Zelda's Lullaby
Mothers often sing this song to lull their young ones off to sleep. They say the Gossip Stones call this a Sacred Melody, and that the Hero of Time has often played it…


Lyrics property of Wolf Blossom. May be redistributed with permission.


Listen to
My lullaby…
Let this song
Wash you away…

Close your eyes
Goddess of time…
Rest your head
By mine.

Dream a place
So far away…
Forests thick
And greeeen

Have no care
There's no despair
Softly let
Your soul to rest…

Princess of
The Royal Land…
Let this song sooth thee…

Dear child of mine
Sleep to my lullaby
You will face,
Your fate

Soon you will
Meet destiny
Then, my dear
This song
Keep near…

Listen to
My lullaby…
Goddess of time…
Rest your head
By mine…
