Wow. That last chapter had quite a vehement response.

Well, to those of you who are still here, here is the epilogue!

"I'm falling from favour and I'm falling from grace –

Falling out of trees and falling on my face –

Fallen out of taxis, out of windows too,

Fell in your opinion when I fell in love with you."

Lily smiled contently, letting her feet dangle into the clear water of the pool. She was the only one there for the moment; she could just relax for a bit.

Her eyes drifted to the other red-haired girl who was walking towards her. Ginny Weasley had arrived in the afterlife a few years after Harry had died, and refused to speak of the circumstances – Lily had of course guessed, but she had never asked.

She leant back, closing her eyes.

"Sometimes I wish for falling, wish for the release,

That is falling through the air, to give me some relief,

Because falling's not the problem, when I'm falling I'm in peace,

It's only when I hit the ground it causes all the grief."

She guessed everything had turned out for the best in the end.



"Spiked drinks?"


James glared playfully at the now-human dog animagus. "And you can think of better?"

"Explosions, lots of noise and flying pigs singing, 'God Rest Ye, Merry Hippogriffs'."

"It's not Christmas."

Sirius raised his eyebrows. "And?"

James snorted. "You scare me sometimes, you know that?"

"Glad to hear it. Come on, we've got work to do."

James laughed as he got up to follow his friend.

He supposed everything had turned out for the best in the end.


Harry turned as quick as a flash at the sound of the familiar voice. "Hermione!"

He was pulled into a hug from Hermione, someone who he had not seen in years – once he was released, he was pulled into a similar one by Ron.

After a few minutes of hugs, tears and obligatory 'how are you?'s, Harry gave them both a suspicious look.

"So how come you died at the same time?"

Hermione laughed. "We didn't! Ron's been waiting for me for about a year in the in-between place. We wanted to greet you together."

Harry gave a small smile. "And it's been okay? You forgive for staying here?"

"Well, Voldemort's gone, and we do. Does that answer your questions?"

Harry grabbed their arms. "I suppose everything has turned out for the best in the end."


There's so much stuff I wanted to say here, but I'm going to try and keep it as short as possible.

First, I have loads of plans for new multi-chapter fics, so I can't say what my next project is because I'm not sure. I will of course keep on writing random one-shots, and I'll start a new multi-chapter sometime soon. Please stick with me!

Second, a massive THANK YOU to everyone who has read, alerted, favourited, reviewed, liked it, didn't like it, and stuck with me until the end. You are all awesome.


~ beeabeeon49 ~