So This Is Another Fic I'm Working On. It's On George. (p.s. I'm gonna be writing a fic on each beatle).

Ummmm. I'm Going To Be Writing The Summary On Each Chapter, Because It's A Bit Too Long To Put In The Description. I Really Hope You Guys Like This Story.

WARNING: This Story Will Eventually Get A Little "Hot And Heavy". But If You Guys Don't Like That Type Of Stuff, Send Me A Message And I'll Post The Fluff-Filled Version Here. For Those Who Do I'll Share The Link To The "Hot And Heavy" Version That's On My McLennon Blog.

Umm, That's All I Got To Say, So Here Is The First Chapter Of "The Tour That Led To Love, Lies, And Lessons Learned" . . . . . . . . .

Summary: Sarah Collins Had A Feeling That She'd Meet George Harrison After The Awful Fight That Ruined Their Friendship. Now, Four Years Later, Will She Be Able To Handle Being Around Him, The Other Beatles & Beatlemania After She Gets Assigned To Photograph Them All Through Their First American Tour And Possibly Later On?

Me and George had always been friends. Since we first met when he was 14 and me 13.

Sure we've been in fights like normal friends do.

But this one fight is the one that ended our friendship . . . . . . . For now.

I can't exactly remember what the fight was about, because well, I'd moved on with my life, and had forgotten about him all together. That is, until my boss put me on assignment to tour with and tour with The Beatles on their first American tour.

You see, I've been a photographer since I got out of college not long ago.

And since I was the youngest at my work, at just 20, I really needed a big assignment to show my boss that I could handle the pressure at work.

I just never would have thought he'd give me this one.

Now, the week before the tour started, I had to go meet The Beatles manager, Brian Epstein, to talk over what the tour would be like and if I would be able to handle it.

He'd said that the chances were that the boys would … tease me for being a young photographer, a female one at that.

And chances were that they'd try to get me in bed, more so John and Paul.

But I stood my ground and told Brian that I could handle it.

After we talked a bit more, Brian said that I should meet the band so I could be at least somewhat comfortable around them and their heckling.

Now, this part I wasn't to excited about.

I didn't think I'd have to actually MEET The Beatles personally.

Brian had told me to come over the studio at noon the next day, so I did.

When I got there, I was 'greeted' by a woman sitting at the front desk, obnoxiously chewing gum like a cow, with a horrible hairspray-covered-beehive hairdo.

"Can I Help You?" She asked, sounding a bit annoyed.

"Um, Yes. I'm Here To See Brian Epstein."

"Are You Being Expected?" She asked rather rudely.

"Yes, I Am."


"Sarah Collins."

She picked the phone and started talking to, I think, Brian.

"Right," she hung up the phone. "Down The Hall. Eight Doors Down On The Left."

I thanked her and started walking down the hall, feeling a teeny bit nervous.

As I came to the eighth door, my palms started getting sweaty.

What if George recognized me?

What if he didn't?

How am I supposed to react if he does?

All of my ranting thought were interrupted when the door in front of me opened.

I looked up to see a sort of scary-like tall man with blondish sort of hair in horn-rimmed glasses.

"Oh Hullo, You Must Be Ms. Collins, Right?"

"Um, Yeah. I Mean, Yes. I Am, But You Can Call Me Sarah."

"Heh, Alright Sarah. I'm Mal, By The Way, Mal Evans. The Beatles' Road Manager."

"Nice To Meet You Mal."

"Right. Well, Let's Go Inside. Doubt You Want To Stay Out Here The Whole Time."

I gave a nervous chuckle, "No I Don't."

"Then Let's Go.'

He backed up so I could walk in the room.

As I entered, I looked around.

I never would have thought the room would be as big.

"C'mon, This Way."

Mal led me to this other room that must've been were the recording was done.

"Thank Goodness You're Here. I Thought You'd Got Lost.' Brian gave a somewhat exasperated sigh.

"I'm Sorry Mr. Epstein. I Was Just A Bit Nervous, You See."

"Oh, It's Okay. Who Wouldn't Be." He chuckled. "Well, I See You've Already Met Mal," I looked back at him and smiled. "Let's Introduce You To Mr. Martin, The Producer."

I looked behind Brian and saw a man who was probably in his late 30s with neatly combed hair.

"Hello. Ms. Collins. You Must Be The Lucky Gal Who Gets To Tour And Photograph The Boys." he smiled and his hand out for me to shake.

"Heh. I Am. It's A Pleasure To Meet You Mr. Martin.' I smiled back and shook his hand.

"Likewise. How About Now That You've Met Us Old Chaps, You Go Down And Meet The Boys. I'm Sure They're Back From Their Break," he looked through the window. "Yup, There They Are."

"C'mon, Ms. Collins. Let's Go Introduce You To The Boys." Brian said as he walked out the room and to them.

As I followed him out, my palms began to get sweaty again.

Before I knew it, Brian had called their attention and they gathered around us.

Their eyes on me.

"Boys, I'd Like You To Meet Ms. Collins. She's Going To Be Photographing You On The Tour. Ms. Collins, I'm Pretty Sure You Know Who's Who.'

"Hullo, I'm Paul.' he gave me his famous wink.

"Hullo, Ms. Lady Collins, I'm John." he said in a posh voice.

"Ringo. Nice To Meet You.' he gave me a heartwarming smile.

"And I'm George." I could see in his eyes, that he saw me somewhat familiar.

"Hello. It's A Real Pleasure To Meet You. I'm Ms. Collins, But You Can Call Me Sarah.'

I looked over at George as I said that, and I saw his eyebrows fly up and disappear behind his fringe as he realized who I was.

Well, That's Chapter One ! Hope You Guys Like It.

Please Comment, I'd Really Appreciate ItJ

Umm, That's I'll I Gotta Say ….. So Yeah.

PeAcE aNd LoVE