Disclaimer: I don't own Gallagher Girls, I only own the plot. I don't own Jenga either.

Thank you guys for the great review I got! It really made me smile! I had a few questions in the reviews and some things that I wanted to respond to. My dance solo got high gold and 4th overall, irish clog got high gold, musical/novelty got high gold and a judges award, and clogging got platinum and 2nd overall. So that's good. I decided to name Zach's mother Carol because I don't know really. I just think she seems like a Carol in this story.

Cammie walked across her lawn, her mother slowly trailed behind her. She could not wait to get over to Zach's house. They always had the best times at dinner. They would talk about the stupidest things, and Carol was a very good cook.

She hopped up the stairs and knocked on the door, quickly she ran and hid behind the tree in the front yard. Carol answered the door and started talking to Rachel while Zach snuck out the back door of his house and slowly crept up behind Cammie. Tazing her sides with his hands she jumped and screamed.

Cammie turned around to see Zach laughing his head, she smacked him playfully on the arm and hugged him. "What the heck Zachary?"

"No more knocking and running Cameron, I was teaching you a lesson."

"I hate you." Cammie pouted and turned around.

Zach wrapped his arms around Cammie's waist and tickled her stomach. "You don't hate me. You love me." Zach smirked.

"No. I. Don't." Cammie laughed.

Zach kept tickling her, "Admit it or you become my minion and I will brainwash you."

"Never!" Cammie exclaimed trying to escape Zach's grasp.

Zach picked her up and put her over his shoulder and carried her into his house. "CAMMIE'S MY MINION NOW AND NO ONE CAN DO ANTHING ABOUT IT. SHE EVEN SAID SO, BECAUSE SHE LOVES ME SO MUCH."

"Help! Mommy! Carol! Help me!" Cammie laughed.

Carol and Rachel laughed. Shaking her head at Zach Carol smiled, "You two haven't changed since you were little."

"I've gotten taller mommy!" Zach exclaimed while he walked around the house still carrying Cammie.

"But you've gotten uglier." Cammie stuck her tongue out at Zach while she teased him.

Zach threw her onto the couch and walked to the kitchen. "I'm done with your attitude Miss Midget."

"Midget? I'm almost as tall as you." Cammie jumped onto Zach's back.

He wrapped his arms under her legs, "No you're not. You're like 5'8", I'm 6'. "

"That's only 4 inches."

"Big difference."

"Zachary! Cameron! Dinner's ready!" Carol called.

Zach dropped Cammie and walked toward the dining room. "Ladies first."

"Okay. So go. I'm waiting." Cammie smirked up at him.

"I am not a lady. I'm a women." Zach walked right through the dining room door with his nose in the air.

Carol raised her eyebrows, "Zachary. I'm pretty sure you aren't a women. I'm the one who changed your diapers."

"MY WHOLE LIFE HAS BEEN A LIE?" Zach's jaw dropped.

Cammie laughed, "Yes Zachary, and I don't like you at all. Your mother paid me to hang out with you."

Zach shrugged, "I already knew about that."

That just made Cammie start laughing harder.

"So tell me more about Zach when he was a baby." Cammie laughed while she took at bite of her mashed potatoes.

Carol smiled and looked at Zach, "Well he was a very stubborn baby. For the first 9 weeks, he would cry all night. The only way I could stop it was taking him in the bathroom and putting him in his high chair and turning the sink water on for him to listen to."

"Why was his high chair in the bathroom?"

"We moved it there at night because he would cry every night. I remember Zachary's dad and I took turns. I would stay up with him for 4 hours, then he would sit in the bathroom with Zach for the other 4 hours."

"That's really funny. Especially since poor Zachary is afraid of water now." Cammie pinched Zach's cheeks.

"I'm not afraid of water. I am just not fond of it."

"Suuuuure. That's it."

"Zachary is afraid of water?" Carol laughed.

"Yes! I swear he is just like a cat! I tried to push him in when we were at the pool that one day and he started freaking out."

"Well. You tried to push me in! That's why I was scared!"

"So you admit that you are scared of the water?" Cammie raised her eyebrows.



"Fine. I might have a small phobia of water.."

Carol looked at Zach, "He also has a phobia of the number 3."

"Really? Don't you mean 13?"

"No. I mean the number 3."

"He has had it since he was in 7th grade. The number 3 has always given Zach bad luck. Every test that he took that year he would get the 3rd question wrong. In every class he sat in desk number 3 and his locker number was 333."

"No I understand why you were always so jumpy that year, you poor baby." Cammie got up and hugged Zach.

"I'm not a baby.."

"I'm sorry. You poor women."

"You should be sorry."


"Can we play some games after dinner mom?" Zach looked at Carol, as he swallowed his last bite of pie.

"Yes, I suppose so. Just don't be too loud. Last time you played games the neighbors called the police because they thought someone was injured."

"But what would be the fun of playing quietly?" Cammie giggled.

"It would be fun not to have the police come search the house again because they thought that we might have a dead body in the closet because you guys aren't very good at playing games with each other."

"C'mon mom. We are good kids." Zach whined.

"Sometimes." Cammie added.

Carol laughed, "I don't care, what do you guys want to play?"

"Jenga!" Zach and Cammie yelled at the same time.

Rachel and Carol turned toward each other and shook their heads. "I think I know whose losing.."

"You! Because you two are ooooollllldddd."

"That's it you two! You're on!" Rachel and Carol laughed.

Happy 4th of July you guys! Even if you don't celebrate it! I'm planning on having a chapter up later today, but this should be able to hold you over for the rest of the day!

Love you and May the Odds Be Ever in YOUR Favor! Goodbye!,
