Author's Note: Well, here we are. The final chapter. I'm kinda sad to see this end. But before we get started, I want to thank KnightJellyofCamelot, ESwan, Julefor, Evenmoor, DimensionJumper, agent iz hyper, apester, sam's folly, and DaughterOfPoseidon333 for their wonderful reviews. And thank you to everyone who has reviewed, favorited, or alerted this story. Your support really means the world to me. And now, with no further delay, I present... the end.
Chapter Fourteen: There's No Place Like Home
Dean Winchester, auto shop teacher and beloved father of two, opened his eyes and squinted in the bright sunlight. Yet again he was waking up to pain but he was aware that he should be in a lot more of it. Of course, if the slightly hazy feeling in his brain was any indication, he was on some serious painkillers. Thank God. Dean turned his face away from the light and blinked a few time to clear his vision. Sitting in a chair next to the comfortable bed he was lying on was Sam. But his hair was no longer a bit too long and his face wasn't filled with signs of years of hard living. This was his Sam. Which must mean…
"I'm home?" his voice was weak, but audible.
"Yeah, Dean. You made it back." His little brother leaned forward and gently hugged him.
Dean went to put his arms around Sam to return the hug, but found that his left arm was strapped down in a tight sling. Looking down he saw his hand was heavily bandaged as well.
"You're gonna have to get that checked out. Jo wrapped it up after resetting the bones, but she said you'll need x-rays to make sure you don't need surgery. We would've taken you to the hospital when you reappeared last night, but they would've contacted the police because of your gunshot wound and we weren't sure how to explain it. But Jo stitched it up so when you feel a little stronger we can take you to just get you're hand looked at."
"Oh. Okay." Dean paused for a moment, trying to take everything in. "Who's Jo?"
"A hunter we called to help get you back. She's also a paramedic."
"So I take it she's the one that provided me with the happy-pills?"
"Yeah, man. You're on strong painkillers for the time being."
"Where are the kids?"
"Having breakfast. They spent the night with you in here, but Jess finally convinced them to go eat."
"Jess… does she know what happened?"
"No. I somehow doubt she'd believe all this. Hell, I didn't at first. And we didn't have the time to explain it. She came home while we were patching you up. We told her that you and I went out to grab some food and when we stumbled onto some kind of drug deal you got hurt protecting me. Said we couldn't take you to a hospital because while they couldn't recognize us or you them, it was too risky that they'd go there to look for someone matching your injuries."
"So you ripped off the plot of some lame-ass crime drama."
"Pretty much."
Dean laughed. "It's great to be back, dude."
"It's great to have you back."
"I'll second that."
Dean turned to look towards the bedroom door. "Mom. Hey."
"How are you feeling, honey?"
"In a little pain, but okay."
"What happened over there?"
"Some freak… he wanted to do some kind of ritual to get real powerful. That's why he switched me and the other Dean… the one who you met. Apparently some prophesy said that Dean Winchester was the only one who could kill him and so he thought that by sending him here and me there no one could stop him. Anyway, we killed him."
"We? Who were you with?"
"Uh, the other Sam, a hunter named Bobby, and an angel named Castiel. Oh, and hunter-Dean showed up to but he was like a ghost or something and I was the only one that could see or hear him." Dean looked at his mom and brother. "So Dean was telling the truth then? You guys know about everything?"
"Yeah, man. He told us all about where he came from." Sam answered.
"And Mom, he said you had already known about the supernatural?"
"Oh, he told you that, did he? Well, that's true, but it's a story for another time. When you're feeling better."
"I'd like to hear it too." Sam put in before turning back to his older brother. "So, what was it like there?"
"Dude, I was there just a couple of days and look at me now! It sucked, man. Although meeting an angel was kinda awesome."
"Let's give him some time to rest, Sam. We can grill him about it some other time. Besides, I hear some others that are coming to visit now."
No sooner had she said the words than two small children ran into the room. Dean thought that his heart would burst from the happiness he felt as his two kids climbed up onto the bed with him.
"Look Daddy, I drew you a picture!" Becca was waving a piece of paper at him. He could see the colorful crayon markings all over it. "It's just like the one I drew you yesterday, but this one's to make you feel all better from your booboos."
"Yeah? Oh, hey it's working! I'm feeling so much better now."
"Dada! Dada!" Nick was bouncing on the bed next to him. The movement and the fact that Becca had sat herself down on his chest was making the pain flare up terribly, but joy of having his children with him made it worth the discomfort.
"Hey, little man!"
"Nick was goin' draw you somethin' like yesterday too, but he ripped it and Aunt Jess'ca can't find the tape."
"That's okay. All I need to feel better is the two of you." Dean sat up and used his good arm to pull them both to him. As he hugged his children, he looked over at his mom and brother with tears in his eyes. He was home and life couldn't be any better.
Dean Winchester, expert hunter and awesome big brother, opened his eyes, blinking a few times to focus on the poorly lit room. A very familiar poorly lit room. Before the revelation that he was in Bobby's house had time to sink in, Sam walked into his line of sight and dropped down to look him in the face. And Sam's hair was once again way too long and the look in his eyes was haunted, concerned, kind, and relieved. This was his Sam. Which must mean…
"I'm home?"
"Yeah, Dean. You're home."
"'Bout time. Took you guys long enough."
"What are you complaining about? You got a nice vacation and we had to do all the work."
"All the work my ass! I was here, sort of. You just couldn't see me so I had to deal with other-Dean. Who do you think told him all that plan B crap?"
"That was you?"
"No, it was the ghost of Winchester past. Of course it was me."
"Yeah, oh."
"Well, good to have you back, jerk."
"Good to be back, bitch."
"If you two ladies are done with your heartfelt reunion, there's breakfast on the table." Bobby stuck his head around the doorway.
"C'mon Dean. You okay to get up?"
Dean looked from the older hunter back to his brother. "Yeah, I feel fine." He looked down at his hand. The once horribly infected wound was now just a small mostly healed puncture mark. "Go on. I'll be there in a moment."
"Okay." Sam left the room, glancing over his shoulder as if to assure himself that his big brother wasn't going to disappear again.
Once he was alone, Dean reached into his pocket and pulled out two folded pieces of paper. He opened them up and stared at the colorful crayon scribbles that covered the pages from a child's doodle pad. And tucked safely inside of them was a picture of two small children. Dean looked at both the drawings and the photo, smiling sadly, before folding them back up and putting them back. He then stood and walked into Bobby's kitchen.
Bobby was just pouring another cup of coffee as he entered.
"Hey, old man. You manage to not burn the bacon this time?"
"You know, the other Dean cooked breakfast for me."
"Well, you're the one who helped to switched us back. No one to blame but yourself."
Bobby chuckled. "Missed you too, boy."
Dean smiled. He picked up a cup of coffee and was about to take a sip when Cas suddenly appeared less than a foot in front of him. Dean just barely avoided spilling the hot drink all over himself.
"Dude, I gotta put a bell on you or something."
Cas gave him his signature confused head tilt.
"In other words… some warning would be nice."
"It was not my intention to startle you."
"Yeah, I know." Other-Dean's advise about how to treat the angel came back to Dean. With a sigh and a roll of his eyes, Dean continued. "Hey anyways, thanks for helping to get me back home. And since you're here now, you know, you might as well join us for breakfast."
Sam looked over at Dean then to Bobby. "Are you sure that's our Dean?"
"Ha ha ha, Sammy. You're a riot."
"He's got a point, Dean. You've never invited Castiel to breakfast before."
"Yeah, Bobby? Well maybe I just wanna keep him around to heal me when I get sick off your cooking."
"Oh, now we're back to that?"
"The food appears to be well cooked, Dean." Cas informed him. "I do not believe there's any reason for concern."
Dean looked at his three friends and smiled. Other-Dean was right. His life may suck, but there were some very good things in it. And Dean was glad to be back with them.
Author's Note Part Two: I hope everyone enjoyed. I would really appreciate if you could all leave a review to let me know what you thought of the story. Also, I am looking for ideas for another story to write. I write Dean-based stories and dont do slash. If you have any suggestions please leave them in your review or pm me. Thanks again to all of you and once more I ask you to please let me know what you thought of this.