Written for Malorie's Peak Prompt at fiefgoldenlake . proboards . com
Disclaimer: The world and characters of Tortall belong to Tamora Pierce, not to me. You can reasonably assume that about any of my stories, for future information.

Feel free to review! I love them.

Prompt: #65, Cheaters Never Prosper

Edging closer to the desk in the corner, he leaned forward, straining to see the slip of paper- and there-


He jumped and banged his head on the rim of the table. Rubbing his aching scalp, Neal turned to glare at his fiancé.

Yuki hastily unsnapped her fan to hide a smile. "That's cheating," she said, snatching the diagram from his fingers. "You told me you learned this dance in page training!"

"I did," he huffed. "I just forgot some steps. It's complicated!"

Her eyes crinkled. "Now you have to start over."

Neal groaned at Yuki's no-nonsense stare. He started the steps, but she stopped him.

"Here," she said, handing him her hot pink fan, "Try it with this."

He gaped at her. "You're not serious? This is-"

"Yes, Neal?"

"Nothing," he said with a sigh. He should have known better than to try to cheat with Yuki around.