Skip past this bolded junk if you don't care about us replying to our extremely loved reviewers or telling you little things.
I have been forbidden to post chapters of this story on dA. Sydia said she'll do it since I tend to rant at people.. *sigh*
Our thanks go out to: Shadow Zee, Awsome 3709, Emoluv365, ngrey651!
And here's our responses to the reviewers!
emolove365- Thanks! We're so happy you think it's amazing! (P.S. We're not that fond of her either, LOL)
Akane- It's great you liked the last chapter! And you might just hate us after this one, since you already feel bad for Zim and Dib. *sweat*
Lolibeagle- Hurray! Interesting guess.. She does play a part in the chapter. Yeah.. Poor Zim. It only gets worse
EmoGummyBearZaDrArmy- Yeah.. We tried to stick in the english accent.
ravenult- WOOH! REPEAT REVIEWER! We totally love you in a non creepy way. ;) I'm glad you think that we wrote Red and Purple right!
Awsome3709- We do plan to continue! Thanks so much for reviewing! (And no worries, this fic is MEGA long. We're writing chapter 8 right now, actually)
Invader Jor- That's all right! We're just happy you reviewed (and that you love this story) Please see note below.
BellatriD- Thank you, thank you, thank you! We're so happy you think that this fic is original! (we really did try)
IDK- Yeah.. You were right but.. well..thanks for reviewing and all but..Um.. See note below.
Thanks for all the lovely guesses and reviews! Many of you were right but the first won the prize!-INVADER JOR!
Ok.. So technically a anon reviewer beat you to it, Invader Jor, but because these kind of things are always hard with anon reviewers, you win.
(Sorry anon reviewer. You were right, but it's hard to make sure who you are, so it had to go to someone else)
Invader Jor, please send a small sentence (10 words or less) that you want Nemo to make a song about. Kindly don't make it something silly or ZADR/yaoi/fan thing related as she'll refuse and drown us in emo hate.
Good? Ok then... Here's DIBBY!
This sucked. I kicked the wall in front of me, frowning. How had things gone so wrong? Yes, ok. I WAS an idiot. Going in alone, what was I thinking? I should have known it'd be a trap. I stared off into space. My thoughts drifted...what the Resistance would do? By this point, they probably knew I had been captured...Gaz would definitely not be happy. She'd be gritting her teeth and threatening to kill me right about now...and what did the Tallest have planned? Or, to phrase it better, what did SHE have planned? Red and Purple were just puppets, pawns really, serving a higher power- Tak. She probably had something nasty planned..Lord knows she hated me. No telling what she would do...and what happened to Zim? What did they DO to him? God. HE DIDN'T EVEN REMEMBER ME!
But even without the majority of his memory, he was still the same as always. I smiled bitterly, remembering our earlier confrontation. He was still arrogant. Still annoying. Still screeching. And still possessive. I leaned back against the wall, tilting my head back. I loved him so much, it hurt sometimes. It had shocked me, Zim's sudden possessiveness after he had just outed me to the Armada. Smiling, I thought of him and pictured his image, PAK legs out and ready, standing between me and the Armada's soldiers. I had been too shocked to do anything at the time. But then, my mouth twisted, remembering how minutes later Zim had been gassed and fell to the ground unconscious while Red barked orders for another PAK wipe. I managed to break out of my bonds soon after, but by that time, they already had Zim hostage with a laser gun aimed at his PAK. And I couldn't do a thing. I ended up surrendering and the soldiers took my glasses, knocking me out soon after with a blow to the head. I had no idea how long I'd been in here.
I sighed. What was I going to do? I was trapped inside a FREAKING METAL BOX! The Irken soldiers had taken my weapons AND my glasses and were probably transporting me to a prison to be interrogated and tortured. Great. Just great. I could probably break out, though. There were always weak spots, somewhere. I began to feel the walls, stuck on my knees due to the smallness of the stupid BOX! (I definitely wasn't in a cage, it didn't HAVE bars, only walls.) I clenched my fists, thinking. Tak. She was the brains behind this whole thing. If it wasn't for her- I paused here, sighing. If it wasn't for her, Earth wouldn't have been taken over. If it wasn't for her, this whole mess, Zim, my dad- I slammed the floor angrily. Now wasn't the time for this.
Exhaling, I cleared my head. Plan. Come on, think of a plan, Dib! First, I had to- Find a way out! Yeah, ok. Next steps- get a weapon. Fight some soldiers. Steal a ship. Find Zim. Rescue Zim. Go back to the Resistance..and get beat up by my sister. I winced at that last one. It was unfortunately true, though. Assuming I somehow got back to the Resistance with Zim in one piece, my sister would beat me up for getting caught and for trying this rescue mission in the first place. I laughed grimly. If I didn't make it out alive, Gaz'd probably find some way to resurrect me and then beat me up.
But then, my box began to slide suddenly, moving with me in it to bang against the side of the ship. I groaned. Couldn't they have at least strapped the dang thing down? I banged on the walls of the box. Nothing. Man, what I'd do to see what was going on...I was on the Massive, right? Anything that could shake the Massive had to be BIG. Unless the guards were just having fun, playing kick the prisoner's box. I strained to hear, putting my ear up to the walls. Was that a grunt? Ugh.. If I could just hear...
Ok..What the-
My box quivered violently and then s h a t t e r e d. I blinked as light suddenly flooded me. Rubbing my eyes, I stood up cautiously. No telling what had happened. Were Tak, Red and Purple breaking me out to torture me? Or had help arrived?
"Here." I squinted, my vision still hazy and trying to adjust to the light. "You had these last time. You need them, right? Right, big-headed creature?"
A green blur moved as my glasses were thrust awkwardly onto my face, nearly poking me in the eyes. I readjusted them. Man, was I in for a surprise. Irken soldiers littered the floor and one of them stood above, on high, his boot viciously kicking them in the head.
"Zim?" He stared at me imperiously.
"Who else?"
"Well, I mean.." Flustered, I stood there awkwardly. Zim was here? How? Why? Did he remember? Had he escaped from the Irken soldiers?
"We need to get going, STOOPID alien. It won't be long before they figure out something's wrong and sound the alarms."
"Right." He handed me a blaster and I took it, following him out of the room and down a hallway. I took note of where we went, thinking. How had Zim remembered me? Was it a trap? A cruel trick like this was just the type of thing Tak liked to pull. I had to consider it. And if this was a trap... was Zim hand delivering me to the Tallest? If so, why had he blasted those soldiers? It didn't make sense.
I shook my head back and forth. Worry later. Focus on getting out now. Alarms sounded as I blasted the Irken soldiers out of my way and ran. Hallway after hallway. More and more Irken soldiers came towards us, PAK legs ready for fighting. Zim sneered and blasted them into the wall. I followed behind. But still more Irken soldiers followed. Endless running. Soon I was drenched in sweat.
"There's ships in the hangar." Zim yelled over to me, in the midst of the fighting. "If we want to get off this ship alive, stink-worm, you and I need to move!"
I nodded and mowed down the Irken soldiers chasing us as Zim took care of those in front, clearing a path. Together, we dashed to the hangar and grabbed a ship. Zim was fast at work, claws quickly tapping the keyboard. Soon our ship was rising. But there was one problem.
"Zim..The hangar doors are still closed!"
"So? We'll blast our way out. Foolish big-headed creature."
"Do you want to get out, or not? The Massive is much weaker when attacking inside out. We'll be fine, STOOPID BIG-HEAD!"
I opened my mouth, only to close it as Zim thrust the accelerator and blasted a hole in the Massive's walls with the ship's lasers. And then we were out. I sagged against the ship's walls, shocked. Wow. Had breaking out of the Massive really been so easy? Just what was going on here?
Our ship zipped quickly, dodging the little ships around us. Zim cackled gleefully in the background and I couldn't help but smile as the ships around us exploded like fireworks.
Just like old times.
I turned back towards Zim- only to find him eyeing me threateningly with his PAK legs raised and holding both our laser blasters.
"Zim?" My voice quavered, as I realized I had no weapon and no way to defend myself without hurting Zim. I backed up as Zim threw the laser blasters behind him and drew out a new weapon, aiming at my heart. In a matter of moments, I was cornered against the wall.
"And now," Zim said, malice in his eyes and a cruel grin to match, "You die." I gripped the wall behind me. Wha-? Why? He tightened his grip on the trigger, coming closer. "Goodbye Dib." A loud blast sounded followed by a crushing pain and then everything faded to black.
*Hiding in trash can*
Qrzi: Do you think we've out run those angry readers yet?
We are officially evil. Please don't kill us. Even if we're evil.
We know.. The last chapter was filler and this one was a short chapter and a CLIFFY! Yep, yep, we're evil little people. VENGEANCE OF THE SHORT!
No, I'm kidding. Really. If we wanted to be SUPER evil, we'd just stop posting right here.
Anyway, after a scientific study, we have found out that the update time corresponds with people reviewing.. Strangeness..
Hope you like our twists! Because there's more to come... MWAHAHAHAHHA!
I definitely had too much sugar at the carnival today. Ah well.