Sorry again for the long wait…I'm having a really hard time trying to continue this but nevertheless, I will NEVER abandon what I started.

Chapter 7: The Moon's curse

The silence was still intact, empty, cold and miserable. All eyes were still focused on Harry and Harry only but he couldn't see them. The only thing he could see the back of Remus' cloak in front of him and after a while he felt two hands tugging at his arm.

"Harry, are you okay?" Lily asked him softly while Alice patted him comfortingly on the back.

Harry nodded but his face was haunted, white and expressionless. He nodded again at Remus, turned around and briskly walked out of the Common Room without turning back.

The silence was broken by the chime of the great clock that stood in the corner of the room and after a while, the muttering and whispering started again and most of the students made their way to the dormitories. The three Marauders sat unsure of what to next. They shared glances then looked over at Remus who was glaring dangerously at them and in response they coward back slightly in humiliation of their actions.

"How did a boggart get in here?" Alice asked curiously to no one in particular. The three Marauders turned away quickly but luckily weren't noticed by the two girls who were wondering whether to chase after Harry or give him time by himself.

Once again, Remus glared at his friends but they didn't see since they had their heads bent down.

"Shall I go get him?" James asked unsurely after a while. He caught Lily's eye and hung back again.

"Yeah, I think we should…" Sirius replied hesitantly although not in a way that seemed rude but rather in an ashamed tone that was so unlike him.

"I think I'm gonna go to bed." Peter mumbled after a while and with that he left Remus, James, Sirius, Lily and Alice in the Common Room.

"Did you have anything to do with this?" Lily asked the duo. When they didn't reply she took their silence for a 'yes' and gaped at them, "And here I thought you had changed, James Potter, I didn't think you'd ever stoop this low, both of you."

Alice had the same fiery glare pointed straight at Sirius and he winced slightly as he stepped backwards. Lily sighed.

"I guess the best thing to do is to leave him for now, we won't know what he's feeling so we'd just be useless, I'm sure he'll come back up in a while."

Alice and Remus nodded in agreement but James and Sirius didn't look convinced that this would be the case. The looked at each other as if to say 'let's-look-for-him' and both agreed. Lily and Alice headed up slowly to their dormitory leaving he three Marauders by themselves.

"You are both such Idiots." Remus spat suddenly causing the two to jump slightly, "Did you ever wonder why he looks like you, James?" Remus was aware that he had made a promise but at that moment he felt that this problem had gone way out of hand. His rare temper was getting the better of him, he couldn't control it. "Didn't you both ever wonder how and why he turned up where he did, how he has the Marauders Map AND the cloak!"



The pair retreated backwards due to the dangerously violent atmosphere that Remus was creating in his fury. After a while he calmed down slightly.

"James, Harry's your son."

Somewhere in James heart told him that he had already known this fact but his jealously and arrogance had caused this theory to be denied of much thought therefore he paid no attention to it however, he couldn't help but still gape at the words that had escaped from Remus' mouth. To his side, Sirius looked as lost yet bewildered as anyone could be and his eyes widened at the sudden realization.

It was about 11pm. Back in the room of requirement, Harry was lying on his bed looking up at the ceiling. He was thinking of nothing at all. Nothing whatsoever. All he wanted to do was return to a Voldemort-free time where he could be free and have a family.

Suddenly there was a faint 'pang', the sound of glass hitting a hard surface. He turned to look, there was a small goblet, it was bubbling and releasing a faint blue smoke. Harry stared at it for a moment. It looked familiar but he couldn't put him finger on it.

"Wolfsbane Potion?" Harry muttered to himself upon remembering Professor Lupin.

He looked at it again and found that there was something different about it. It looked…bubblier, thicker and more disgusting than it did usually. He looked around for a note, a message, anything. Finally he found a small piece of folded parchment stuck to the base of the goblet. It read:

Improved 'Wolfsbane' potion – 2030

-One goblet needed to be drunk (Only on the day of the full moon).

Created and improved by Damocles Octavian Belby.

Harry sat for a moment to wonder what the reason the Room of Requirement had given it to him for then it hit him. It would be the full moon soon. He sat up, wanting to find Remus and give it to him but chose not to upon seeing Remus with Sirius and his father together on the map. Harry knew it was them who had set the Boggart on him therefore he didn't feel like approaching them anytime soon, even if it was his father and godfather. He lay back down and continued to brood for a while.

"Where do you think he is now?" James asked worriedly, "It's nearly midnight."

"I don't know, " Sirius replied equally worried from the large sofa, "Why don't you check the map?"

"I can't find him. Moony, do you know where he is?"

Remus shrugged and shook his head unknowingly. The trio continued to stare at the doorway hoping that a skinny, dark-haired boy with round glasses would walk through it soon.

"I hope Harry's okay," Lily said to Alice who nodded in agreement, " It was probably Potter, Black and Pettigrew who let that boggart in."

"Most likely," Alice almost growled, "They are all so immature, when will they grow up?"

"I don't know, Al, I really don't know if they ever will." Lily replied, "There's something strange about Harry though, " she added, "I don't know but I feel strangley protective and attached to him…I don't know if it's some sort of connection or if I've met him once before but I just feel something there…"

Alice looked at her friend questioningly.

"Have you fallen for him?"

"I don't think so, " Lily said, "It's something else but I can't put my finger on it…"

She hesitated after a while but shrugged the strange idea that had popped into her head.

"Oh well, let's get to bed, it's late."

Harry got up from his bed and looked at his watch. Nearly midnight. He took the foaming goblet from his bedside (despite knowing that James and Sirius would be with Remus) and walked crept out of the doors of the Room of Requirement.

"WHO'S THERE?" Shouted a grim and crackled voice. Filch.

Damn, why didn't I check the map before I left?

Footsteps began speedily approaching him and he backed away until he found the room of requirement again. He thrust open the doors and jumped inside while the doors vanished leaving Filch on his own, still looking for the night-time-wanderer.

"There he is!" Sirius called out to the other two Marauders.

Remus and James practically flew other to where Sirius was sitting with the map pressed up close towards his handsome face. Sirius pointed at the name Harry James Potter but as they had all come into focus with it the name headed towards a wall and disappeared out of sight.

"Where did he go?" James asked.

"Maybe we should go look for him." Sirius suggested.

The all agreed to do this. They set out of the Gryffindor Common Room, Sirius in his animagus form (since they couldn't all fit under the invisibility cloak) and James and Remus squeezed beneath the cloak.

"Where did he disappear?" Remus whispered.

"Around here." James whispered back with his finger pressed onto the spot on the map where they had seen Harry vanish.

When the three boys had arrived to their destination moments later they looked around for any sign of movement, any sign of Harry but none came. James folded the Marauders map back into his pocket.

"Lumos" he whispered.

Sirius turned back into his human form and Remus turned cold and shuddered violently.

Harry opened up the Marauders Map and saw the names: JAMES POTTER, SIRIUS BLACK and REMUS LUPIN outside the Room of Requirement. He was quite sure that they had the map with them and they usually did this therefore he was not surprised and the fact that It was a full moon made it even more normal. He grabbed the Goblet and walked towards the doors and as they did so he saw Lupin shaking uncontrollably while James and Remus were about to transform into their animagi-selves.

"FULL MOON!" Sirius gasped loudly, "How did we forget?"

Footsteps were approaching the three boys and they instantly gave up their hunt for Harry and eagerly gripped at their wands.

Suddenly, doors that hadn't been there in the first place opened and revealed Harry who was holding a foaming goblet.

"Get inside here!" He urged them and they did so without saying anything, dragging Remus in.

"Hold him down quickly!" Harry ordered and they did so. James and Sirius watched as Harry forced the foaming liquid down Remus' throat. Remus transformed still although, it didn't look quite as painful as usual and the werewolf slumped down into a deep sleep, curled on the floor.

"Wh-what did you give him?" Sirius asked as he prepared himself for transformation.

"Something that will allow him to continue to think like his human self even in his Werewolf-form." Harry replied hesitantly and without eye contact walked back to his bed where he lay down and resumed his original position.

James and Sirius looked around them and for the first time, realised that they were somewhere they had never been before. The gasped as two new beds appeared opposite to Harry's bed.

"What is this place?" James gaped slightly.

"Room Of Requirement."

"Oh, right…"

There was and awkward silence and James slowly approached Harry who in turn noticed and gripped his wand.

"I, um, I'd like to apologize for my behaviour, " He said gently, "Remus told me that-"

Harry's eyes widened in disbelief when he realised what James was saying.

"He shouldn't have told you anything."

"Are you really my son?" James asked after a while.

"Yes, and quite frankly I can see that Professor Snape was right about you being arrogant."

James and Sirius both looked taken aback although for different reasons. James was hurt that he had left such a negative impression of himself on his son whereas Sirius was disgusted at the fact that Snape had ever become a Professor. James looked deeply into Harry's big green eyes.

"Is Lily your mother?" He asked softly in anticipation.


"Listen, Harry,I-"

"I don't want to hear it," Harry interrupted, "Maybe in the future you grow up but at this point I don't really understand how Mum ever came to love you."

Every word hit James like a blow to the stomach, instead of feeling humiliated he felt ashamed and embarrassed at himself and he couldn't find words to reply back.

"You're just as bad," Harry accused Sirius who in turn, hung his head slightly, "You're lucky that in the future I respect you and love you as my Godfather otherwise I wouldn't have hesitated to curse you."

Sirius winced slightly and backed away towards one of the empty beds and sat down. James, on the other hand, walked closer to Harry and sat down at Harry's feet.

"I've been a real pain, haven't I?"

Harry nodded but didn't look at him and James looked upon his son's face, staring intently at the eyes he loved so much and shocked by their almost identical appearance. He turned away as he thought about what he had done and what effect his attitude had on people and reddened with embarrassment.

"I was under the impression that you liked Lily" James asked after a few minutes of silence, "I just don't want to lose her, I saw you as a threat."

Harry nodded again in understanding but continued to look up at the ceiling while Sirius walked over to Remus who was peacefully sleeping in the corner of the room.

"Bullying doesn't solve anything. It makes people hate you and in turn, will make you hate yourself." Harry retorted, "I hope one day you realise that."

James hung his head again in shame and refocused his gaze onto a wall.

"Maybe it would be best if you stopped pestering Mum the way you do and act like a Gentleman." Harry said after he had calmed down and Sirius hid a snort behind a cough, "Let her know the real you instead of the act you put up."

James squirmed a bit uncomfortably but understood that he was right but he couldn't get over the fact that his son was telling his father how to get with his mother. The situation was almost laughable and after the uncomfortable mood everyone seemed to get along well.

"So, what's it like in the future?" Sirius asked as he walked towards Harry's bed, "Do I get married?"

"Nope, you-you don't get out much in the future."


"I guess you could say you become really anti-social I the future…" Harry lied you become forcibly anti-social.

"So James and Lily made me your Godfather?" Sirius asked gleefully.

"I guess so."


"What about me and Lily?" James asked curiously, "Aren't we worried that you're missing?"

"Oh, trust me, you aren't, well at least, not in my world."

"What does that mean?" James asked.


"Then why were you all beaten and bloodied when we found you that day?" James asked seriously.

"There's a second war lead yet again by Voldemort and his minions, they came to battle us at Hogwarts, one of my friend's time-turned me back to the past so Voldy can't find me and so that I can change the past since he's winning…"

Sirius and James sat with their mouths hanging open.

"Are you important in this war?" Sirius asked at the same time James howled, "Why are you in the middle of a war!"

"Voldemort has something against me therefore he's always trying to kill me, and no, I'm not going to tell you why." He added upon seeing the questioning looks that his father and godfather were sending him, "Let's talk in the morning, it's late and I'm tired."