I know, I know, how many times have I said it was the end? But this is the epilogue, which has to count for something.

Anyway, several people suggested that I added a bit more onto this ever-growing story and with the ending of the last chapter this seemed to fit quite well. It's not much, but a bit more of an ending perhaps. I had to write it before tomorrow, with everything going on, so it may have been a bit of a hasty chapter! Thanks so much to everyone who has reviewed they seriously make my day.

I will leave you to enjoy what will definitely be the last part of this story, and ask that you let me know what you thought and leave a review if you would be so kind!

Epilogue – The Wedding

'Are you sure that you're all right in there?' called Katniss from outside Effie's bedroom door.

'Yes, yes,' a muffled tone replied, 'just give me a minute.' When Effie opened the door, Katniss gasped in shock.

'Too much?' Effie frowned. Katniss shook her head at once.

'No, not at all; you look beautiful.' Effie smiled at Katniss and let her into the room, fussing over her auburn curls which hung in ringlets at her shoulders.

The dress was ethereal, giving Effie the appearance of an angel gliding across the floor without her feet needing to touch the ground. The hand woven silk was beautifully delicate, with small pink flowers sewn on the left side of the chest encrusted with small jewels. It was just long enough to brush across the floor as she walked.

Effie sat at her dressing table sighing. Katniss knew that it wasn't just because she didn't feel that she looked impressive enough, she was worried because she was nervous.

'Could you help me with this necklace?' Effie asked. Katniss took from her the precious circular emerald dangling from a thin silver chain, admiring its beauty.

'Wow,' Katniss remarked, 'this is...amazing. Where did you get it?' Effie lifted her hair with a swift movement of her hand and Katniss fastened it around her neck.

'It was my mother's,' she explained, 'the only thing she ever gave me.'

'Is she coming to the wedding?'

Effie's eyes grew dark for a moment.

'No,' she whispered, 'I don't have any family left. Nor friends for that matter.' Katniss took her hand and squeezed gently.

'You've got me,' Katniss assured her. Effie smiled, lost in thought though she tried to brush away the unhappy memories of the people she had lost. This was the beginning of a new life for her, not another day to waste mourning those she could do nothing to help anymore.


Haymitch stood in the house Peeta shared with Katniss, adjusting his tie for the fourth time in ten minutes.

'It's fine,' laughed Peeta, 'you look very handsome.'

'She'll find something,' muttered Haymitch, though his eyes sparkled fondly, 'I'm always in the wrong for having scuffed shoes or a dirty shirt; she'll see if my tie isn't straight.'

'And would you have it any other way?' Haymitch grinned at him.

'Not in a million years.'


Katniss helped Effie to put her hair up in pins so that only a thin layer of curls sat gently on her shoulders. Taking a blossoming pink lily Effie had picked the day before, Katniss secured it in place on the left side of her head.

'There,' she announced, 'all done.' Effie looked in the mirror, barely recognising the glowing, happy woman staring back at her. Her stomach churned and Katniss saw the worry in her eyes.

'What is it, Effie?'

'I'm nervous,' Effie admitted, ashamed to admit something so utterly ridiculous. She had nothing to fear. She was going to declare her love to the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with and she wanted nothing more, but there were nagging doubts in the darkest corners of her mind.

'What is there to worry about?' Katniss asked gently. 'I'm sure that it will all go to plan.'

'I know,' Effie sighed, 'it's just...I don't deserve a man like him. He gave me everything, helped me rebuild my life again and all I could offer him was a woman who couldn't handle her own nightmares. I don't understand why he wants to be with me.'

'Isn't it obvious?'

Effie shook her head.

'He's head over heels in love with you,' Katniss grinned. 'He told me just the other day that he didn't know what he had done for such a kind and beautiful woman to even look at him twice; Haymitch doesn't think that he deserves you either. I suppose it makes you perfect for each other.'

'He didn't say that,' Effie questioned, though her heart warmed as she realised that he had and she loved him even more for it.

'Word for word,' Katniss promised. 'You should both stop trying to find excuses why you can't be happy.'

'You are right of course,' Effie agreed, her nerves slowly waning as excitement took over. Katniss had said it: there was no reason not to be happy when her life was finally coming together. 'I can't believe I'm getting married.'

'I can,' said Katniss, 'but if we don't get a move on, then there won't be a wedding at all!'


Haymitch stood beneath an arch of vines and white roses in the warm sunshine. The Meadow had been transformed, the long grass cut back without destroying the beautiful flowers that grew there and chairs had been arranged for the guests who had come out in force. The entire district it seemed had turned out to see Haymitch and Effie wed, a couple they had shied from at first but soon embraced into their community.

Amongst them were a few visitors from the Capitol, those who had known Effie from the Capitol rebellions and even Plutarch Heavensbee who had remained close with her since he helped Haymitch with her rescue. They were dressed in typical Capitol style, granting them odd looks from the people of the district, but the time for prejudice was over. A new world with new rules.

'Is she coming?' Haymitch muttered to Peeta, his best man, who was standing beside him. Peeta looked around and smiled.

'Yes,' he whispered back, 'they're coming.'

'How does she look?'

'Indescribably beautiful,' Peeta grinned. 'You are a very lucky man.'

'Don't I know it,' chuckled Haymitch. He couldn't resist. He turned to see her walking down the aisle lined with blossom, the sun shining brighter in her presence as his angel moved closer to him with a huge smile on her face. He had seen her smile before, but this was different, hopeful, and he knew that he didn't have to worry about her any longer though of course he still would.

Effie stopped beside Haymitch, taking in his clean shaven face and deep smell – not of liquor, but of cologne.

'Will I do?' he whispered.

'Yes,' she answered, 'but your tie isn't straight.' He had to stop himself from laughing out loud and wondered if it was possible to love anything as much as he loved her.

The new Mayor of District 12, Tyler Anderson, moved up to perform the ceremony and the final guests took their seats.

'Are we ready?' he asked.

'Yes,' Haymitch replied at once, taking Effie's hands in his own. They couldn't take their eyes off of each other, staring and smiling as they listened to the words which would change their lives.

'Do you, Effemy Aria Trinket, take thee Haymitch George Abernathy, to be your lawfully wedded husband?' Effie smiled, tears forming in her eyes.

'I do.'

'And do you, Hay-'

'I do,' he interrupted, unable to keep it in any longer. 'Sorry,' he mumbled, realising his lack of manners though Effie didn't seem to mind. 'I do and I always will, sweetheart. Until you're old and grey and longer.'

'Haymitch,' hissed Effie, though her smile said it all. His words meant the world to her and she could never thank him enough.

'Then I now pronounce you man and wife. You may...oh' Mayor Anderson stopped, blushing but smiling, as the couple fell into each other's arms before he even had a chance to finish the line. Katniss wiped a tear from her eye, watching as two people who had suffered so much finally embraced the happiness they had found. She looked at Peeta and raised an eyebrow, almost inviting him to ask her when they were alone. If they could do it, so could she.

Effie didn't want to pull away from his kiss, his tender touch which made her feel so alive, but they had already lingered too long in the moment. A violinist began to play and they broke apart, hand in hand, ready to face the world together. To her surprise, Haymitch swept Effie from her feet and walked her back down the aisle in his arms, stealing another kiss as they went. The crowd were on their feet, many holding sodden handkerchiefs and cheering the newlyweds on.

Peeta had baked the most wonderful three-tiered wedding cake, covered in pale pink icing and decorated with flowers; he had even made two small figures to stand on the top of the cake, one looking a little rugged and the other donning a bright pink wig. The violinist played softly and there was enough food and wine to feed an army of men; it was quite a party.

Effie, who had been sitting at one of the five dining tables now assembled in the Meadow, took slow sips of water from a glass. Haymitch came over to her, offering his hand.

'May I have this dance, Mrs Abernathy?' She giggled at the mention of her new identity and accepted at once.

Her arms wrapped loosely around his neck as his found her waist, the music playing as though just for them.

'We could do it, you know,' he said to her in a hushed voice.

'What's that?' she asked, intrigued.

'Be happy,' Haymitch said simply. 'We can do whatever we want with our new lives without anyone to tell us we can't.'

'That sounds nice,' smiled Effie.

'We could spend all day in bed, run a business, start a family-'

At the mention, Effie took one of her arms away from his neck to slap him playfully on the arm.

'Well,' he laughed, 'maybe not right away but we could; if you wanted to that is.'

'Perhaps,' she grinned, 'how long do you think it will be before you're ready to become a father?'

'Whenever the time is right for us, sweetheart, I'll be ready,' Haymitch answered diplomatically.

'Good,' Effie whispered into his ear, resting her head on his shoulder, 'because you've only got six months to wait.'

Haymitch almost fell over in shock. She moved back to look at him, waiting for his response, and felt elated as tears rose in his eyes. Tears of joy. He placed a hand on her stomach.

'A baby?' he asked, as though unable to understand the unworldly brilliance of the concept. Her hand moved gently to rest on top of his.

'Our baby.'

They spent the night locked in each other's embrace, swaying gently to the music until the moon rose to watch over them. They didn't let go for anything, their unity stronger than anything that could try to rip them apart. The words 'I love you' just weren't enough anymore, they belonged to each other so completely that it was a new feeling altogether. Love was only the beginning.

Effie allowed her eyes to close as she rested her head on Haymitch's shoulder again. There had been a time when she had wondered if her life was worth living, had thought about going to sleep and never burdening herself on the waking world again. She owed her life to this man, the father of her child and the only one she would ever love, and thanks to him she had a future. Neither of them was perfect, neither could say that they would always get it right, but there was a bond between them which was unbreakable. They had both been lost, and had found each other just at the right moment; just in time to save themselves.

The stars twinkled, the music played, and Effie smiled knowing that everything was just as it should be.


So, was it okay? Would really appreciate the reviews. Hope you enjoyed it, and though this is my last part of this fic I am sure there will be more of Hayffie cropping up under my name. They are just too sweet! Saw the film again today and I was sure there were some looks...

Side-tracked again, but anyway hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading!