I was inspired to write this based on a print called 'The Singing Butler'. Three guesses on who that made me think of and the first two don't count. It is apparently an extremely popular print in England, but I only found it recently. I hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own them and earn nothing from them.

May 1, 1890 Lancaster, England

Waking with a slight headache, Charles Carson realized that he'd made a terrible mistake the night before. Correcting himself, he decided that he had made several colossal mistakes the night before. Eyes still closed, he reflected over the past few days trying to decide when the mistakes started. When a sharp pain shot through his head again, he winced and thought that it probably started somewhere around the third or fourth glass of that 'punch'. Actually, he wasn't entirely sure that he'd done anything right over the past few days. Feeling a slight stirring beside him and a small head snuggling deeper into his shoulder, he knew that there was at least one thing he'd done right since arriving at this house.

Trying to move his head as little as possible, he stretched his hand to the side to find his watch so that he could check the time. Opening one eye gingerly, he saw that it was 4:30. He needed to wake her so that they could get to their respective rooms. The rest of the house was certain to be up and about soon. Turning his head toward her, he kissed her forehead gently and gave her shoulder a little squeeze. She woke with the slightest of starts and stretched, pressing herself tighter to his side, causing parts other than his head to stir. She opened her eyes and looked up at him with a drowsy smile and a slight wince of pain.

"Headache?" he asked very quietly.

"Mmmm," she nodded in agreement, "I suppose we shouldn't have finished off that bottle of wine."

"I think mine has a little more to do with that punch. What do they put in that stuff anyway?" he grimaced.

"A little of this and a little of that. I don't think you're supposed to drink six glasses."

He smiled a little, but only a very little as he sat up and his stomach lurched, "Is that how many I had? I lost count after four. Were you watching me that close?"

She smiled back and stretched again, pushing her chest forward and causing his breath to catch in his throat; his headache wasn't that bad. Turning from her quickly, he stood to his feet and picked up his shirt from the floor beside the mattress.

"Seems like you need someone to watch over you," she said softly.

"Perhaps I do," he agreed brusquely, "Let me help you up. We need to be getting to our rooms before someone misses us. I'd not want you to get in any trouble."

She allowed him to help her stand to her feet and stood for a moment looking into his eyes, "Thank you, Charles."

"Thank you, Elsie," he said seriously, "Um, may I help you with your corset?"

"If you wish," she answered, glancing at the floor briefly before holding her hair out of the way while he pulled her corset around her waist and worked the fastenings. She pulled her dress over her head quickly and fastened the buttons, pushing her chest forward once again. He groaned and turned around again to tuck his shirt into his trousers.

He watched as she braided her hair while he fastened his collar and knotted his tie, "I've never seen hair quite that color before. It's almost like claret."

She snorted and winced again, "I don't think you should mention any beverages except tea or milk for a while."

"Probably not," he agreed with another small smile, "You're ready?"

She nodded and turned toward the door, "We should hurry. Just because it's a holiday doesn't mean everyone isn't going to be up and about soon. Stow that blanket and bottle in the wardrobe, and I'll sneak in here to clear everything up late this afternoon."

He caught her arm before she could slip out the door, "I want to see you again before we leave. Will you have a bit of time before luncheon?"

She glanced at his shoes again and took a deep breath before looking up into his eyes and nodding, "Meet me on the bench?"

Watching her carefully, he nodded and hesitated only a moment before bending to capture her lips with a promising kiss. Her eyes fluttered closed for a moment, but when he started to pull away she clutched the back of his neck to draw him to her for another kiss. He straightened after her lips slipped away from his and smiled down into her eyes before releasing her arm. Checking the hall quickly to ensure that the way was clear, he sent her on her way while he made his own way to the staircase and the men's hall.

Reviews are always appreciated.