"Loyalpaw! Pay attention!" Lizardpaw snapped.

The small white she-cat looked up from her half-eaten vole at the golden she-cat before her.

"Lizardpaw, can't you see I'm not done?" She complained. She wasn't in a good mood.

The apprentice rolled her sparkling green eyes at her friend's behavior. "Sandclaw is waiting for us to clean her bedding."

"I have to ask Mudheart if we're doing anything today first." She said as she gulped down the rest of the fresh-kill down.

"Hurry up. Sandclaw trusts you better than me." Lizardpaw walked away toward the Elder's den and left Loyalpaw alone in the clearing with a few of the warriors.

She glanced a look at a brown tabby and he flicked his tail to the elder's den.

Loyalpaw smiled. Then she thought where is the closest place to get moss?

Stonekit, Graykit, and Ravenkit were playing near the fresh-kill pile. An idea sprouted in her head.

"Graykit! Could I have that moss ball? Sandclaw's bedding needs to be replaced again." Loyalpaw said as not grumpy as possible.

The dark grey tabby kit looked up from the large ball of moss. His fierce glare told Loyalpaw what she expected from this tom. "I'll bring you a mouse and a new story after sunset, okay?" She begged.

The kit smiled with glee and gladly tossed the ball over to her.

Loyalpaw picked the delicate ball with her teeth and rushed to Sanclaw and Lizardpaw.

As she entered the ivy covered den, she could see Sandclaw meowing goodbye to Oakfur, her only kit.

"Ah, Loyalpaw, you decided to join us." Sandclaw meowed, with a bit of a scold in her voice. Her amber eyes glinted with amusement.

"Sorry Sandclaw. I had to beg Graykit for some moss." She admitted as she padded to the small pile of moss that Lizardpaw was picking at to flatten it more.

"Honestly Loyalpaw! Apprentices! So lazy that they have to ask kits for moss!" Sandclaw said.

Loyalpaw just layed down the moss and started getting up to get some more when the grey she-cat said, "But then again, it is much softer than the ones by the Tall Pine."

"Thanks." She mumbled and she rushed through the camp entrance and toward the Rain Stump.

The moss growing there was better than the moss near the Tall Pine. The Rain Stump was big enough to have half of CloudCLan's warriors all on it.

Somehow Loyalpaw's belly felt empty again. Better go talk to Barleypaw again. She thought.

That Light brown tom always comforted her, if Rustpaw , her brother, did not. Loyalpaw tended to distance herself from the other apprentices.

A sharp pain stung on her front right paw. She ignored it. Why should she care about that king of pain, when most of the warriors, even her leader, tormented her everyday so much that she wished she could just die in that battle with PebbleClan.

Her name, said by some, was not her personality. Loyalpaw looked up to the sky which was bright and sunny. Why did I have to be the unlucky cat with the kittypet parents?

O. CloudClan CampO.O.O.O.O.O.

"I bet that kittypet is running home to her Twolegs right now!"

"Yeah, she can't be without her stupid kittypet mother who got herself killed!"

Rustpaw watched the two warriors in silence. You'll pay for insulting my sister!