Born Quarian Foreword

I have decided to replace the horrible First Chapter with something a little more on task. If you do not know already Born Quarian is going to mainly be about John'Shepard nar Rayya (eventually vas Normandy) and his adventures and struggles throughout the Mass Effect Universe. The reason I started writing was, not too long ago I saw my first fanfic, and I became interested at being able to form a whole story with a press of a button, or a key in this matter. It inspired me to go on and try my hand at writing and I met a couple of new friends along the way.

A few friends:

They have helped me out with my research as well as giving my ideas for chapters. I am open to any ideas. And I expect this list to grow before I am done with this story.

BLACKWOLF36(Now my partner)
Potnoodle11(he has given me multiple ideas throughout the story)

Both of them are very helpful in many ways, you can say they give me the laces for my shoe and I lace them up. If that makes any sense at all. I am expecting this to be quite a long story for it will be ME1-ME3 conversations will change, missions will change, lives in the story will change. I hope you find my story entertaining even if you are laughing at my stupidity or enjoying the story either one will be great. Without further a due we shall progress onto the Mass Effect Universe.