Chapter 6

Tom McGee was happily pouring everyone a strong cup of hot coffee as he told the weary travelers what the plans were once the stagecoach didn't arrive in Virginia City. He was the station manager and was very excited that all the passengers had showed up on his doorstep tired and hungry, but all well and accounted for.

"Yep, we was just getting ready to send out a search party fer ya, Frank. Glad everyone is okay. They was bringing out some buckboards from town for you to take ya back to Virginia City…that is if they found ya. Everyone was sure hoping that you was alive and that they wouldn't be taking any dead bodies back. They should be here in the morning sometime. When you was late, I sent my nephew into Virginia City to tell the stagecoach people what had happened. He just got back an hour ago with the news about the buckboards coming in the morning."

Tom's nephew just grinned as he set the biscuits on the table. Being rather shy, he much rather be out with the horses than around a lot of people so after grabbing a couple of biscuits, he headed out the door to feed the horses.

As Frank slowly stirred his coffee he told Tom what had been happening the last few days while they where missing.

"Well, I couldn't have done it alone and sure was glad Adam was with the passengers. He knows this area as well as I do and between the two of us we didn't have too much trouble getting here."

Adam just rolled his eyes at that statement and slowly sipped his coffee.

"The robbers took all our money but left us some water. And I had a gun hid so we was able to hunt for a little food."

Tom looked over at Adam as he grinned, "Yeah, Adam, haven't seen you in a while. Sure glad you was on the stage too."

Adam just smiled and nodded his head while everyone started diving into the food that Tom had set out. The meal was eaten in silence with an occasional comment as they all enjoyed Tom's meal of beef stew and biscuits with honey. After the meal Rebecca actually helped with the dishes and soon the weary travelers settled in for the night.

The next morning Rebecca was outside on the porch lost in her thoughts when Adam came up behind her.

"A penny for your thoughts."

Rebecca turned when she heard Adam's voice and smiled.

"I was just thinking about how much I have been through on this trip. If anyone would have told me that I would walk as far as I did, I would have told them that they were crazy… but I guess I even surprised myself."

"Oh, I think you are very capable of a lot of things, Rebecca, if you just give yourself a chance. You are a very pretty young lady and now that you know how to treat people with kindness and respect, I think you will do well with all your future endeavors."

Rebecca blushed and lowered her head slightly, "You think I am pretty?"

Tipping up her chin Adam smiled fondly, "Yes, very pretty."

Rebecca blushed again and started playing with the lace on her sleeve.

Adam could see that Rebecca was a little nervous so he cleared his throat and changed the subject.

"Breakfast is ready so let's go back inside before it gets cold," Adam suggested, and started to open the screen door.

But as they turned to go back inside he noticed something out of the corner of his eye and realized there were dust clouds on the road.

"Well, it looks like our ride is coming down the road right now. I think we will all be home sooner than we thought. I bet you will be glad to get to Virginia City and see your father."

Smiling slightly, Rebecca put her hand over her eyes to block out the sun as she looked down the road to see two buckboards heading towards them.


Two hours later all the passengers were loading in the buckboards except Adam. He had gotten an extra horse from Tom and decided to ride the rest of the way home. Rebecca's father and Adam were standing off a little ways from the rest of the passengers because Mr. Sullivan had told Adam he wanted to have a private word with him before he left. Not wanting to wait in town for word of his daughter, Mr. Sullivan had come with the rescue drivers from town and was thrilled when they found them all safe.

"I understand you were one of the main reason everyone got here safely and I want to thank you for all that you have done for my daughter and the rest of the passengers, Mr. Cartwright," Mr. Sullivan declared, as he shook Adam's hand.

"You are quite welcome, sir. I was glad to do it and I am happy that it all turned out so well. By the way, did your daughter tell you about the little discussion she and I had?"

Looking rather puzzled Mr. Sullivan asked, "No, what discussion was that?"

Adam cleared his throat and tugged slightly at his ear before he eventually said, "I think I will let her tell you. I guess she will get around to telling you about it in her own time. It might be a little embarrassing for her."

Adam turned to leave when Mr. Sullivan put his hand on Adam's arm stopping him from leaving.

"Now just a minute, Cartwright. Just what went on between you and my daughter that might be embarrassing for her?"

Adam felt his temper start to flare at Mr. Sullivan's innuendo about Rebecca and him.

"If you will remove your hand from my arm, I will be happy to tell you what happened," Adam stated firmly, as he stared down at Sullivan's hand, not leaving any doubt that he wanted Sullivan to remove his hand from Adam's forearm.

"Oh, of course…I am sorry. It is just where my daughter is concerned I am always quick to defend her."

Hoping not to sound too sarcastic Adam replied, "No wonder."

"Just what do you mean by that, sir?"

"I mean, do you ever hold your daughter accountable for her actions when she is rude and disrespectful?"

Mr. Sullivan's eyes widened as he declared, "My daughter's behavior is always respectful. Why would you even ask that question?"

"Just how often are you with your daughter, Mr. Sullivan?"

"Well, my work does take me away from her more than I like. But Miss Langford is always with her and has raised her since she was a baby. I put my full trust in her to raise my daughter the way society expects a young lady of breeding to be."

"Well that may be but how does she treat Miss Langford when you are around?"

Looking puzzled with where this conversation was going Mr. Sullivan answered Adam's question rather harshly.

"She is always well behaved and respectful. Why do you ask?"

"Well, she was anything but respectful and kind on this trip whenever she addressed her nanny or anyone else for that matter. In fact, she was down right rude and demanding. This trip was hot and dusty and we all had to pull our own load and share what water we had. Everyone was fine with that but your daughter."

By now Mr. Sullivan was getting irritated and quickly interrupted Adam. "Just get to the point, Cartwright!"

"Very well, sir," Adam said frowning.

"Rebecca was demanding that Miss Langford wait on her constantly. She even went so far as to demand that she bring her water to rub her feet. She complained all the time and wouldn't even try and make the best of the situation and would whine all night about how miserable she was keeping us all awake. We had very little water and so I rationed the water so it would last the two days I knew it would take to get to the station."

Upon hearing Adam's version of the trip, Mr. Sullivan was starting to see a side of his daughter that he was not pleased with at all and just stood there shaking his head.

"She was very disrespectful to all of the adults and did everything in her power to make the rest of the group as miserable as she could. But the final thing she did that made me take her to task was when she demanded that Miss Langford use what little water we had left to bathe her feet."

Mr. Sullivan's face quickly changed from concern to anger as he listened to Adam continue.

"I have been raised to be respectful of my elders and if I was not, then I had consequences. Usually a sound tanning from my father and I would straighten right up. It is amazing what a sore backside will do for one's behavior. I had repeatedly told Rebecca she needed to stop complaining and treating Miss Langford so badly or I was going to give her a spanking. I gave her many opportunities to change her attitude, but she didn't change her behavior in the least. And when she demanded that Miss Langford give her what little water we had left to bathe her feet, well I decided she had gone far enough. So I took her over my knee and spanked her."

Adam watched Mr. Sullivan's face expecting him to be outraged, but Mr. Sullivan continued to look at Adam quietly waiting for him to finish.

"And you would be amazed at how her behavior straightened right up for the rest of the trip. She even apologized to her nanny and started being a well behaved young lady you could be proud of."

Letting out a long sigh Adam finally added, "I am sure you are not too happy right about now, but I did what I felt was necessary and I won't apologize for it."

Shaking his head Mr. Sullivan frowned as he looked slightly annoyed. He was totally surprised and disappointed by his daughter's outlandish behavior.

"I had no idea of her behavior to Miss Langford when I was not around. She was always very well behaved so I naturally assumed she was always that way. I know I have spoiled her terribly with giving her everything she wants, but I had no idea she had become such an inconsiderate girl. From the sounds of what you have told me you had every cause to take her to task. And you can bet that she and I will be having a very long talk about her future behavior when we get back to Virginia City."

Taking Adam's hand in another firm handshake Mr. Sullivan smiled, "I really am thankful you were on the stage and did so much to help everyone arrive safely. I am sorry for my daughter's behavior and I totally understand why you felt you needed to set her straight. You had a heavy burden on your shoulders getting everyone here safely and you certainly didn't need the added stress of a spoiled girl constantly causing trouble. Have a safe trip home, Mr. Cartwright, and maybe we will meet again someday under different circumstances."

Returning his handshake Adam smiled as he replied, "You are welcome, sir. I was more than happy to help guide everyone here safely and I am glad it all turned out well. You have a very lovely daughter there, sir. Just remember that sometimes you need to set limits with consequences where children are concerned. All fathers want to give their children things but sometimes they will take advantage of you if you overdo. I hope you can be in your daughter's life a little more now so you can help guide her."

"I will definitely make a point of doing just that, Mr. Cartwright."

"It has been a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Sullivan, and I hope your journey the rest of the way goes well."

Turning away from Mr. Sullivan Adam walked over to the rest of the group so he could say his goodbyes.

Stopping in front of Miss Langford Adam reached out to shake her hand, but she quickly pulled Adam into a big hug and when she was done she gave him a saucy wink before climbing into the buckboard.

"Thanks for all your help, Mr. Cartwright. We couldn't have done it without you."

Adam tipped his hat as he gave her that dashing, dimpled grin of his.

"You are quite welcome, Miss Langford."

Finally he was standing in front of Rebecca and couldn't help but smile as he noticed her nervousness. She had her head down and was scraping the ground with her shoe. Adam reached over and put his hand under her chin as he lifted up her face to look at him.

"Well, little miss, this has been quite the adventure. I know I will never forget it. I hope you have learned something from this trip."

Rebecca grinned shyly and lowered her head once again as a quick picture of their little "discussion" flashed through her head.

A firm hand caught her chin once more and lifted her eyes to look at Adam as he smiled easily. Soon Rebecca found herself smiling also.

"Just remember to treat people with kindness and respect and they will treat you the same way. Have a safe journey the rest of the way, Rebecca Louise Sullivan… and maybe we will meet again sometime."

Adam leaned over and kissed Rebecca lightly on the cheek, then he turned and walked over and mounted his horse as he tipped his hat to the rest of the group.

"Goodbye everyone… have a safe journey."

Soon all that could be seen of Adam and his horse was a small dust cloud as the wind whipped it around until it eventually settled on the road.

Rebecca stood there for the longest time as she watched Adam ride off until he was completely out of sight. The whole time she watched him she held her hand on her cheek where Adam had kissed her. Finally hearing Miss Langford call her name, she let out a long sigh and climbed into the buckboard along side her nanny.

"I certainly hope we meet again someday too, Adam Cartwright," she muttered softly, as she started to daydream about that very thing while holding her hand pressed against her cheek.

And who knows, the way the fates have been playing with poor Adam, they very well may.


Thanks everyone for the great reviews. I am so glad you enjoyed this story about Rebecca.