Hallo my lovelies~! :D Didya miss me? I know I said RusAme for the sequel, but it comes next. Promise. So it will go "Love Me Forever" "Love Me Softly" and "Love Me Roughly" and I might even add more. Maybe.
This is really short. But it's also just the prologue.
Anyway~ On with the show~!
Disclaimer: HAHAHAHA!
WARNINGS: Eventual PruCan, this being a sequel, cursing, and stuff.
I've never resented my family, really. It's not their fault I'm invisible half the time. I just am, literally, invisible. I get lonely though. Really lonely. My Dad works at my school, and even then he never has time for me. Papa is always busy working at his new restaurant or arguing with Dad. And my brother, Alfred, always gets distracted by something or is far too energetic for me to be around without getting a headache. I'm really quiet most of the time and I don't have many friends. And I'll turn invisible at the most inconvenient times. I guess it's best if I don't have friends, or else they'd notice, since I don't have good control over my powers like Alfred does.
Alfred can be my saving grace, at times. He never lets me get too lonely. He's always there for me to rant and yell at when I need it, and he'll always reply with some snarky or heartwarming comment that makes me feel better. But I'm still lonely, and sad. I hate feeling this way, but I can't change it. I can't magically gain friends. That's Alfred's job. I could never be jealous of my brother for it though. Al has always been special, and not the short bus kind of special, either, though he can certainly make it seem that way. He's like a freakin' ball of sunshine! It can get kind of annoying, but I never resent him for it. Mainly because I can see how tired it makes him. "Even superheroes can't save people all the time, Mattie." I worry about him sometimes.
He can be smart when he's not slacking off. He's really good at Physics and science stuff, but he never puts any effort into it. Another way for us to not draw attention to ourselves. He's also very... open. To the point it's uncomfortable. That's not really a good thing, down south. You see, we live in the part of America called the "Bible Belt." Uh huh, just what it sounds like. And being so very openly gay, is not the most accepted things. In the city? Go for it! Who would care? Some laid back place like California or Florida? Sure, why not? But in the south? Nestled in the Appalachian mountains? In the quintessential Hicktown? Oh no. You're going straight to hell. You'll be hog tied and burned at the stake if you even look homosexual. At least, that's what I thought when he first told me he was going to tell everyone at school. I was genuinely worried that he was going to die. Apparently I had nothing to worry about. Sure he got a few cat calls, and the meaner kids called him "faggot" and "cocksucker", but most of the kids just shrugged and said "Oh really? That's nice." Best damn curve ball life has ever thrown.
Not that I'd come out of my own proverbial closet. Even if people wouldn't care, it's still nice and warm and safe in here, thank you very much. I'd much rather sit in here and snuggle with the coats for the rest of my life than have to face the embarrassment. My parents wouldn't mind, seeing as they're gay too. And Alfred already knows, and no one would be upset... I'm still scared, though. I don't really know why... But this isn't about that. This isn't about any of that! This is about the time someone saw me. Really saw me. It was the last thing I expected, the most terrifying moment of my life, and the best thing that ever happened to me. It was the day Gilbert Beilschmidt and his brother, Ludwig, transferred to our school.
Haha, no song for this one~
So, this took a lot of deliberating, but I've decided that PruCan fits better next. All "three"(as I don't know if I'll add more than that at this point) are in chronological order. Don't worry, you'll still see some adorable Russia-ness. You'll get to see flashbacks of all the characters growing up. In any case, the PruCan will be set in Highschool and the RusAme in college-ish. Yeah.
Sorry I've been busy! And sorry that I'll still be busy. OMAIGAH. IT'S SHOW WEEK. I'll be at school until 9:30 every night this week! AH! Our first show is Friday! The 13th! So yeah. But guess what? It's getting close... to... Summer Vacation *awe* Yes! MONTHS to work on this! :D
So I've been really happy lately. I recently bought Hetalia season 3. It came with a Prussia bandana *squee* I also got America on a key chain. HAHAHA~!
BE PREPARED! I shall bestow you with the next awesomely awesome chapter... sometime next week! (Once the play is over, I'll try and reestablish my once a day updating) Kay? Kay.
Gilly B.