I've noticed that I tend to put an awful lot of subtext in my fic dialogue for Corso Riggs. The thing is, I kind of think I've picked it up from the game itself. Sure, sometimes he comes right out and bares his soul to the Captain. But a lot of the time it seems like he hides what he means in saying something less overt. So here's my "Corso Riggs Translation" file.

What's our play, Captain?
I trust you completely because you are smart and brave and determined.

I'll say one thing, traveling with you is never dull... and You've got an interesting idea of fun.
Even in the toughest situations, being with you makes me smile.

You ever get the feeling we're in over our heads? and I didn't think it was possible for this job to get more complicated.
How is it that you are so fearless? It always seems like you're ready for anything. Your courage amazes and inspires me.

You got guts, Captain. I hope you don't mind if I come along to take a few hits for you.
And okay, maybe I'm a little intimidated, being around someone as competent and confident as you. Sometimes I wonder if I ain't just dead weight. Makes me a bit nervous.

You got a plan for making us even richer, right?
Yeah, I know you say you only care about money. That's why you gave money to those kids down in the Works on Coruscant. Why you give bits of your rations to the refugees – you thought I didn't know about that, I bet! I'll play along with your game.

You got it.
I will do whatever I can to make you happy.

Can't we ever go to a nice world?
We're always fighting mutants and Imps and bandits. Never seems like there's any time just for us.

You know I enjoy talkin', but, I got nothing to say.
I wish I had something more interesting to share with you. I hope you don't get bored with me.

Let me get back to you later, Captain.
Just looking at you gets me all jumbled up and I can never make things come out the way I want them to.

Don't know why you're lookin' at me. You're in charge.
And when you look back at me it's even worse. What was the plan again?

Full speed ahead!
With you by my side, I can face anything.

Don't worry about me.
I won't always agree with you, but that's okay. I've got your back even so.

Right behind you, Captain. and Lead on!
Whatever you do, I will support you. Wherever you go, I will stay at your side. And whatever challenges come your way, you will never have to face them alone.

Anything you want, Captain.
I love you.