The next few days I stay in Gil's room, resting. He stays with me and gets me whatever I want, and takes such good care of me. I want to do something nice for him in return, but whenever I mention it, he just tells me that 'it's no problem', and 'just having you here is nice enough.' He does so much for me though.

One night, I can't get to sleep.

"Gil?" I ask, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah Birdie?" He looks over his shoulder at me.

"I, uh, can't get to sleep."

He smiles and rolls over to face me. "Do you want something? Need something?"

"I don't know."

He kisses my cheek. "Just can't sleep? There's gotta be a reason." He gently kisses along my jawline. "Why don't we just stay awake for a while?" He speaks softly and seductively.

"Gil, I-I'm not sure."

"Aw, come on Birdie. I really like you." He says it in that same voice and pulls down my shirt so he can kiss and gently suck at my skin.

"G-Gil." He runs his fingers in my hair and continues. He takes his other hand and rubs my chest under my shirt. "Gil."

"Birdie." He pulls my shirt off and rolls me onto my back. Most of the bandages are gone; the burns are just left on my parts of my arms and my right shin. He leans over me, eyeing my curl. He gently strokes it, and I moan, which he seems to like, but after a few minutes, he decides that's not enough.

"I want you so much. Don't resist the awesomeness." he whispers into my ear. He then gently nips it.

"G-Gil, I w-want you t-too, just, c-can we p-please w-wait?"

He looks down at me. "Birdie, please. Just once, just tonight." He slowly runs his hands over my body. "Please."

"Gil, I love you, but I need to wait."

"Why? Come on." He kisses my chest and then looks at me again.

"Just, please. If you love me, just wait."

"Birdie." He runs his hand over me again, thinking. He sighs. "I'll wait for you." He gives me my shirt back, which I put on. "But I'm still going to do this." He strokes my curl a bit and smiles at my soft moan before wrapping his arms around me and holding me close. He rubs my back and rests his head on top of mine. I slowly fall asleep, holding onto him and breathing in his scent.


a/n sorry about the last chapter being so short...