***One Hour Challenge Response***


Type: Multipart Fic
Rating: M (NC 17+)
Genre: Romance
Couple: Minako, Kunzite
Category: Sailor Moon
Chapters: 1/2
Status: Complete
Summary: ***One Hour Challenge Response*** WEEK SIX - #668 – Scene – Your 'Couple'(and maybe their friends too) take a plane trip, and one or both find that the vibration is causing some unforeseen problems.

AN/ Notice the rating. If you are underage, DON'T read this story. It contains explicit sex scenes and language! You have been warned!

AN/ Hi guys! For this week challenge I've decided to use a pairing I've never used before. But they kinda fit in this story. I hope you'll like it, and that you'll drop me a line or two…

It is a two-part, but it has a potential to be a larger one. I like the plot, so I'll probably do a multipart some day, using this one as a background.. We'll see….

A little bit about the story: season one with a twist. Everyone knows about their past, and Usagi and Mamoru are in love. Beryl is still active in her plan to destroy the Earth and killing Serenity. The twist lies in this. Sailor Moon has a special power. She can turn bad guys into a good ones, and she did that with Jadeite, Zoicite and Nephrite, and now, they are fighting together against Beryl.

Italic are thoughts.


Dark Kingdom Headquarters

"Kunzite!" Queen Beryl screeched. She was pissed after watching recent events in her dark crystal ball.

Nothing worked for the last couple of weeks. The Moon Princess was a thorn in her foot. She'd ever healed three of her Generals, and now they were happy with the senshies, and out of her reach. They even got new powers, and, by the look of it, they were getting stronger every day. She couldn't even get Endymion! And she tried. His present self was in love with Serenity as much as he was in the past. If not even more. She didn't understand how can he be so blind and fall in love with that blonde whore, while she is here. Her only hope was Kunzite. If he ever shows up!

"Kunzite!" She screamed again, and this time, the silver haired General appeared.

"You called?" He asked lazily, which angered Beryl even more.

Kunzite didn't know why he was behaving like that. He loathed Beryl. Couldn't stand the site of her, and her screeching voice was the worst. During the past few weeks, he started to have strange dreams, which involved his enemy. Sailor Venus, aka, Minako. Yes. He knew her real identity since she was in England. When ever there was a fight, he felt physically drawn to her. He wanted her. Wanted her badly. It was a good thing he knew how to make his face unemotional. That way no one knew what was on his mind. If Queen Beryl would ever found out, he would be good as dead. He missed his friends. Yes, he knew they were now on Serenity's side, alongside their love ones. He didn't know what to think or feel about that.

"Well, Kunzite? Do you have a plan how to get rid of that Princess Serenity and her gang?" Queen Beryl interrupted his thoughts.

"As a matter of fact, I do. Soon it will be in progress." Kunzite answered, leaving one little detail out. Yes. He did had a plan, but not for that particular blonde. He couldn't care less for Serenity. No, his plan involved Venus. And soon, she would be in his hands. Right where he wanted her.

"Very well. Proceed with the plan." Queen Beryl said, dismissing him.

Kunzite took extra precautions so that Beryl or one of her spies wouldn't interfere. He organized a distraction for Sailor Moon and the rest, but Minako was his main goal. She would be all alone. He made sure of that.


Minako was running toward the airport where a private plane was waiting for her. Early this morning she received a telegram saying she has to immediately return to England. Her cousin, one of many she left there, told her that parents were missing for the last couple of days. Since they knew about her identity as Sailor Venus and Sailor V, she suspected it was because of her they were now in danger. She didn't bother notifying her friends. She will send them a message when she would be in the air. Knowing they would surely try to stop her, or go with her, she couldn't risk anything. The note said urgent, she had no time to lose. This was her problem, and she alone would handle it. Besides, with Jadeite, Zoicite and Nephrite, now on their side, they wouldn't exactly miss her for three or four days she intended to be in England. She still had a lot of contacts who would help her finding her parents. She only prayed that they were alive and well. Alive. They had to be alive.

Finally entering the plane, she sat down and prepared herself for the long flight. She was blessed having rich relatives that could send a private plane for her. Few moments later, she was in the air. She tried to send a message to the girls using their sailor communicator, but couldn't. Something was interfering the connection. Frowning, she decided to try sometime later. It started to be hot in the cabin, and she took off her jacket. Because it was summer, she wore light top and short skirt. She didn't bothered with the bra, her breast were firm, and she didn't even needed it. Making herself comfortable, she closed her eyes. This is going to be a long flight.

She couldn't sleep due to her worry for her parents, so she decided to think about her life, her nonexistent love life, even though she was a Goddess of love, and Kunzite. She was happy for the girls. Usagi and Mamoru were happy together and very much in love. If it was possible, now more than in Silver Millennium. And the rest of the girls were finding their happiness with the Shitennou.

Jadeite was the first one who was healed from his brainwashing during one fight. She remembered how they were surprised when he woke up and remembered his Prince Endymion and Rei, but nothing about his attacks against them. There was a black crystal, lying next to him, which soon turned into dust. Rei being Rei, didn't want to hear about his love for her, but when he actually cried after they told him what was going on for the last couple of months, she took pity on him, and now they are together. However, even in this life, he was a joker, so he managed to get burned by Mars's fire ten minutes later. It was kinda fun watching them. They fought, made up, then fought again…. Nothing was different…

Zoicite was next. Usagi was getting stronger each day that passed, and when she noticed an opportunity to heal him, she took it. Of course, she went into a fight alone, and she was pretty bad afterwards, but Mamoru healed her cuts and bruises with his healing powers. He waited to be positive she was ok, and then he started yelling at her. How could she be so irresponsible to go into a fight all by herself, etc… Zoicite actually stood up for her, and that was good enough for Ami. When the yelling was over, she did something no one would have expected from her. She stood in front of Zoicite and looked him in the eyes. Next thing, she pulled his head and kissed him! Sweet, innocent Ami to do a first step? That was unthinkable. Minako remembered that day and giggled. Their jaws dropped to the floor.

Nephrite took them by surprise. He actually came alone one day to the temple after he saw the truth in the stars, and asked to be healed. Yes, they were suspicious at first, but after Usagi looked into his eyes saw the truth, she healed him. And yes, they took some precautions first, like holding him with Venus's Love Me Chains, which made Usagi very restless. She trusted him when he said he wouldn't try to hurt her. She was the only one. The same black crystal left his body, soon turning into dust. He kneeled before Mamoru and asked for forgiveness. Usagi then hugged him and then actually pushed him into Makoto's embrace. Both of them were shy at first, then he pulled her into his embrace, and kissed her.

After each healing, Queen Serenity appeared, and gave them new powers. Jadeite, Zoicite and Nephrite willingly pledged their trust and loyalty to her and Princess Serenity.

Minako was happy for all of them. She didn't dare to hope that the same thing will happen to her. Even if she did felt somehow drawn to Kunzite. Both of them were extremely stubborn and passionate. That is why she was the leader of the senshi, and he of the shitennou. Stubbornness was in their nature. In their blood.

All of the sudden, the plane started to shake, and she opened her eyes. Then she heard the pilot saying it was due the turbulence, so she relaxed again. What she didn't know was that the pilot was Kunzite himself. They were alone in the plane, and there was nowhere to run to.

Kunzite watched her and he couldn't help himself but to notice how beautiful she was. He remembered the dream he had few nights ago. She was kissing him, and soon they end up all tangled up together. The cold water in the lake, where they were, did nothing to cool them. In fact, their passion grew… He only wasn't exactly certain if that was his imagination gone wild, or it was a long forgotten memory… That vision wasn't the only one. He had flashes of them dancing together, laughing, or simply walking together through the forest. He wanted to know what those dreams meant, and she was the key. Surely she would know. And also, he wanted to deal with this strange lust he felt. 'Yes. She was mine to take'… He thought, and a smile appeared on his face. A soft moan interrupted his musing, and he returned his eyes to her. She looked a little flushed, and she was breathing rapidly. At first, he thought that maybe she was sick ore something, but then she moaned again, this time louder. Shocked, he realized what was going on. Apparently, the turbulences were causing her seat to shake which triggered her body to react. And she was having an orgasm right in front of him! He almost groaned aloud when she started to squeeze her breasts, pulling them out, lowering her top down. Her nipples were already hard and ejected. He watched her squeezing her breasts, wishing he was the one doing that. His dick was hard, but he forced himself to stay put. Now was not the time. But soon he would fuck her. Soon he would bury himself deep inside her. Soon. Very soon…


Minako relaxed in her seat. The turbulence of the plane were somehow relaxing, and she closed her eyes. But then she started to feel warm, and a tremor went through her body. Her seat was vibrating, and she could feel it all the way. She sensed her nipples go hard, and she moaned. Since she was the only one in the plane, she started to massage and squeeze her breasts. That felt good. Sure, she masturbated once on awhile, but she was still a virgin. However, only squeezing her breasts wasn't enough. Her hand went down, underneath her skirt. In one swift move, she took off her panties and put them in her bag, then she returned to caressing her clit. Spreading her legs, she started circulating around her clit; slow at first, then increasing the rhythm. She was so wet and she put one finger inside, and then pulling it out, then back in. when her second and third finger joined, she couldn't hold it anymore. A wave of release rushed through her as she cumed. She was still breathing rapidly when applause startled her, and she opened her eyes. Still dazed from the release, she didn't immediately realized where she was, then she remembered. She was supposed to be alone in a private plane!