This is the first Chapter for my first story my other half. If you haven't read that one yet you should read it. Before you read this one or you will be confused. REVIEW! and Tell me what you think!

Chapter 1

We were out hunting when we found her. She is my little girl. I love her so much. She turns 3 next month, which means the whole vampire world will be here soon. My little girl began to cry I ran into her room, which is my old closet. I chose to have her closer to me so I know if something is wrong rather than have her down the hall. I picked her up out of her bed and started humming to her. When she was first brought to the castle we all had trouble adjusting to her presence. I was a new born so it was painful to be by her for too long. Eventually it got easier for me the pain isn't as bad but I can still feel it.

"Where's my daddy?" she asked. When we had found her in the forest alone we could tell that something horrible had just happened. She was soaked in water from the ocean. Jasper and my father think that whoever her father is tried to drowned her and when it didn't work he brought her to the forest to starve or be eaten. Cindy was scared of us, she was smart even for as young as she was. When she started talking she would tell us what would happen with her dolls. Her father left her in that forest. He couldn't take care of her. He felt like Cindy had killed her so he couldn't take care of her without thinking of her mother. Jasper and I have talked about what we should do about this with her. I just think it's too early. I looked down to her and realized she is still waiting for her answer.

"He isn't here right now, baby." I told her knowing she wasn't talking about Jasper. I have seen her thoughts he loves Jasper… maybe a little more than her real father but she hasn't confirmed that yet. She has a very mature mind for a 3 year old. "Uncle Peter will be home soon. Maybe the two of can play dress up." I told her. She smiled. Jasper and Peter decided to go on a hunting trip with Demetri. Which means they are also learning how to track Alice, Edward, and Victoria, We are all scared they will come back.

"Momma I hungy!" Cindy cried pulling on my hair to get my attention. I smiled at her.

"Well then, let's go get you something to eat." I ran her down to the kitchen which was now used more often; I still don't understand why it was built in the first place. I quickly cooked her hotdogs and put a bag of blood in a Sippy cups. She isn't on the animal blood diet and neither am I. I tried it but it felt so wrong. Jasper drinks from animals because of his power. It hurts him to be able to feel what they feel. God I miss him so much. I wish we never fought. If we wouldn't have then I would have him with me. I looked at Casey and she still had chocolate and dried ice cream all over her face from late last night. Jasper and I decided that when she gets older we will have her pick what she wants to be home- schooled or go to a private or public school drink animal blood or human blood. So she will have freedom and be happy with what she wants. She pushed her food to me showing me she was done eating. She doesn't talk much. She likes to show or point to what she wants. Which Jasper doesn't agree with, He wants me to encourage her to talk and ask for what she wants? I put her plate in the sink and picked her up and ran her to my room. I placed her on the floor to get her bath ready. I started hearing growling coming from where she was and I ran into the room to see her lying on top of Jasper, they were wrestling. I smiled at them and relaxed. I was excited for her to get an interest in boys, Jasper and Peter would go nuts.

"Alright little one it's time for your bath." I said grabbing her and began to undress her. I put her in the bath gave her some toys and left. I closed the door to give her some privacy to play. I walked over to the bed to lay down and start reading Miss Peregrine's home for peculiar children. Before I could start reading I can feel him climb on the bed and lay next to me.

"Bella are we going to talk about it? And why is she up so early shouldn't she be in bed still?" He asked.

"Why? Because she went to bed early so she is up early" said answering his questions. I could feel two arguments beginning.

"We have to talk about this Bella. We can't just ignore it." He growled.

"Lower your voice! She can hear you!" I told him. "Bella!" He shouted.

"Lower your voice Jasper!" I warned. We don't like Cindy hearing us fight. It wasn't something any kid should have to deal with.

"Look, we have to understand each other Bella. If we keep fighting we are going to eventually hurt each other plus Cindy." He told me. I looked at him.

"Hurt her? Really hurt her?" I said in disbelief.

"I didn't mean it like that. I meant emotionally. I can feel her emotions at night she is scared. When she is awake and with both of us she is happy. I don't want her to be scared anymore but if we keep arguing like this she will be. I get your nervous about everything that's going to happen but you can't just keep her in a box. The more you protect her and keep her in that box the more people are going to get curious." He told me. I sighed, he was right. I need to let her breathe. "So I was thinking.. about taking her to see Charlie.. And the pack." All of a sudden my father comes bursting in.

"Absolutely not! You're still a newborn and we have a ball in 2 weeks. You are trying to get out of this I know you! You want to see your father I get that but the dogs? He started rambling.

"He is my father; he has a right to know I am okay. They all do! Plus how did you find out? I thought my room was sound proof?" I asked.

"I don't think it's a good Idea. If something happens you would like with that for eternity. We have new guards with new powers. Please Bella I am begging you please be nice and do not hurt them." He told me.

"What's wrong with the old ones?" I asked. "If we get attacked at the ball or if something happens. There is a chance we will be outnumbered." He told me. I sighed and looked toward the bathroom to listen to Cindy. She was playing with her toys as happy as can be.

"Look Bella. I know you mean well by trying to protect her." Jasper Began to say.

"But you're not getting out of this. Jasper and everyone else need to be recognized as guards and royalty and so do you princess." I growled and looked up.

"Fine I get it! I am not going anywhere." My father looked at me and sighed. He was going to do the speech. He does it every time.

"Bella if something were to happen to me and your uncles. It would be up to you and Jasper and eventually young Cindy to take care our world and maintain everything we started. You will need to accept your responsibilities. I get your nervous but we all are. I promise we will make sure she is well protected. Right now we need to get ready for the ball." He told me. I looked up at him and nodded. It was the only thing I could do. I know there isn't anything I could say or do to change his mind.

"Mommy I all von!" Cindy called. I smiled at them and went to get her. I grabbed her towel and ran into the bathroom. I wrapped her in a towel and went to take out all the water.

"Baby why didn't you tell me the water was too cold?" I asked her. She looked at me and looked away.

"Daddy!" She squealed and reached out for him. I handed her to him. She was a daddy's girl. She loved both of her daddy's equally. The scary part is she could leave us for him at any moment in time.

So This Love that will never let go! REVIEW and tell me what you think! Because I will need to know what you think! I have a lot planned for this story! Make sure you REVIEW!