I doubt I've ever been good at writing but my fingers have been dying to type up a Harry Potter Fanfiction this Easter xD

I just hope that you guys (If anyone ever does read this) enjoy my first chapter :D

DISCLAIMER: JK ROWLING, You're a THE BEST. I will never be the owner of Harry Potter and however much I love the characters, I know that they will never be mine ;'(

Chapter 1: Midnight snacks are bad for you

Harry awoke to a freezing cold cement floor. Eagerly he looked around him…phew, no one in sight. He lifted his head up, wincing at the pain in his left arm but ignored while he assessed his current situation.

In his right hand he held two wands and in his left he found he was clutching onto a time turner…well, a broken one. The hourglass has shattered therefore the grains of sand that had once been contained within it were scattered all over the floor.

Harry squinted at the time turner (or rather, what remained of it), and looked down rather irritated at the spilled sand.

Great, just great, how was he going to get home now?

He knew that it wouldn't be easy getting back and his head was throbbing, it didn't help that he had lost his glasses.

Harry looked around wildly for a few moments, unsure of his current destination. He could faintly see staircases, very familiar staircases and an extremely familiar long corridor. He was in one of Hogwarts' secret passage ways.


He could hear them, they were quickly approaching him. Harry jerked his neck. His head dropped slightly and everything went black.


"mmmmm?" Harry groaned, his eyes half open.

"Psst, Prongs! Are you okay?"

A long finger was prodding Harry's pained arm, he let out a small whimper. He turned his head so that he was facing his prodder directly.

The figure shuffled quickly away from him as soon as their eyes met and it turned and ran.

"Green eyes…Prongs has brown eyes," said a shaken but fading voice. The footsteps trailed off in the distance.

The figure ran all the way to Gryffindor Tower and swiftly made his way to the boys dormitories. There he observed the five beds while secretly hoping that one was empty.

No such luck.

Each bed had it's own inhabitant while his own remained deserted

"Prongs?" The boy whispered, poking the black-haired boy on his side softly.

"It's three in the morning, Sirius…," James groaned looking (squinting) at his watch, "If you're hungry then go to the kitchen"

Sirius froze. That was what he had been doing.

"Prongs," he repeated gingerly, "You need to see this"

"See-what?" James asked quietly.

"Just come"

Reluctantly, James arose from his warm and comfortable bed, shoved his round-rimmed glasses onto his face, picked up his wand and followed a shaky Sirius out the dorm.

Harry remained on the ground for the next 10 minutes. His body ached all over and fatigue had gotten the better of him, he knew that if he attempted to stand up he'd fall back down to the stone cold floor.

He grimaced himself. Being in this situation made Harry feel helpless and he slowly but surely fell into a deep sleep.

"Look at him Prongs!,"

"I am looking at him, Padfoot"

"Look at him properly!"

"Is he your twin?" Padfoot asked him.

"I think I would know if I had a twin, Padfoot!" James scowled, obviously irritated by his friend's stupid ranting, "Do you think he's okay?"

Sirius shrugged and continued to gaze down at the limp body lying on the ground.

James inspected Harry. His expression was clearly both completely confused and shocked. He didn't have any siblings; neither did he have any cousins, yet this boy looked remarkably…like himself. The boy had the same black untamable hair, pale skin and defined facial structure that James himself possessed, it was fascinating yet scary at the same time.

"What's that in his hand?" Sirius inquired, pointing down at the pendant that Harry was holding in his left hand,"And why has he got two wands?"

'How the hell would I know that?" James retorted.

"It was a rhetorical question"

James scowled at Sirius but looked in the direction that Sirius was pointing at and picked up the object from Harry's palm while looking down at the two wands that the boy had clenched between his fingers.
The boys gasped. They knew what it was. It was a time tuner. But why did he have one?

James noticed something hidden under the boy's messy fringe. He was about to push the hair away with his wand when suddenly the boy's eyes flew open and James pushed himself back with fright but continued to examine Harry's face carefully.

"Green eyes," He whispered to his friend, not taking his own off the ones glaring up at his own, "Just like her's"

Phew, finally finished the first chapter =_=

Thank you to anyone who reads it :) Please Rate and Review, I'd like to know how my first attempt at writing went.

Kim :D

(Just so you know, I fixed up a few erros on this chpt, thanks to my sister and MamaLoi (LoiLouyVenganza)