Title: Temporarily Disorganized
Prompt: Low – Drabble #191
Summary: Kagome wreaks havoc in Sesshoumaru's overly tidy office, and a little disorganization quickly turns into a heated mess.

Kagome was in Sesshoumaru's office, a book in hand, trying to figure out which shelf she had taken it from and failing miserably. He was too organized; every item had its own space. For her, it was stifling, but for him it was perfect. She bit her lip and started to place the book randomly, hoping he wouldn't notice, but he chose that moment to turn in his chair and observe her struggle.

"Kagome…" he drawled, eyebrow raised.

She spun guiltily and threw her hands up in defeat.

"I know, I know! I should pay attention to where it is when I pick it up, but you have so many…" she pouted exasperatedly.

"I have no qualms with disorganization in our home, but this is my office. I must work here, and I need organization. You know that," he admonished gently.

"Yes, yes. I know, I'm sorry. Where does it go?"

"There," he pointed one clawed finger at knee level to her right.

"Here?" she asked, bending to replace the book.

Seeing her wiggling behind in the air made his throat tight and he was surprised at the husky tone in his voice as he directed her again.


"Here?" She asked again, turning a bit to stare up at him from around her ankles.

"Lower. Lower…" he guided her from his desk chair with heated eyes watching appreciatively.

"Is this low enough?" She teased, catching on to his game and swaying temptingly.

He stood abruptly and was behind her in two long, purposeful strides. Deadly claws traced careful lines over her hips as she straightened and was pulled flush against him.

"Yes," he murmured against her ear, nipping it playfully. "That is more than enough."

She pulled away, grinning mischievously, and approached his desk. He frowned as she swept his pile of paperwork into the floor, but as she positioned herself in its place he quickly decided that he would allow a little mess in his office. Temporarily.

First place! Thanks everyone!