Hey guys!

wow, 3 chapters in 1 day... not to shabby aye! im writing as much as I can right now cuz I have found my muse.

thanks so much for the reviews!



When JJ and Emily entered back into the lounge, they found both men waiting for them to return.

"We ready to go?" Emily linked arms with Hotch while JJ went and stood next to Rossi.

"Let's do this! Replied JJ with a smile. As they left the house and headed towards the car, Rossi quickly pulled JJ to a stop.

"I forgot to tell you how stunning you looking right now Bella." Rossi's statement caused a slight blush to appear on her face. JJ just nodded in reply. "Now let's go have some fun shall we?" and with that they continued towards the car.

The drive to the local bar was a quiet one. JJ spent most of the time just looking out the window, while Rossi had taken one of her hands and had spent the time rubbing small circles on the back of her hand, while Emily and Hotch sat in the front. When they arrived at

the bar both men helped their respective ladies out of the car and into the bar. Rossi looked down at his hand to see that JJ had taken hold of his hand. Leaning over towards her, Rossi gently whispered into her ear "You will be fine, I won't leave you. I promise" In

saying this, Rossi wrapped his arm around JJ's waist and pulled her in close. As they entered the bar the loud music blasted through the speakers, people crowded the dance floor and mostly men were leaning on the bar scouting women out on the dance floor. Looking

around, it was JJ who eventually spotted the rest of the team sitting at a table in the far corner of the bar away from all the noise.


"Hey guys!" called Morgan as they got closer to the table. JJ slid into the booth followed by Rossi, Emily and finally Hotch.
"So, uh we have some news actually." Everyone looked over at Emily.

"Well… Aaron and I have been in a relationship now for almost 6 months." Both Rossi and JJ let out a little laugh at the stunned look on their co-worker's faces. Each having a different look upon their face. Morgan hi-fived Emily from across the table before shaking

hands with Hotch. Reid looked like he was possibly about to pass out and Garcia called out "NEXT ROUNDS ON ME!" At the mention of these 4 words Rossi, Emily and Hotch looked over at JJ. This didn't go un-noticed by their friends.

"What else is going on?" questioned Morgan who now had concern written all over his face. Rossi placed his hand up onto JJ's shoulder.

"I can't drink." JJ looked around quickly before continuing. "I uh… I'm pregnant." Mouths dropped.

'OH MY GOSH JAYJE! That's fantastic!" exclaimed Garcia. JJ just nodded, not even bothering to look up from the table.

"Jennifer?" she couldn't help looking up into Morgan's eyes. She knew that Morgan could tell something was seriously wrong. Why else would he have called her Jennifer.

"I caught Will in bed with another woman." BANG! Everybody's heads shot up to look at reid who had just slammed his fist into the table so hard you could have sworn he could have broken it, before getting up and storming out of the bar. JJ attempted to get up but

soon realised that she was blocked in.
"Please guys, I need to go find Spence." Rossi, Em and Hotch quickly stood up and allowed JJ to chase after Spence. Everyone knew how close the two of them had become over the last year and they knew that one way or another it would be JJ who could get Reid to open up.

reviews = love = more chapters! :) :) :)