eyes opened a crack to see bright sunlight filtering in through the blinds. Cairo sat up, every muscle she had screaming at her to lay back down. She stood only to nearly fall back to the bed, her legs very unstable. After a few minutes, she was able to maneuver herself to her dresser. She wore a light blue night shirt and black shorts, not even remembering coming home from school, let alone changing clothes. Her onyx hair needed a brushing and her blonde bangs tangled. Kohl eye liner was in various lines and smudges around her eyes. In other words, she looked wrecked.

"What happened yesterday?" she asked herself, grabbing a makeup remover tissue and wiping away any residue.

She helped the mess a little bit, but finally sighed and tossed the tissue on her dresser, grabbing clothes and a towel before moving towards the bathroom for a much needed shower.

The hot spray on her skin felt nice and when she dried her hair, she looked much better; but her mind was still in a fog. She tried piecing things together, but all she could get was a sense of confusion and that she and Yanna had fought. As she absently started brushing her hair, she had a thought; maybe she could ask Amon for advice... He seemed like he wouldn't freak out as much as her dad would. After throwing on a pair of jeans and black sleeveless top, Cairo padded down the hall to her brother's room. Loud rock music permeated from the locked door. She knocked in hopes of the older boy hearing her. After her third knock, the music ceased and the door opened. Instantly, she had an armful of her brother.

"Oh my Ra! I thought you'd never wake up!" Amon cried, his hug nearly painful. "You had me worried sick!"

"Since when have you worried about me?" Cairo asked, genuinely surprised. Amon only stepped back and gave her knowing look. "So...uh, I'm guessing you know by now..."

"About the fight or you being the puppet to a girl five thousand years in the past?" Cairo merely gaped like a fish out of water. "Relax. Mom, dad, Atem and Mahad explained everything yesterday. But what we couldn't figure out, was why you were a walking zombie until you randomly passed out."

"That's kinda why I wanted to talk to you."

Amon gestured for his sibling to enter his room, taking a seat at the foot of his bed. Cairo sat uncomfortably in his bean bag chair.

"Yanna was the cause of that fight." she blurted, not really knowing how to start the conversation. Amon nodded, showing that he already knew. "And I said some things I didn't mean after wards. Now, she won't talk to me."

"She's probably waiting on you to calm down." Amon threw casually. "Atem explained that she's only looking out for you and didn't realize what she was doing at the time. Maybe you should give her another chance."

"But how can I trust her? After what she did to those boys, there's no telling what will happen when I'm in real danger!"

"You've just got to trust yourself, Cai. You've always been tough as nails and never let anyone tell you what to do. Yanna shouldn't be any exception. If she really cares for you, she'll understand."

"Who are you and what have you done with my brother?" Cairo asked with a raised eyebrow. Unbelieving that Amon, her annoying, dense older brother actually gave her good advice.

"Nice. I just gave you some relationship saving advice and you mock me." Amon crossed his arms in mock anger, trying to hide the smile that was tugging at his lips. Cairo laughed softly before closing her violet eyes, feeling the familiar tug that meant she was separating from her body. When she reopened her eyes, she stood in her soul room. She tried the door to Yanna's soul room, but it was locked tight.

"Yanna?" Cairo called, knocking on the door. "You there?"

When she got no answer, fear coursed through her. Had Yanna really taken what Cairo had spat in anger to heart? Tears rolled off Cairo's toffee cheeks, splashing on the stone floor.

"What have I done?"




"Seth!" Yanna growled through clenched teeth. "Take this street filth away!"

"But my Pharaoh, it was only a petty theft." the high priest argued, trying to save the poor boy behind him from spending life in prison for stealing food. "He's only a child."

"Not my problem." Yanna spat, ruby eyes flaring, as if daring her second in command to defy her again. "This boy knew the repercussions for his crime. Now, he's got to deal with it!"

Seth stared hard at his cousin's daughter, never remembering a time when Yanna would act so cold heartedly.

"Maybe all this power has gone to her head." Seth grumbled to himself as he led the small boy from the throne room. He'd make a mental note to free him later. Seth didn't fear Yanna. She'd given him no reason to until today. The high priest gripped his Millennium Rod tightly, knowing that this staff would be his only line of defense if Yanna ever turned against him.

"My Pharaoh." came a new voice. Yanna's ruby eyes flickered to the east entrance. Mana approached the twenty year old cautiously, her hands tightly wound around her septar. "I can't say I'm proud of your behavior, lately. What would your father say?"

"Probably the same thing you and Seth are now." Yanna replied, her hard expression never wavering. "Do you have anything worth my time or is this it?"

"You're turning into a tyrant!" Mana yelled, her magic sparking around her. "For the past three days you've been nothing but arrogant and hateful! If you can not change your attitude, then the Royal Precession has no choice but to impeach your reign and coronate Heba."

"My brother is too sickly to reign over Egypt."

"That's what you think." Mana smirked. "Thanks to your hikari, we've been able to compensate for his body's insufficient chemical productions. He's regaining strength every day. Something you've been too busy with your tyranny to see." the magician's features softened a little. "I don't know what's happened to you lately, but know I'm always here for you if you need to talk."

Mana turned on her heel and left the trihaired queen to her thoughts.