Diclaimer: I sadly don't own Harry Potter :(

Chapter 2

It was only 7 30 when they got the letter so Hermione had plenty of time to prepare. Even if this woman left her with the Granger's somehow she wants to impress her she wants to show her how much she's grown and she wants to let her know that she's glad that she tried to protect her even if her mother had to leave her.

At exactly 11 30 there was a knock at the back door. Hermione was ready but was very nervous, she was wearing a teal summer dress with cream ballet flatts. She waited in the living room as her parents and her mother greeted each other. She heard their laughs as they drew nearer, finally they stood there in front of her. The woman she was expecting to see would wear layers and layers of robes and a cruel face but what she saw was a woman with blonde hair, she was a few inches taller than her she looked young and happy, she wore muggle clothes, well EXPENSIVE muggle clothes but they're still muggle clothes. In short she was DIFFERENT.

She just stared at me, then a few minutes later she walked slowly towards me. I didn't even notice that I stood for the chair and did the same thing. She held my shoulders then hugged me for some reason this made me cry I hugged her back.

"Hermione I'm sorry for leaving you but I did it for your safety. I know you must be thinking that there could be other ways for me to prwotect you but in our case this was the only way. The only way that I was so sure that he wouldn't find you" Her mom broke the hug and looked at her

"Who's he?" I asked

"I'll tell you later but now we have to catch up on each other. I'm Alexandra Marina Dalwin. You were born with the name Devlin Monique Dalwin. I know you would want to still be called Hermione so I respect your decision and I will call you Hermione" Her mom smiled at her and looked at the Grangers "Elizabeth, John thank you for everything" She walked towards them and hugged them as well

"No worries she was a very good kid she never gave us hard time. She's very wise and smart you should be proud to have a daughter like her" Elizabeth said which made Hermione blush

"She too is your daughter. She wouldn't be what she is now if it weren't for you. Anyway I think we should we have A LOT to discuss"

"Where'd my luggage go?" Hermione looked around to find her things missing

"They're right here" her mom opened her palms and saw her bags shrunk. Her mom gave her parents one last hug and walked back to the kitchen. "Hermione let's go?"

"I'll be out in a minute" Hermione said as she walked towards the people who she considered as her parents. "Thank you for always being there, for never giving up. I know I've done some wrong things but still you never treated me in a wrong way and taught me how to do things right. I will always have a space in my heart for the two of you and I will always consider you as my 2nd parent." Hermione hugged her parents and left. She rushed out the back door tears streaming on her face. She took her mothers hand and they apparated away.

~Dalwin Residence~

"This is our home" Her mom said proudly. There they stood in front of a tall Victorian gate which opened the moment Hermione took one step closer to the gate. Hermione got shocked and looked at her mom. "It knows that you're a Dalwin" Hermione entered and followed a stone path she looked around and saw large trees that covered the stone wall around those trees were bushes, rose bushes which had red and black buds. There were stairs that led to the house and gaps on the sides of the path which where other paths started. She obsereved the house in front of her, more like a manor. 'It's beautiful' she thought to herself. Her mom walked towards her and opened the door.

"Welcome home Hermione"

"I'm glad to be home" She looked at her mom and smiled they entered the large door together.

"I'll lead you to your room" They walked to the end of the hall which had a door. While they walked their were many portraits that greeted her. They also passed a lot of stairs but they went up the stairs that was near the door at the end of the hall. They reached the 3rd and last floor. Right in front of the stairs was a green door which had a red rose carved on it.

"Is this my.." Even before Hermione finished her sentence her mom already nodded yes. Hermione clutched the knob and slowly turned it. She closed her eyes and opened it when she finally opened the door.

"Perfect!" She shouted as she saw her room. She covered her mouth shocked of her sudden outburst.

"I knew you would like it I designed it myself." Her mom said looking at her work of art.

"Mom what do you do for living?" Hermione asked her mom

"Before in the wizarding world I was a designer but then things got messed up because of the war so I had to run off and be a 'muggle' as a muggle I became and architect/interior designer. Anyway enjoy your room I just need to arrange things for out late lunch Twinkie will be here for you if lunch is ready." her smiled then a sudden pop was heard and beside her mom was an elf. She was shocked she thought her mom would be different. "Oh no I set twinkie free but she just keeps returning. I provide her clothes see" hermione saw that the elf was wearing a yellow dress

"Ms. Dalwin" The elf bowed in front of Hermione

"Please call me Hermione"

"Ok Miss Hermione. Does twinkie need to do anything?" The elf asked eccasticaly

"No Twinkie you will just call Hermione when lunch is ready"

"Ok Miss's" then a pop was again heard and the elf was gone

"I'll leave you to explore Hermione" her mom went out of Hermione's room leaving Hermione to look at her room. The room was painted with royal violet. The bed was queen size it had dark green sheets at the foot of her bed was a small couch and hanging on the wall in front of the couch was a flat screen TV on either side of it were 2 square poles but when she looked closer it were a CD cases. Beside her bed was large mahogany table and beside the table were 2 book cases. Instead of having a concrete wall she was given a glass wall which gave a perfect view of the pool! Beside the TV was a wall which separated it from 2 arches one led to her personal bath which had large tub and a large mirror. It was tiled with Blue. She went to the other arch and it led to her very large walk in closet unlike the cd cases and the bookshelves the closet wasn't empty half of it was filled with dresses both muggle-made and wizard-made, It had jeans, shorts, skirts, blouses, shirts even under wear. One side was provided for shoes and majority of them were heels. 'I think I'm in love' she gasped as she all the shoes. Inside was her own Vanity as well. Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard a pop behind her.

"Miss Hermione, Miss Dalwin would like you to go to the garden for lunch miss also said to wear comfort able clothes no need to be formal" Twinkie said

"Thank you twinkie, I'll be there I'll just change" she smiled at the elf as it left with a pop. She decided to wear ripped shorts and a grey printed blouse and black flatts. She looked at herself at the mirror and she looked good. She found her hair very plain though. She pointed her wand at her hair and the tips of her hair turned hot pink as if it were dip-dyed. She pointed her wand at her hair once again and it was side braid now. "Thank you Lavender's magazines" she smiled at her reflection and got one of the sunglasses inside her accessory box.

She went out of her room and went down the stairs she went through the door that she saw near the stairs they passed. She was right it was the garden. The garden had many flowers and trees.

"Hermione over here" She looked at the direction where the voice came from. She walked on the stone path which led through a group of trees which their branches formed an arch. She finally found her mother at the end of the stone path which had a table and comfortable chairs.

She was greeted by her mom who was wearing a pink skirt and a white button down. She looked as if she's just her sister "Come sit. Good thing you found the garden. You didn't get lost right?" Her mother said

"Nopee. This place is so beuatiful it's not like what i expected" She said still looking around as she sat down in front of her mom

"This place is your home from now on hermione and what did you expect it to be like" She said as put chocolate spread on her bread.

"i expected to be dark and gloomy. To have a lot of green in the house. I expected my room to be green but it was like a normal girls room" she said as she took a bite on her chocolate dipped strawberry. Her mom raised her eyebrows and laughed a little.

"Green? I'm not slytherin my love I'm actually Gryffindor it runs through my veins. Nice hair by the way" She said as she sipped her juice

"Thank you, but aren't the other purebloods in your time call you blood-traitor? No offense though" Hermione said as she took another bite

"No actually they know my heritage, they can't do anything about it so they just leave it be"

"What heritage?"

"I'm a descendant of Gryffindor, which makes you a descendant of Gryffindor"

"Wow" Hermione didn't expect that she would be this important "Mom who's my dad?"

Mrs. Dalwin choked on the strawberry she was eating "Uhm.. let's just say she's a very bad man."

"I don't think anyone could be that bad that it would be terrible to talk about him" hermione said

"Hermione" her mom said as she took Hermione's hand "I've done stupid things in the past. I fell in love with the wrong guy but I don't regret meeting him since i have beautiful children."


"You have a twin sister"

"Who is she?"

"We'll be fetching her later"

"Mom please tell me who my dad is" She said as she took both her mothers hands

"I'll tell you when we fetch your sister after lunch ok?" She said smiling at her daughter

"OK.. Mom can I go to the Weasley's?"

"I'll be going with you. I have to talk to Molly Weasley" She said as she finished up "Well I'll just change and I'll meet you in the Drawing room"

"Mom should I still change?" she said

"You look fine" with that her mom walked out

'Who could he be? He couldn't be that bad right? but what if he is? NO If he is I won't let it affect me I grew up without that guy in my life so I wouldn't influenced at all. Anyway wow how will I tell Harry, Ron and Ginny? I still look the same I just look taller and I have blonde hair I'm sure they'll notice me well.. Maybe Ginny will notice me right away' Hermione sighed and stood she called for Twinkie to lead her to the Drawing room. Her mother was already there. She was wearing black jeans and the same button down shirt she was wearing a while she just changed her flatts to her flesh pumps.

"Let's go?" Her mom asked and Hermione nodded in response "I'll go first" Her mom took some floo powder and said "The burrow" The green flames too over her figure. Hermione took some floo powder and did the same thing but thought 'Here goes nothing'

A/n: Sorry for not updating right away My mom stole the laptop she said I'm using it too much. Anyway sorry if this story is such a mess please Review so that I can make it better. :)