A/N: This story is being written by both me and Flame800900. Unless stated otherwise I will be the one writing what Abel says and Flame will write what Cain says. We are both contributing to the extra things such as the detail, or what other characters say. Hope you Enjoy!

"Cain don't," Abel was there in an instant, putting his hand on Cain's shoulder. He looked between his brother to young methuselah. She looked shocked that a so called 'terran' had just thrown her into a wall.

Cain knew his eyes were starting to bleed red with rage. "Give me one reason not to," he growled. He'd enough of this. Enough of these Methuselah and his so called family. If not for Caterina and this Abel, Cain wouldn't have even bothered coming. He hated Methuselah, he hated his sister! Why should he care if there was one less Methuselah in the picture?

Moving his hardening nails towards her throat, Cain felt his fangs starting to grow. Then he saw it, a flicker of fear in her yellow eyes. He blinked. It was the young woman from the picture, the one chosen. Cain released her and backed away from her.

She slid to the ground coughing.

Abel helped the woman, Astharoshe. "Sorry about that, my brother has a short temper. Are you okay?" Abel asked even as the woman glared at him with hatred and slapped his hand away.

"Why are you dressed as a terran?" Astharoshe coughed as she looked at Cain. Unlike Abel, she seemed to see him as an equal... albeit a stupid one for dressing as a lesser being than a methuselah.

"Lesser? Humans aren't lesser." Cain gave her death glare. "It's only the empire that sees them nothing more than slime, servants, filth; food. Even if the empress and Caterina get the treaty, with the way you people act, it'll be short lived."

"Treaty?" Astharoshe looked at Cain in confusion. "What treaty?"

Cain snorted. "You'll soon know." He turned to Abel. "I'm heading back. The empire is the same place it was eight centuries ago," Cain stated.

"I thought you wanted an unawakened methuselah because they would be easier to work with," Abel hissed under his breath, so quiet that even Astharoshe wouldn't hear. "The way you're going it's going to be hell working with her now! Hey! Are you even listening to me?"

As he said all this he was giving Astharoshe a goofy grin and offered her a hand to help her stand but she didn't take it. "What the hell are you muttering about, terran?"

"Oh nothing," Abel said then quietly added, "Cain get over here and say sorry! There's still hope for these people, you just need to give them a chance."

Muttering under his breath, Cain turned to the girl, "Sorry," he forced his voice to sound polite. "And stop being so rude to my brother. How you you feel if I started calling you a vampire?"

"How dare you slander the name of the mighty methuselah!"

"I stand by my point."

Astharoshe boiled with anger and glared at Cain. Abel groaned loudly and shook his head as the young methuselah threw a punch at Cain, which he easily dodged. "Cain, when someone says, 'say sorry,' they don't mean, 'make that person hate you even more,'" Abel growled just as Astharoshe cursed Cain to hell and told Abel to shut up.

"I was simply stating a point. I didn't realize most youth acted like Leon." Cain spun around Astharoshe's fist before taking hold of her arm. With ease he pinned her to the wall, her arm still held in his hand and pinned to her back. "Calm down, child, before you get hurt. You're still unawakened and I rather not have Seth behead for harming you."

Astharoshe spat into his face before saying; "Seth? The empress? How does a lowly terran like you know her? And you had better learn how to address the empress better! Only Lady Lilith and close friends call her by name."

"I'm a priest with the vatican here as her Eminence, Lady Caterina Duchess of Milan's personal guard." Cain was trying very hard to keep his voice even. "When I met the empress she told all of us to address her as Seth. I am sorry if I've offended you."

"Why aren't you with Lady Caterina then? Are you spying on the empire?"

"No, just taking a look around," Abel answered. "As for why we aren't with Caterina, it's because she and Seth are discussing a peace treaty."

"And it's better to be prepared," Cain sighed. "Look, I won't disrespect your kind in the interest of peace. I am asking you do the same." But his hopes weren't high.

"I guess I can respect that," Astharoshe growled back, but it still seemed like she didn't trust him.

Cain nodded to her before he geatured for Abel to follow him. Once they were out of ear shot, he stated, "I'm never doing this again. I would rather eat the dirt at this point."

"Then get ready to eat that dirt because Seth already set up a schedule for Astharoshe to show you around the city."

Cain's eye twitched. "I'm so dead tomorrow." They entered the palace. "I'm going to change, then I'm the next guard duty. If you want to join you're more than welcome."

"I'll come," Abel nodded and followed Cain down to get changed.


(The next day)

Abel got up and quickly changed into his priest robes. Today they would be 'introduced,' to Astharoshe. For his sanity and for Cain's currently dirt free stomach, Abel really hoped they wouldn't be going on another tour of the city. In truth the other day had been pure hell and he'd seriously debated on putting those methuselah in place. Abel shook his head, the past was the past. Now he needed to concern himself with how Astharoshe would react to the news.

Sighing, Abel opened the door to the hall and made his way into the meeting room they had gathered in the day before. Sure enough everyone was there... including Astharoshe.

Abel did a double take and his eyes swept the room for one person in particular. His brother. Cain wasn't there.

The door opened and Seth glared at the person who entered. "You're late and here I thought the ambassador for the terrans would be on time."

Cain stepped fully into the room, his armor clanking. His visible eye swept over the room and came to rest on Astharoshe.

"What the hell? You're the terran ambassador!" Asthe stared at him.

Cain looked at her, his expression almost bored, but Abel noted the flicker of anger in the red rimming his eye. "I thought we agreed not to call humans terrans yesterday, Duchess." To Caterina he gave a slight bow as he said, "Forgive my lateness."

"Always, Cain."

"Well, you're not forgiven on my end," Seth buffed out her cheeks and folded her arms across her chest. "Whatever happened to the brother who was always on time and always the one trying to stop General Hall from cutting off our heads?"

"Hall died." Cain moved to stand behind Caterina.

"There's a chair for you, idiot," Seth pointed at the chair next to Astharoshe.

"I'd rather stand."

"Empress, I'm sorry for my rudeness, but did you just call him brother?" Astharoshe asked, apparently having caught Seth's slip.

Abel shook his head at Seth telling her to say no but his sister took no notice and studied Astharoshe. It's be hell for Cain if she said yes. It'd also be hell for him but at least Abel would be leaving soon... hopefully.

"Well-" A look for both Lilith and Cain cut Seth off. "Well, no, I just get confused with Vatican ranks sometimes. I take you're not a brother then?"

"It's Father Cain Nightroad. I don't follow the inquisition like a lost puppy. I prefer the AX."

"AX? You're a member of the elite terrans? Well, you I understand, but him," Astharoshe pointed at Abel.

"Me?" Abel raised an eyebrow. "What about me don't you get? I'm his brother." He pointed to Cain.

"Trust me, you don't want to see him angry," Cain stated. "Or hyped up on sugar."

"Back onto the matter at hand," Caterina called them back. "I believe you had something planned for the two ambassadors."

Before Seth could speak, Cain said, "No glorified tours."

"The tour is supposed to help you get to know the terrans better. It'll give you an idea of what we should do to better their lives," Seth stated. "Though I guess as this is your first meeting you two should do something you both don't mind. I suggest a lunch in, or if Astharoshe doesn't mind she can show you around her estate. You'll most likely be working there when you come here to visit."

"For one, you could tell the... methuselah to stop treating humans like dirt," Cain stated. "That would make their lives way better. Humans aren't toys or just there for your... 'children' to feast on when they please."

Seth nodded, "I'll see to it then. See that wasn't so hard was it? You're already making a difference." She wrote a small note on the binder she was caring before looking back at Astharoshe. "So what do you think of letting Cain visit your estate?" she asked again.

"I'm fine with it," Astharoshe said and turned to Cain. "I take it you want to visit today?"

Cain sighed. "Sure, just give me a second to speak with Father Havel."

Abel watched Cain take Havel to a corner. Despite the fact they were out of hearing of Seth, Lilith, the humans and Methuselah in the room he could hear what they were saying.

"You know what to do in case the vampires turn on us, right?" Cain asked.

"Yes, got all your notes read through last night. I'll make certain her eminence is safe."

"Thank you, my friend," Cain placed his hand on Havel's shoulder before he turned and headed back to their group. "All right, I'm ready."

Abel slumped into the wall, did his brother really not trust them that much? He just hoped nothing happened to cause Havel to activate this plan of theirs.

"You coming terran?" Astharoshe asked, looking pointedly at Abel.

"Why not?" Abel smirked and followed after Cain. Astharoshe didn't need to invite him to her estate, but she did. Perhaps there was hope for them yet.

Cain didn't look too happy as they moved through the streets. His good eye tracked every move Astharoshe made.

Astharoshe also seemed uncomfortable and kept checking behind her at the two brothers, rolling her eyes each time. It seemed like only one remotely comfortable was Abel.

"Relax brother," Abel whispered. "She's not going to attack us now that she knows we really are working for the Vatican. I'm sure even Asthe want's peace."

Cain just gave Abel a calculated look. It was as if he was saying "I don't care what she wants, I refuse to trust her."

"Well see," Cain muttered under his breath.

Within minutes the three of them arrived at Astharoshe's estate and it was huge! Her back yard was like a stinking forest! Even her pet cat was exceptionally big- a tiger. The empires palace was big, but this seemed bigger though it probably wasn't. Abel guessed that must have been because everything was spread out so it didn't seem to cramped like the palace did.

On entering the estate Astharoshe was greeted by an elderly servant and told the man to prepare the table for two added guests. The man bowed and scurried away, leaving Astharoshe with Abel and Cain.

"I guess we can go to my planning room. That'll most likely be where we discuss our plans in the future... I've also prepared a guest room for you during your stays in the future," Asthe stated uncomfortably to Cain and strode down the hall.

"Thank you." Cain seemed to be unimpressed with space. Though, now Abel looked, he looked more disgusted with it than anything else. "Nice manor you have here."

"Thank you," Astharoshe said curtly. She came to a stop and opened a door to the right. "This'll be your room," she passed Cain the keys to it and stepped to the side.

"Thanks," Cain stated before looking into the room.

It wasn't anything grand like the rooms in the palace but it would do. If anything it was at least better than the rooms in the vatican.

Astharoshe nodded and continued with her tour around the estate. She showed them the servants quarters on the first floor, the luxurious kitchen that took up nearly half of the second floor and even showed them where her tiger slept. "And this door leads into the gardens," Astharoshe said, opening a large door and swinging it open. She allowed the twins to take a look before proceeding. "And this is the dinning table where we'll be eating tonight. Is the food ready?" she asked one of the servants.

The table stretched out and took up nearly the entire room. It must have been able to sit at least fifty people. "So do you think you'll be able to work with her?" Abel asked quietly, taking a seat across from Cain.

Cain grunted. "It depends on how much pain I'm in that day." Without further explanation Cain followed Astharoshe into the dinning room.

Abel snorted, Cain could be such a pain at times. Did he mean pain as in irritated or pain as in his eye and scars hurt? Really his brother just didn't make sense. At least he was better than 01 though; a shiver raced up Abel's spine at the thought of the Cain from his time.

One by one, servants filed into the room holding trays and placed them on the dinning table. Astharoshe sat at the head of the table with Abel and Cain on either side of her, sitting across from each other. The food ranged from salads to fish and chicken to buffalo ribs. It was very different compared to the church's normal menu which only consisted of fish and salads, meat usually wasn't served in the church, though the priests were allowed to eat it outside of the church.

Cain's hand was balled into a fist, rumpling the cloth on the table. His visible eye was locked on the servants as they returned with the dishes pilled high with food. When they stepped back, Cain voiced what was on his mind, "Are your... servants paid or they really just slaves?"

Astharoshe snorted. "What do you think?"

"Cain are you trying to start a fight?" Abel hissed.

The servant from earlier seemed to notice the troubled look Abel shot at his brother and quickly dissipated the tension before Cain could have given his answer, which would have surely ended very badly. "We're awarded with pay and a home to live in," the man answered.

Cain released the table cloth. "Sorry about that," he whispered, staring at that food before them.

Abel nodded to Cain before looking back at Astharoshe's servant. "So how long have you been working here?" Abel asked making small talk as he cut into the meat he had served himself. Besides him Astharoshe was giving him disapproving looks but he could care less.

"Since as long as I can remember," the man answered. "My parents were the head servants to the Asran family so I've been living here from the day I was born. When my lady was born I took care and raised her when her parents were on missions for the empire."

"Excuse me for a bit," Cain said. Standing, he gave a slight bow to Astharoshe before heading for the door.


Cain stopped just outside the room before he collapsed against the wall. The pain had increased since yesterday. It wasn't only this, but restraining himself around so many methuselah was taking its toll on him. The thirst was as intense as the searing pain of his scars.

"You're a fool, Seth," Cain panted. "You're a fool."

Inside the room, Cain could hear Astharoshe muttering about how hard it would be working with him. Abel was frantically trying to start up a conversation to ease the tension in the room. Cain had a feeling his brother would be coming to get him anytime soon.

Cain moved down the hall and soon arrived at the room Astharoshe was letting him use. He slipped into the room and sank down on the overly soft bed. He was about to pull out a jar of numbing cream William had given him when a knock came at the door.

"Hey, you all right?" Abel's voice floated in to Cain.

"Fine, go back to the dinning room. I'll be returning shortly."

There was a pause before Abel replied, "I'm coming in, we need tp talk."

"No, we don't." The door opened and Cain heard Abel step in. "I told you I would only be a few." The door snapped shut. Cain stood and turned. It wasn't Abel before him, well not the Abel from the other reality. "02," Cain growled, "what are you doing here?"

"Come now, do I really need an excuse to visit my dear brother?" 02 asked, leaning against the door. "You look thirsty. How long ago did you sate your thirst?"

"That doesn't concern you." Cain placed his hand on the hilt of his sword. "Where's the other 01?"

"Oh, around."


"Stop, what?" 02 asked. "I wonder if my other self will be able to see through 01's act. He's always been far better at acting than I, and I've told him everything about you. So, you see, you won't be missed."


Damn his brother! Abel kicked open the door to the room Seth had given him. After Cain had left Abel had searched for him but couldn't find him, though looking back on it now he should have looked at the room Astharoshe gave Cain. Abel plopped himself down on the chair unceremoniously, his head rested on his hand. If his brother didn't get on good terms with the duchess he'd never hear the end of it from Abel. It was almost as if he didn't care about the peace treaty! Of course he knew that wasn't true, but it sure as hell felt like it. Every chance Cain got he'd make a smart retort to the duchess. Not exactly the best start to a supposedly friendly relationship.

A knock came from the door. "Can I come in?" it was Cain. Speak of the devil.

"You got two hands, use it," Abel replied sarcastically. The door creaked open revealing Cain. For a second Abel thought he saw a sadistic smile on his face, but he passed it off as a trick of the lights. "I hope you excused yourself from Asthe's estate instead of just leaving." Surely even Cain could say 'good bye' to a methuselah.

"Hmm?" Cain stepped into the room. "I'm not that rude, you know? Of course I excused myself." There was something off about the priest robes Cain wore. For one they weren't the ones he'd been wearing at Astharoshe's estate and for another they didn't look fully like priest robes. Then there was the fact his hair was slightly shorter than Cain's.

Oh crud! Abel's eyes narrowed on the intruder- 01. "What the hell are you doing here?" Abel barked, reaching for his gun. He had to warn the others somehow.

"Wha-?! No fare, you're not supposed to know it's me," 01 pouted. He backed towards the door. "Hehee, I want you to come with me. 02 already has his 01 pinned down. So if you want him to remain somewhat sane..."

"Don't you dare touch him!" Abel snarled and charged at 01. His gun now forgotten as he extended his claws and swiped. 01 jumped to the side, shot one last grin at Abel and bolted down the hall. Growling Abel entered haste, but 01 was faster. The traitor rounded a corner. Great, that led to a dead end! His victory was short lived however when 01 blasted a hole through the wall. It crumbled without much protest and 01 leapt into the air, activating the crusnik. "Crusnik 02 power output to eighty percent, activate."

Black wings burst out from under Abel's cassock and fangs grew over his lips. Silver hair flew up around his head in a crown.

"02!" Someone yelled behind him but it turned to shock, "Abel?" it was Havel. Without so much as a glance at the man Abel flew after 01.

01 shouted in shock and spread his white wings. He burst threw the ceiling, shouting, "Bad, bad!" As he flew in the direction of Astharoshe's estate. As they neared, flashes of blue and red caught Abel's eye. Below he saw Cain retreating while 02 advanced.

Despite being on the defensive, 01 left no openings for Abel to attack. He was well guarded on all sides. Abel was no fool, he knew what would happen if he just attacked the man blindly. His best choice for now was to attack from afar.

Halting in mid air Abel sent a blast of blue at 01, it missed but Abel easily followed up with another lightning bolt. This time instead of dodging, 01 cut straight through it using his screamer.

A blur of white caught his eye. The next moment 01 was forced to dodge a red bolt of energy. It was Cain. He hand hold of Astharoshe. "Abel, head for ground. With the duchess we're sitting ducks up here." Astharoshe looked to be unconscious.

"But what about the citizens?" No one was running about the streets at this time, but Abel still didn't like the idea of having a fight amongst the methuselah. Despite all this though, Abel started to descend but refused to actually set a foot on land. He shot another bolt at 01 and 02. The two cackled at him evilly.

02 clucked his tongue, "thats not going to make much of a difference." As if to make his point he flung his scythe at the nearest building. The blade easily cut through the cement and disappeared into the house. Muffled screams could be heard and a second later the scythe cut through the other end of the building. 02 smirked at Abel's look of horror and with a flick of his hand the scythe flew back to him. "You're to soft."

A shout from Cain tore Abel from his horror. Three of his brother's wings were shredded as his brother tired to guard Astharoshe. Cain crashed into Astharoshe's estate.

"And you're not playing right," 01 pouted. "Who protects an unawakened prey? They don't ever taste good."

"Is that all you care about?" Abel snarled, slowly moving to the place Cain had just crashed.

"That's all these swine are good for," 01 said as he licked his lips.

02 intersected Abel's course and was now above the Cain. His wings folded as he dropped through the roof. Abel darted forward, only to be intercepted by 01.

"Swine?" Abel just heard Cain's weak voice. "Swine!" A blast of red energy sent 02 spinning from the mention. "They aren't swine. It's only your narrowed mind that sees them as such 01!"

Taking the opening, Abel thrust his scythe down. The blade was slowed by 01's hand but it was strong enough to cut off his fingers. 01 screamed in pained anger and sent a blast of energy at Abel who spread his wings to prevent him from hurling backwards.

"Are you okay?" Abel called, risking a glance down at Cain.

"Fine," Cain growled. Dark blood wrapped around his injured wings.

02 howled in pain. Blood flew from his back as he moved downward.

"About time you got here, Havel." Cain smiled.

As he said this, Havel appeared in the sky. His white glove stained black.

"It's been awhile since I've fought besides Havel," Abel mused.

01 shouted in rage as 02 crashed and created a crater below him. The fallen crusnik locked eyes with Havel, his killing intent was clear on his face. "Damned terran," he hissed.

Havel landed beside Cain. "I'll protect the girl. Return to the battle."

A flash of silver shot through the air. 01 shrieked as blood sprayed. Turning, his red eyes wild, he snarled.

"Hey, ugly, down here!" Leon raced around on the ground and caught his ring. He gave a wolfish grin at Abel and Cain.

"Leon cover for Cain!" Abel called to the human as he zipped through the air. 01 was to distracted with his severed arm to even notice Abel coming up behind him. Raising both fists over his head Abel pounded 01 in the back, sending him hurling to land. However before he got there Abel caught him by the hair and kicked him in the gut causing 01 to cough up blood.

Red eyes locked on red and 01 gave Abel a bloody smile. "You'll regret that 02," he cackled, slashing at Abel with his claws forcing Abel to release his hair.

"What's your business here?"

01 laughed. "That for us to know and you to never know!"

Cain leapt into the air. The lance was held tightly in his hand. "Leave now, before Seth and Lilith join the fight. You two don't want to be defeated the girls again, do you?"

"What the hell?" Abel muttered. 01 made no sense to him. Who was to stop him from forcing the info out of him or 02? It bugged Abel that they didn't know what this crazy duo had planned.

02 looked menacingly at Cain. "Now when were we ever defeated by those two? If I remember correctly it was a tactical retreat. Isn't that right 01?"

"Yep, so right!" 01 said happily.

"Whatever you call it, you still ended up losing that fight." As Cain spoke the feathers of his wings floated towards the ground. The wings turned jagged connecting at the pointed end to the pointed top of each wing. his hair turned white and so did his skin. Strange, glowing red marking appeared on his skin.

02 laughed darkly at this. "So you plan on being serious this time, Cain." His feather molted and soon the angle was replaced by a demon. "Let's play," his voice echoed in their minds.

Abel glowered a bit realizing that he couldn't be the one to fight 02- not that his main fight had been with him. He didn't stand a chance against him, being able to only activate the crusnik to eighty percent. Cain on the other hand had a better chance at defeating Abel's other self so that left him with 01. Then again 01 could also activate to a hundred percent. So where did that leave Abel?

"Yoohoo! 02-Abel!" 01 corrected himself as he flew straight at Abel. "Sneak attack!"

What the hell? If the man had been trying to be sneaky then why would he make his presence known? Abel's eyes widened when he heard the air fizzing behind him, without a second to spare he quickly flew to the side just as a spark of blue shot past him. However he was forced to move yet again when 01 sent another spark at him. Abel dodged and brought up his scythe to blocks 01's follow up. Another stray shot of electricity just barely missed him coming from 02.

If they wanted to play it this way then so could he! Abel lashed out with his scythe, on cue 01 dodged and Abel immediately sent a bolt right at 02.

Cain flew towards 02 but sent a bolt of red energy towards 01. He twisted only just dodging a bolt from 01. "This really sucks," he muttered under his breath.

"If it sucks so much then why don't you give up?" 02 suggested as their weapons clashed.

"As if!" Abel growled. He pushed 01 away and was now back to back with Cain. "So any plans?" Abel asked quietly, sensing that Havel was also next to them but invisible.

"Don't die," Havel stated.

"Havel, head around 02 and attack them from behind. Abel, you and I will attack head on and try to distract them from Havel."

Cain was the first to make a move. He lashed out with his weapon, Abel only one step behind of him. A smirk grew on Abel's face when he noticed they had unconsciously started going through tactic C. It was a two man attack they had often used when Seth or Lilith were injured during their training back in the UN. It was supposed to be for a sword and gun but since they no longer used those weapons Abel simply made up for it by mixing in his lightning bolts each time he attacked.

Cain charged in. Abel was careful not to strike his brother as Cain used the lance in place of a sword. An inhuman cry tore from Cain's lips as he drove the lance through a distracted 01's chest. The next moment red energy surged from the lance tip into 01's body. 01 cried out before going limp.

An evil smirk graced 02's lips and Abel instantly dropped his, not wanting to look like him. It almost seemed as if 02 were praising Cain, he didn't even seem bothered that Cain had just taken out his only partner. "Come now, why not just join me?" he asked as a spark of blue grew at the tip of his scythe.

"Like hell," Cain snarled.

02 shrieked as a hand suddenly appeared, thrust through his chest. It was Havel. Before Abel could react, Cain charged again, tackling 02 just as Havel removed his hand.

Abel couldn't help but flinch as 02's head was blasted into nothing but brains, guts, and blood. He was vividly reminded of 01 holding up Lilith's head but this time he saw a body, his body. Abel slowly followed the stream of blood that came from 02's headless body. It crashed into Astharoshe's estate next to 01.

The crusnik was already regenerating the missing body part at rapid speeds, even as Cain tried stunting it by sending one bolt of lighting after another. 01 was still unconscious, a large piece of debris impaled in his chest.

"We need a containment device," Abel growled out, shaking himself from his slight shock. It'd be a good idea to capture 02 and 01 before they could cause anymore damage.

"Havel, get back to palace and tell Lilith and Seth what we need."

"On it." Havel vanished from sight.

Abel watched the man disappear as he pulled out the pipe that had stuck itself right into 01's rib cage. The sorry excuse for a brother gasped in pain and his eyes glazed over before he curled into himself. Abel grabbed him by the collar and dragged him over to Cain.

"I'm not sure I should feel sorry for them or just disgusted by them," Cain stated, staring at 01.

"I'd say disgusted," Abel stated. After all they had done he couldn't bring himself to feel sorry for 02 or 01. He could however feel sorry for the person they had stolen their bodies from.

A little over an hour later Seth and Lilith had arrived and bound the two crusniks in chains so strong the two of them would end up with broken wrists instead of broken chains. However, they were now stuck in Asthe's estate.

Cain sighed and rubbed his eyes. "I think we should've found a better place than here, Seth."

"Humph, upset with my choice, brother."

"Stop calling me that!" Cain snapped with a glance at the unconscious child.

"Why? You're my brother and it's only you who doesn't want Asthe to know."

"Asthe?" Cain asked. "The young duchess?"

"Yeah, like it?" Seth grinned at them.

"Whatever," Cain sighed again.

"Don't I get a say in it?" Abel asked.

"Nope!" Seth stated.

Abel rolled his eyes, "well for what it's worth I also care if Asthe knows. You can tell her after I'm gone. I don't want to put up with the trouble."

"To b-"

"So when are we leaving anyway?" Abel asked, changing the topic.

Movement from Asthe's directions stopped everyone in the room. "What-" Asthe stared at Seth before noticing there were now two Abels and Cains in the room.

"Well, brothers, it seems the cat's out of the bag," Seth stated.

"I'm not a brother," Cain looked as if he wanted to snarl.

"No, you're just my older brother, who's a complete jerk."

"I'm a jerk?" Cain snorted. "I'm not arguing with you."

"So you admit you're a jerk?"

"I never said that!" Cain snapped. "I'm just not going to act like a three year old and start exchanging names with you."

Abel couldn't help but snort at his brother. He fell right into that one. Abel followed Asthe's gaze as she looked from 02 to him then from 01 to Cain. Her brows knotted in confusion and then she seemed completely dumbfounded as Seth called Cain 'brother' once more for good measure.

"Do I look like a three year old to you, brother? I mean really? The only toddler hear is... well the humans and Asthe. Compared to us at least. Right Abel?"

"Ah, keep me out of this."

"Aw come on brother!"

"What's going on here?" Asthe finally managed to say, cutting off Seth's batting eyelashes.

"Well..." Abel looked at Cain for help.

"Women are crazy that's what!" Cain growled. "Even after nine centuries I still don't get women."

"You were with a woman for nine centuries? Oh, wait, you said 'women,' is there something you're not telling us?" Seth had an evil glint in her eye.

"You just turned a normal conversation wrong." Cain shook his head. "I'm a priest. What do you think I've done the past twenty-three years?"

"Slept around? It's what most men do."

"Most 'men' aren't over nine centuries old!" Cain didn't seem to realize Asthe was awake. "Or spent eight of centuries in-"

"Cain," Lilith spoke in a gentle voice. "Perhaps you should try getting along for just two seconds with Seth."

"One. Two. Three... Congrats! You passed the two second test! Now lets try a whole day!" Seth grinned.

"Wait you're over nine hundred?"


"So Cain, how bout we plan a sibling day out, but without Abel?"

"You're siblings? You, Cain? What?" Asthe asked, pointing from Seth then Abel then Cain.

"Ah, you should ask Cain..."

"What the bloody hell is going on here?" Asthe screeched finally getting Cain's and Seth's attention.

Cain sighed. "Nothing important." He looked at 01 and 02. "What should we do with 02 and 01?"

"We need to get 01 back to his reality same with Abel," Lilith said, seeming happy with the change in subject. "But 02... does anyone know what happened to 02's container?"

"He destroyed it," Cain stated.

"You're fault," Seth put in.

"How is it my fault?"

"Everything's your fault."

"Great, I'm leaving." Cain moved towards the door.

"Seth, are you related to that terran?" Asthe asked a bit rudely. It seemed like her manners had left with Cain.

"Yep, and that dope too," said person jabbed her thumb at Abel.

"So now you got a jerk brother and a dope brother? Nice one Seth," Abel rolled his eyes as he neared 01 and 02. Both were still unconscious, but that wouldn't last for long. Their wounds had already healed and whatever severed limb or head they had, had grown back. The only way he could tell that 02's head had been blasted to bits was that his face was now pink with the new skin. To get back his normal color would take a while longer. "Did you bring any sedatives?"

"Of course," Seth said with a frown. "I'm not taking any risks with those two. It's bad enough there are now six of our kind here without releasing those two."

The door opened.

Abel snatched the tranquilizers out of Seth's hand and quickly dosed the enemy crusniks. Good thing too since 01 was already beginning to wake up. "Well that's a first," Abel grinned looking at Cain.

Out of the corner of his eye Abel saw Cain leave the room.

"Hey old chap," Abel heard William say and a second later Cain walked back into the room with William.

Seth burst out laughing. "So much for the grand exit! Next time try flying out and not walking."

Cain grumbled and walked over to a corner as from Seth and Lilith as he could get. He muttered a few words of prayer as if hoping this would help calm him down. "What's the plan with those two? We can't just leave them here in... Asthe's estate."

"Plus, it's strange looking at a you from another reality," Lilith muttered with a shiver.

"Well, you've been looking at him," Cain jabbed his thumb at Abel. "He's from a different reality."

"He's different since we haven't seen 02 in a while. Plus an insane you is just weird," Seth said.

"Seth, don't you think you've teased him enough?" Abel questioned.

"Oh does Abel also want to be teased?" Seth grinned.

Abel rolled his eyes. "Whatever. But anyway Cain's right. What are we going to do with them? I know I'm taking 01 with me but how am I supposed to keep him contained? And don't forget you also have your hands full with 02..."

"You're from another dimension?" Asthe asked but was ignored.

"The chains should be fine for now."

"Lady Caterina's gonna kill me if I bring 01 to the vatican in chains!"

"Her eminence didn't hit me as the type of person to kill someone," Seth stated.

"She might not but her brother would. Or Francesco will misjudge him as a regular methuselah, thus allowing him to escape."

"Is he that stupid?" Seth questioned.

"They're not that scary... wait which of her brothers are you talking about? Not that either are bad or anything." Cain looked at Abel with confusion in his visible eye.

"Francesco. Who do you think I'm talking about? Alessandro?"

"Well, His Holiness might be different in your reality for all I know," Cain stated.

"Uh-huh," Abel said while shaking his head. "Did you finish the device, William?"

"Yes, I've got her right here."

"So you and 01 can head back to your reality now," Cain turned to Abel and held out his hand. "We'll miss having you here, not him though," he jabbed his thumb at 01."

"You can keep him if you want," Abel joked, taking his brothers hand.

"I think we're good with 02." Cain smiled.

"Can't blame me for trying."

As if bringing the brothers back to the topic on hand William let out a puff of smoke. "We'll need to vacate the room. Once we do just press this button. I'm not completely sure when you'll end up though. It'll either be right when you left your time stream or the same day and time as today. Also where you'll be at may also vary."

"Just as long as I'm not in the empire, I'm fine with it," Abel muttered.

Cain, Asthe and Lilith were almost at the door when the sound of snapping chains filled the room. Before any of them could react, 01 had flung himself on Abel.

Abel fell on contact. Williams device skidded across the ground, out of reach. It slammed into the far wall, pressing the button. "Get out!" Abel yelled, but it was to late. His vision blurred into nothing but whiteness. He could vaguely feel 01's grip on him loosen, but at the moment he could care less. It'd be hell if the others were transported to his dimension along with him.

Epilogue: Entangled in Chaos

Abel woke up to the crisp night air whipping across his face. Looking around he noticed was back in square park. A sigh escaped his lips when he noticed Cain and the others didn't travel back to his dimension. But one thing that did bother him was that 01 was no where to be found. Well if Abel ended up here, then perhaps 01 had ended up where ever he was at when he had been transported to Cain's dimension.

Another sigh escaped him, but this one wasn't of relief. It was more of a 'my boss is gonna kill me' type of sigh. If she was even alive that was... Da mn it! Last time he saw Caterina she'd been bleeding to death!

Quickly entering haste, Abel tore down the streets of the city. To his relief none of the people were out as it was night, so he hadn't need to worry about being seen. Not that people would have caught him with the speeds he was going at but still...

Within minutes Abel was at the gates to the vatican. The guards as usual were dutifully guarding the only entrance into the vatican. That was of course excluding the sky. Abel picked up his speed and at the last minute jumped. Without even wasting a second glance Abel ran into the building that held Caterina's suite. He slowed into a jog as he neared her door.

"Halt, crusnik. Report; where have you been in the last 5659500 seconds."

Abel jumped and whipped around, kicking the person as he did so. He'd been so caught up in his thoughts he hadn't even noticed someone approaching him. "T-Tres?" Abel asked, finally noticing who it was he had just kicked. "What are you doing here?"

"Guarding," Tres answered simply. "Where have you been?" Tres asked again in his usual monotone.

"Doesn't matter! Is Caterina okay?"

"Doesn't matter isn't a response. Answer: where have you been?" Tres repeated, ignoring Abel's question.

"Does it matter?" Abel shot back with a question of his own. He didn't have time for this. Whipping around Abel reached for the door and at the same time Tres whipped out his gun. The door opened.

A/N: And we're done! Well, hope you all enjoyed this book. But fear not for there shall be a sequel! Stay tuned for 'Entangled in Chaos!'

Please review, it would really help flame and I when we are writing on our next chapter!

Notice: This story is written by Flame8009000 and Bluewings900.