Oh my its the end. The last chapter. Where has the time gone? To me it feels like I wrote this story just yesterday. Heheheh Anyhow, I want to thank all of those who have read / reviewed / added this story. You have made me one of the happiest authors. Without you, I would have given up on this story completely.

Replies to Chapter Nine:

TeamEdo4ever : I was surprised as well ( I think I got really into this chapter). And you are very welcome my dear. I wanted these last two chapters to be


LasagnaLover : Thank you so much. And lol here you go love.

A. Zap : I'm glad that you mom is okay. I tried this and wasn't so sure if I could make it really realistic. Arthur is a stubborn arse isn't he?

Nayli28 : Better late than never. He was so late. D: And yes. His last words. But they left a smile on Alfred's face.

AroPeterWam : *Tissue* Thank you so much :D

Evil By Choice Not By Blood : Yes. As I sat here writing this chapter I had to pause a few times and look away because I felt the tears coming. Thank you so much.

BeeBeeForthwright : I'm glad (:

Hunny The Monster : Aw hun. And no it's not lame that you cried.

For the rest of reviewers, thank you :D

Warning: Angst, Spelling and Grammar Errors.

Disclaimer: I do not in any way, shape, or form own Hetalia or the characters. The plot of this little story, does belong to me though. I also do not own the song. I do not take credit for the song in any way, shape or form.

Song: Moments

Artist: One Direction

Written By: Ed Sheeran

No flamming and please enjoy.

It had been three days since Alfred's passing and for the nations, especially Arthur and Matthew it felt like forever. The world had come to a stand still. His death seemed to have a cause and effect. The sun was hidden behind clouds, and it poured endlessly, never seeming to let up. Nations came together and for once, not a fight broke out.

Arthur sighed as he fixed the tie to his suit. Brushing his hair, his green eyes locked to the picture on his dresser. Picking it up, Arthur felt tears slide silently down his face. Alfred had forced him into taking a picture with him last Christmas and even had the nerve to dress him up.


"Hey Artie come take a picture with me!" came a loud, slurred voice. Arthur lifted his head up from his novel and glared at the younger nation. "Why the hell would I git? Can't you see I'm busy."

Alfred pouted for a minute and Arthur, who had went back to his novel, was surprised when he felt himself being forced out his chair. "Wh-"

"Shhhhh. Put this on." Alfred giggled. The British man tried to get out of Alfred's grip but the younger of the two wouldn't allow. "Please Artie? Just this once. I mean what could it hurt."

"Its completely stupid you arse. There's no reason to take a photo when someone's right in front of you." He was about to sit back down when a soft voice stopped him.

"You will never know Arthur. You say you will see that person and that they're right in front of you, but anything can happen. There's no guaranties on anything. Yeah, I might be here today Arthur, but what if tonight something happened? And I wasn't here tomorrow. How would you feel?"

Damn Alfred and his cheeky ways. "Fine." And with that he Arthur was forced into the ugly reindeer things.


A knock on the door brought Arthur out his thoughts. "Angleterre... Arthur are you ready?" He growled and yanked the door open. "Of course you damn frog." The Englishman walked out before the shocked Frenchmen could say anything. Something felt off with Arthur. Francis glanced worriedly at him, silently promising to watch for signs of an up-coming breakdown. The car ride to the funeral home felt tense as the two nations spoke not a word to each other. Arthur quickly growing tired of the silence, turned the radio on and to his annoyance it was that new British-Irish band ... One Direction? Moving to turn the channel, the group began to sing and he sat frozen, listening and absorbing the song.

Shut the door, turn the light off

I wanna be with you

I wanna feel your love

I wanna lay beside you

I cannot hide this even though I try

Heart beats harder

Time escapes me

Trembling hands touch skin

It makes this harder

And the tears stream down my face

If we could only have this life for one more day

If we could only turn back time


You know I'll be

Your life, your voice your reason to be

My love, my heart

Is breathing for this

Moments in time

I'll find the words to say

Before you leave me today

Close the door

Throw the key

Don't wanna be reminded

Don't wanna be seen

Don't wanna be without you

My judgement is clouded

Like tonight's sky

Hands are silent

Voice is numb

Try to scream out my lungs

It makes this hard girl

And the tears stream down my face

If we could only have this life for one more day

If we could only turn back time


You know I'll be

Your life, your voice your reason to be

My love, my heart

Is breathing for this

Moments in time

I'll find the words to say

Before you leave me today

Flashes left in my mind

Going back to the time

Playing games in the street

Kicking balls with my feet

Dancing on with my toes

Standing close to the edge

There's a pile of my clothes

At the end of your bed

As I feel myself fall

Make a joke of it all


You know I'll be

Your life, your voice your reason to be

My love, my heart

Is breathing for this

Moments in time

I'll find the words to say

Before you leave me today

You know I'll be

Your life, your voice your reason to be

My love, my heart

Is breathing for this

Moment in time

I'll find the words to say

Before you leave me today

"Francis what is the name of this song?" A quiet voice asked. Francis looked up shocked. "It iz Moments by that new band One Direction." Arthur went slack and quiet.

"Well it was quite good" came a mumbled reply. The Frenchmen turned the channel off, just as they pulled up the the funeral home in Washington. This was were Alfred wanted to be buried. Opening the door, Arthur stumbled and was surprised when a hand was offered to him. Looking up, he was surprised once again when he saw that it was Ivan.

"Careful there друг." Dusting himself off, the smaller male nodded his head. "Thank you." Together the three began walking towards the funeral home. Matthew walked over towards them.

"Glad you can all make it."

Arthur couldn't look the boy in his eyes. "Yeah." Matthew looked sadly at the once-drunken, Englishmen. "How're you holding up?" England's head snapped up.

"No. I should be asking how you are feeling, Matthew." The boy smiled softly. "I've been better." Arthur nodded, understanding. He looked towards the doors and then looked back at the ground. "I guess it's time that we start?"

(Not going through the whole ordeal...as I am not very creative. D: )

The priest had finished his speech and motioned for Alfred's brother to come on stage. Arthur felt a tug at his hand and looked up to see that Matthew pulling him with him. Stunned he followed. And Matthew began to speak.

"My brother Alfred was someone special. He was...himself. Alfred never gave up on anyone, including me. With everything he had, he tried to make sure that I was always noticed, even though he sometimes forgot me. I would get so angry at him and I would hit him and throw him out of my house. But he never left. He held onto me and smiled down at me. Alfred would wipe away my tears and tell me he was sorry and that he loved me. You know, I never knew how much he meant to me or the world, but I guess that until someone's gone, you never realize how much they mean to you. Alfred wanted me to give everyone something." Matthew then pulled the black journal out and continued. "He wanted you all to read this and come to an understanding. My brother said that he didn't want anyone to feel upset over his passing and that this would perhaps help you all understand at least a little bit of why he kept this a secret from you. And the first person he wanted to read this is you Arthur."

Matthew handed him the book and smiled. "It's your turn."


"Just say what comes to your heart." Matthew whispered to him, going off stage. Arthur gulped and looked towards the nations.

"Uhh. Well bloody hell here goes nothing. Alfred was sloppy. He was unorganized and destructive. Impulsive and hot-headed. That boy knew nothing of fine food as we all know he loved that bloody McDonald's." He ignored the stunned looks and continued. "But underneath all of that was someone beautiful and precious. Alfred never once gave up on trying to unite everyone. With his kind heart, he never gave up on me either. Alfred was someone who hid his hurt very well and tried to comfort those around him first, putting their needs in front of him. And t-this is why I- I loved him. I'm not perfect. I drink myself to sleep and I curse too much. I take out my anger on innocent bystanders, and mainly I took it out on him. When I would finish ranting, Alfred would pull me into a hug and comfort me. Me. He was everything. Beautiful inside and out. And I- I wish I had more time to spend with him and love him."

England stepped down from the mic and everyone around him stood up. He stared at them, then back down at the journal. Not able to stand the stares, he went outside. Tears streaming down his face.

Finding a spot by the tree, he began to read the diary when he came across something addressed to him. He turned to read back of the journal and his heart stopped. There was the picture from that Christmas. Picking the picture up he saw something fall to the ground he picked it up and unfolded the letter.

Dear Iggy,

If you're reading this, then I must have passed on. I hope that you're not crying or getting drunk. Well I left this for you because I know you. You might let your anger get pent up until you explode at someone and then go and get drunk. Please don't. I don't want you or anyone else hurting. I love you so much and I just wish we had more time together.

Love Alfred.

P.S. Don't do anything stupid

The letter fell to the ground as Arthur cradled his head in his hands and broke down.

Soon it was time to lower the casket and everyone was gathered around outside. Matthew gave a kiss to the piece of cloth, which happened to be the American Flag, and placed it on the casket. "I love you bro." He stepped back and squeezed Veneziano and Arthur's hands. Slowly Alfred's casket lowered and then it was over.

Arthur stayed standing in front of the grave, eyes red from crying and hugged the picture closer to his chest. "Oh god how much I miss you Alfred. Damn you. Why did you have to go and die you bastard!"

A large hand fell on his shoulder. "Please calm down друг." Spinning around, Arthur found himself looking up at Ivan. "Calm down? Yeah right!" The Russian didn't say anything but instead took the Englishmen into a hug.

"Go and cry my friend." No longer trying to restrain his sobs, Arthur's knees crumbled and he broke down. All the while Ivan was whispering calming words.

(One Week Later)

"Please Ivan?"


"Why not?"

"Because I do not wish for this."

Arthur growled. "I can't get it any other way. Just give me the damn bottle." Ivan stood and beckoned for Arthur to stand back up.

His eyes locked with Arthur's. " There is a reason only пять were made and it is not for this." Seeing that the Russian wouldn't give in, Arthur sat down and sighed. "Can I get a cup of tea then?"

The giant brute nodded and suddenly the phone rang. "I shall return."

When Ivan left, Arthur began his frantic search. For five minutes he couldn't find anything, but other country's magazines. About to give up, he tripped on a book and hit the piano. The bag spilled and a darkish purple color bottle rolled towards him. Picking it up, Arthur's eyes widened and a small smile reached his face. Placing the small bottle in his jacket, he fixed the bag and sat back down.

Soon Ivan returned and placed the cup of tea in front of him. "There you go my friend." Arthur mumbled his thanks.

Leaving, Arthur sat on the plane with a smile on his face. The Bottle of спасательный was secured and he felt happy. Soon...

Francis paced in Matthew's house. "I am afraid for him. I feel like something bad is about to happen." Matthew looked at the Frenchmen. "Have you tried calling him?" The Frenchmen nodded. "No answer."

"Maybe we should go visit him."

"Let's go!"

Ivan walked towards the piano and stopped when he noticed his black bag open. He looked inside and knew at once that the Englishman found what he was looking for. Pulling out his phone, he called for his private jet to come around at once.

After four and half hours ( don't know how long it would really take) Arthur reached his house. Pulling out the bottle, he smiled and walked inside. Placing in down he began to try and read the label.

Getting no where, he went on the internet and translated it. When he found the results, he let out a growl went up the stairs leading to the top of the building. Standing outside, Arthur popped open the bottle and drained it.

Throwing it on the ground, he smiled.

Matthew and Francis finally, with France's private jet, made it to Arthur's house. Seeing the door open, they rushed inside. His bag lay on the ground but he wasn't there. Suddenly footsteps from behind them, forced them to turn around. There stood Ivan, panting and sweating.

"Where's Arthur?"

"We don't know."

Francis looked at the Russian who seemed to be holding something. "What's that?"

Ivan looked saddened. "It's a poison."

"A poison... you don't think?"

Ivan nodded. " I know that he did."

Matthew looked between the two. "But it couldn't work on nations."

Ivan looked at him. "It's meant for nations." The other two froze and fear settled in. "We need to find him." Ivan looked towards the stairs. "He' s on the roof."

The world was spinning and soon his vision was blurring. Arthur took a breathe and stepped towards the ledge. Footsteps seemed to come towards him and he heard people calling his name, but it didn't matter anymore when he took the leap. He would finally be reunited with Alfred.

People were in panic, the world in shock. Nations gathered once again at the small funeral home, as Arthur was buried. His grave right beside Alfred's. No one could speak. Two nations. Dead. One from an illness and the other from suicide.

"You will never know Arthur. You say you will see that person and that they're right in front of you, but anything can happen. There's no guaranties on anything. Yeah, I might be here today Arthur, but what if tonight something happened? And I wasn't here tomorrow. How would you feel?"

Matthew stood in front of the two graves and bent down. " I hope you are happy now Arthur. I hope that you have your Alfred." Walking towards his car, Matthew saw something that finally made him smile.

Alfred stood dressed in white, as Arthur took his hand. "I love you."

"And I love you." Alfred pulled Arthur into a kiss and together they disappeared. Tears falling, he got in and left. "You got your wish Arthur."

This story is officially complete. I'm sorry how I ended this and the end, which probably sucks. Uggg. I'm so sorry.

Remember no flaming and please tell me your thoughts.