Chapter 11: Moving to her beat

"What do I do? AHHHH!" I ran around the dorm. "All the stores are closed today!" I kept screaming which woke the girls up.
"Musa? Do you know what time it is?" groaned Stella.
"Stella! Help me!" I dragged Stella to my room.

I threw all my clothes to her and the other girls were peeking in my room, Tecna was tossing and turning and she was using her pillow to cover her ears. Stella charged in and grabbed my shoulder then turned me to face her.

"What are you doing?" asked Stella.
"Help me find a good dress for tonight!" I threw more clothes at her.
"Musa! Calm down!" laughed Stella.
"But the party, the clothes store, Riven! I'm freaking out here!" I took out the clothes in my drawers.

I looked at the girls and they were laughing at me, Tecna got up and pulled me over to the common room.

"Musa, breath" Tecna inhaled and exhaled.
"But I need a dress for tonight." I pouted.
"You couldn't wait till we get ready?" Tecna rubbed her eyes.
"Why would I do that?" I asked and crossed my arms.
"BECAUSE..." yelled Stella, she threw a bag at me smiled.
"What is this?" I asked.
"Look." said Bloom.

All the girls were smiling at me, I placed my hand inside the bag but I never took my eyes of the girls. I felt something silky, I took it out and I felt my heart bounce. It was the midnight blue dress that Stella wanted me to wear; I looked at the girls again and jumped on them for a hug.

"We know!" Layla laughed.
"I told you you'll need it!" chuckled Stella.
"But.. How?" I asked.
"Riven told us everything, so we made sure you'd have something to wear." said Bloom.
"And Helia explained everything to me a bit late so I wasn't aware right away." Flora blushed.
"Aww, I love you girls!" I hugged everyone.
"Can I get some sleep now? It's just 9am; the Ball won't start till 5pm." Tecna yawned.
"Catching on some beauty sleep, ey Tecna?" said Stella.
"No! I... I'm just tired." Tecna blushed a bit and stormed back into the room.

We all laughed and went back to our rooms.


The girls and I were running around the room, we were all frustrated since we were getting ready at the same time.

"Bloom! I need to use the bathroom now!" Stella yelled.
"I'm not yet done Princess! Better finish something else!" Bloom yelled back.

At the common room.

"Layla, I need the blow dryer now!" Tecna was combing her hair.
"I'm sorry Tec but I'm not yet done, put some make up on for now." said Layla.

At my room.

"Flora! Please help me!" I was running around my room again.
"Wait a minute sweetie; I just need to finish this." Flora was placing some flowers on her hair which matched her beautiful dress.

After an hour we were all half done, but everything was still a mess. I had to fix my hair, Bloom had to put on her dress, Stella needed to put on makeup, Layla wasn't done putting on accessories, Tecna was blow drying her hair, and Flora was fixing the whole dorm.

"Stella! Can you fix my hair? I'm losing my mind!" I shouted.
"Ok! Go to my room and I'll be there in 10 minutes!" Stella yelled.

I ran to her room and heard all the girls complaining.

"Flora, I'll take care of the common room. You can go and clean up your room, we'll fix things faster if we both do it." Layla was running around with a huge plastic bag.
"Thanks Layla!" exclaimed Flora.
"Tecna! Here's that butterfly clip you were looking for!" I heard Bloom yelling.
"Thank you Bloom!" I saw Tecna running to the other side of the room.

Stella barged in the room with curlers and clips in her hands; I had this strange feeling of joy and fear.

"Ready?" Stella glared.
"I think so" I chuckled.

-Red Fountain-


It was 5pm, the guys and I went downstairs. We weren't allowed to see the girls until they get to the ball, so that disappointed us a lot.

"Nervous?" Nabu patted my back.
"A little bit, you?" I asked.
"A lot" Nabu chuckled.

The guys and I took our seats to wait for the girls; all of us were staring at the table. The Red Fountain Grand Ball is one of the most important events; this is like an exam for us. Our skills were tested in every way. Creativity, intelect, application, and our fighting skills. It's like an all out exam. We needed to ask the girls out with a bang to apply what we learned, but for I just saw this as an opportunity to make Musa happy.

"Look!" Brandon pointed to the door.

We saw Miss Ferogonda enter the hall; we all stared at the door expecting our girls to come out. But no one came, there were some fairies but the Winx were nowhere to be found. The guys and I stood up and went straight to the door; we got a bit worried but kept guard up.

"Where do you think they are?" asked Sky.
"Maybe running late?" said Timmy.

Heels were echoing through the halls and we all looked, there we saw 6 beautiful fairies running towards us. We all opened our arms for a hug, the girls gladly accepted.

"Hey pixie" I looked at Musa.
"Hey" she answered back.
"You look... Gorgeous!" I was completely hypnotized by her.
"Thanks, you look great" Musa shyly said.
"My beautiful Muse." I lifted her chin up and kissed her sweet lips. The way she looked tonight just took my breath away, her dress was a perfect fit. The dark blue dress made her pale skin glow, her face looked so soft. Her eyes made my heart melt, and her hair had this sweet scent that made me nuzzle her neck.
"Riven" Musa giggled.

I couldn't help myself, I felt so happy being with her again.

"Sorry" I chuckled. "You just make me so happy."

Musa blushed and grabbed my arm; she tightly held it and looked down. I smiled knowing I made her heart race.

"Hey Musa." I whispered in her.
"What" she whispered but she didn't make eye contact.
"I love you." I kissed her ear.
"R-riven.. I..." Musa's whole body froze and I saw her pale skin turn bright red. "I love.. Love you too!" she looked at me smiling.

I laughed at her and she pouted at me, I saw the others going to their seat.

"C'mon Princess." I carried Musa.
"Riven!" she laughed a bit.

I placed her down on her seat and gave her a grin; she looked at me and winked.


Everyone went to the dance floor except for Riven and me, he couldn't dance so what was the point in it? I was just reall happy being with him.

"You ok?" Riven asked as he placed his hands on mine.
"Yeah, just thinking" I answered.
"About what?" he asked again.
"Us" I smiled.
"Do tell." Riven placed his hand on his chin and turned his seat to face me.
"No way." I giggled.

Riven was about to say something when the music beat slowed down, we saw everyone in the dance floor all cuddled with their partners. Riven looked at me and grinned.

"What?" I asked.
Riven stood up and bowed "Would you care to dance Princess?"
"Dance?" I chuckled "But you don't know how to dance."
"For you Musa, I'll do anything" Riven took my hand and led me to the dance floor.

He placed his hands on my waist and I locked my hands around his neck, we were so close to each other it made me want to scream. I looked into Riven's purple eyes, it made me smile and laugh a bit. Riven raised his eyebrow and smiled knowing what my laughter meant, he pulled me closer to his body and I felt his heat. My knees started to melt and I hugged Riven more, he noticed it and lifted me up a bit.

"Riven!" I laughed "Put me down!"

Riven laughed and placed me down, he then took me away from the dance floor. We both ran through the hallways of Red Fountain and went through a door.

"What is this?" I asked.
"It's a surprise." he teased.

Riven opened another door and there I saw a gazebo, we were clearly not in Red Fountain anymore. I looked at him and crossed my arms.

"Ta-da." said Riven.
"Where are we?" I chuckled.
"This is just an illusion; it's like the chamber thing in Alfea." Riven took my hand again and ran to the gazebo.
"What now?" I asked.
"I just want some alone time with you." Riven sat down.

I followed him and laid my head on his chest, I felt his hand touch my cheek.

"I love you Musa, never forget that." whispered Riven.

I smiled and cuddled onto him, my heart was beating really fast and my cheeks were bright red. But that just made me happier, I had Riven back.