Hi there, not much time... Erza won with 4 votes out of 8, so please vote again...

Sorry for every mistake but I have wrote this while break in school and now I am uploading it, hope you still like the chapter. Oh and sorry that the chapter got a bit short this time.

Please read, enjoy and review! Oh and please vote again in the new poll about who is next!

Disclaimer: I saddly don't own Fairy Tail it all belongs to Hiro Mashima and this is good so.

A boy, a dragon and a doll?
Chapter 9

Erza Scarlet never really was into matchmaking but after a while listening to the talks of the other girls she herself became slowly interested in one particular pair. The pair was one she knew very well and for her taste the progress of their relationship was just surprising.

Lucy was like a little sister for her and sometimes she felt like she had to protect her from the bad guys. Also there was Natsu. Both ways he was a friend and something near to an idiotic little brother just like Gray. But still Erza felt more than often like she had to protect Lucy from Natsu's idiotic side. It wasn't like she was against their relationship, she just thought that Natsu maybe wasn't ready yet.

So Erza had decided that if they come together she would teach Natsu a special lesson about how to be a good boyfriend and how to thread a girl right. But first of all she had to bring them together. Of course Erza had also taken part in the bet involving the couple and of course she wanted that money. It was enough for a new armor she wanted and for some cakes as an extra. So after considering all pro and cons Erza finally decided to try out her matchmaking skills. (The possible cakes and the new armor overweight every other reason…)

Erza was already in front of their room. Standing there with her arms crossed over her chest, staring at the door like it was an enemy. Her eyes were focused on the door knop. People who passed her were giving her a weird look. Then Erza decided to just go in. Her hand went to the knop and turned it. Even though the door should be locked it was open and so Erza Scarlet went in into the room.

She looked around. It looked quite normal. She started to prepare her plan. Lucy was a little bit into this hero-and-knight in-shining-armor thing so she decided to let Natsu appear as a hero. She placed some traps in the room and installed some flame thrower and lacrima lightning's. She wanted to create the illusion of a dangerous situation. The last thing she built up in the room was a cage. A cage in which she had planned to put in Lucy later just to make Natsu rescue her and make her fall in love with him or Lucy confess to him. After all the girls in the books always confess to a Hero after he rescued her.

Erza blinked shortly and put her hand on her chin. Hasn't Natsu rescued her more than once already? Would this mean that she is already in love with him…?

Time went on and Erza dismissed this thought. She went to the last part of her plan: letting herself look like and enemy. She colored her hair black and requiped into a disguise of and demon. Why Erza had an outfit like that? Well… let's say… Erza likes acting very much that is why she always has a store of costumes and after she lost the last set of her costumes in the desert she had bought costumes which she could requip with her magic…

Anyway… everything was set and ready. The only thing Erza needed now what the couple to come back to this room. Erza waited and waited…

and waited…

and waited…

and waited more…

and waited more…

and waited a lot more…

and waited a lot more…

and wait-

(Erza: We get it! Go on with the story!

Me: AYE!)

After what seemed like hours Erza was still standing in the middle of the room but nobody had come. She started to lose her patience and stormed up to the door, ready to find and drag Natsu and Lucy into this room. Just as she was about to open it the door was opened and slammed into her face.

Now Erzas mood was at the down point and a dark aura was surrounding her. With her disguise she looked now like she really was a demon. Her hair was floating in the air and she held to pitch black swords in her hands. The lacrima lightning's went on and darken the room with a lightning shooting every now and then from wall to wall. The fire thrower also went on after a while and let the fire come from the ground up to the ceiling. It looked like the fire came out of a volcano. The place looked like the pure evil was born there and Erza was standing right in the middle sending her dark aura of to the poor person who had opened the door.

"W-w-w-w-w-w-w-wait! I-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-I n-never m-meant t-t-t-to d-d-dis-" The person never got to finish his sentence cause before he could even blink Erzas fist connected with his face and the person was thrown against the wall outside the room. A second person which was together with the first one snickered at what had happened to the first one but when he saw the look in Erzas eyes he froze in his spot.

"YOU ARE CRAZY! ALL OF YOUR GIRLS ARE CRAZY!" He screamed as he got punched by Erza who was more than angry now. Her plan didn't work in any way. Not Natsu and Lucy came into the room she had prepared no it were Gajeel and Gray who suddenly came in. Not only that. They ruined her plan in activating the traps and she saw only one thing for the two which was let… punishment.

"YOU TWO WILL PAY!" She yelled in anger and even thought Juvia was there as well she didn't make a move to help. Not even as her love got slammed against the wall a third time this day and punched over and over again. To afraid was the water mage right now. Erza Scarlet known as Titania, the strongest woman in Fairy Tail was right now letting out her anger on Gray and Gajeel and Juvia was wise enough to see that even for her it was too dangerous to try to stop her.

But where were Natsu and Lucy? Simply in THEIR room 101… Erza's plan did not only not work it also was placed in the wrong room. Instead of room 101 the room she was in was one floor under them it was room 91 which the boys (Gajeel and Gray) had booked for themselves so that they could sleep there. Well never in the world would they have expected Erza decorate their room. Also for Gray was it the second time with getting thrown against a wall today and Gajeel… well it was the first time for him to really feel the rage of Erza Scarlet the Titania…

Let's see what is happening in room 101…

"LUCE! I SWEAR I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE IN THERE!" Natsu screamed as he run away from Lucy who was dressed in a towel and her hair was dripping wet. She chased after him with a frying pan in her hands. A big bump was visible on the dragon slayers head and he was running helplessly and crying out to Lucy to stop it.

While running he glared from time to time at Hiro who was sitting relaxed on couch and snickered or better tried to muffle his laughers in a couch pillow.

"NATSU YOU PERVERT!" Lucy screamed on last time with a bright red face as she stopped and threw the frying pan with all her strength after Natsu which hit him successfully on his head and knocked him out cold. Lucy huffed and turned on her heels as she stomped back into the bathroom.

Hiro who heard the door being closed with a loud bang stopped muffling his laughs and laughed out loudly holding his stomach as it started to hurt from laughing. Natsu was still lying on the ground half aware of his laugher and growled. "Damn brat… only telling lies…"

Thanks for reading, please review and vote! Sorry that the chapter is short but like I said I am short on time.

Sorry that there is no review response this time hope I get more time for it next chapter...

Thank you all for reviewing and thanks for the reviews in the future!

See you in the next chapter (^.^)v