Author's Notes: Finally finished this fic! Yay! Thank you to all of my readers and reviewers for following this fic with me. :D I hope you guys had a great time reading this as much as I had fun writing it! At this point, I'm going to warn you that there's not much of a definite ending for all characters, but I actually prefer it that way. Ü

Thank you very much everyone! And based on Sakura's experiences, I encourage everyone to go outside and observe your surroundings too. You'll be surprised at how your brain would be creative as to imagine a lot of things. ;)


She has always been a great observer. She knew how to read people's actions and understand their personalities through their choices. But when she suddenly meets this guy in a cafe, would she able to understand her own feelings?


Stroke. Stroke. Brush…

Brush. Brush. Stroke.

Sakura bit her bottom lip as she filled in the perfect mix of yellow and brown. Though her hands seemed busy with her project, her mind found it easy to multi-task and think of other things which in this case, is another person.

That Syaoran Li! He just had to insult my hobby, hadn't he? I seriously pity Eriol for being partners with him. She frowned.

She placed down her current brush and picked another type from her set.

I mean really, how was I supposed to know he's an Engineering student? He didn't really give off an aura that he was one to begin with! Well, aside from the fact that his hands looked a bit callous from all the sketching he does; not to mention his capability of compromise like what happened yesterday, but still…

Sakura sighed, thinking that it might also be unfair for him to be accused of like this.

"Is my so called 'special observation skills' decreasing? Geez." Maybe I'm not being too observant enough recently.

That can't be! Sakura gasped in shock, stopping her work in the process. She shook her head vigorously and tried to focus once more. This is not good Sakura, you need to concentrate. Your painting's due tomorrow! She mentally chanted again and over, but realized her silent mantra didn't work after not being able to continue.

"I'm seriously blaming Syaoran for doing this to me!" She exclaimed, slamming her paintbrush down the table along with her acrylic set.

She stared at her still unfinished painting with a frown. How am I supposed to finish this with that freak running across my mind? I hate this. I hate him.

"I need a break."

Sakura grabbed her jacket and walked out of her dorm room with a bang.


It was a peaceful morning around the campus.

And this, according to Sakura, was just what she needed in attempt to clear her head about a certain amber-eyed guy.

She sat on one area of the inclined lawn with her legs bent close to her chest. She rested her chin atop of her knees and sighed, air of cool fog coming out from her mouth.

Geez, what's so special about him anyway? She whined in thought, but her eyes suddenly widened in realization. Damn it! I'm thinking about him again! Okay, calm down Sakura, just breathe and focus on whatever your eyes can land on.

She did as she told herself, her eyes wandering around anything, anyone to be preoccupied with.

Oh, it seems like that guy's running very late. Most likely overslept and now he's late for an important quiz. I bet he's in the social sciences department though, I hear they have their exams during this time of the year.

And seriously, do those girls really have to chat so loud? No one needs to hear about that girl's crazy night out with her boyfriend last night! Are they trying to show off or attract too much attention? I bet they're really pretty sad individuals. Hey, maybe that other girl is just an errand girl for them. Poor her. I still can't believe social cliques are still present in college. Hm…

Ah, that lady. Is she a new professor? Maybe a temp. But her demeanour looks kind of… lonely to me, although she's wearing that smile. Personal problem definitely, but it doesn't look like it's a financial problem. She's wearing nice clothes too! Relationship, maybe? Okay, what do I even know about that!

Sakura groaned. Her head was starting to hurt from all of the assumptions wanting to burst out. She closed her eyes and buried her face against her knees, one of her habits when trying to compose herself once more.

Hey, at least I got my mind off of him for a bit—

Never mind.

Pull yourself together, Sakura! It's not like you really like the guy, right?


Her frown only deepened. She had to think of another way to clear her mind, but what? Sakura bit her lip and tried to busy her thoughts, until she gasped after an idea came out.

"It's a good thing I was able to bring this little notebook with me."

Sakura smiled as she took out her material and a pencil. She flipped open to a blank page and started sketching a copy of the painting she had already started yesterday.

But… She stopped momentarily, this would only make it even worse. Nevertheless, she continued her sketch and kept herself busy. It took her a while to finish the outlines, but a quick glance at her surroundings made her pause from her work.

Sakura tilted her head to the side, her attention taken away by a girl who seemed to be troubled, in her opinion anyway.

Is she looking for something? Or maybe she lost something on her way to class and can't seem to find it. But it doesn't look like whatever it was fell on the ground, so maybe she's looking for a person? Sakura scanned the stranger and nodded approvingly at her choice of wardrobe.

She has a great sense of style I could say, she actually looks wealthy. What with a well-taken care of skin like that? She's a student at the Art Department definitely, but what course I wonder? Painting's definitely out since I've never seen her around before. Advertising? Maybe. Acting slash modelling? Probable too, she has the face to become one too. But her clothing also suggests someone to be from the Fashion Design department. Hm…

Sakura might've stared too long, because before she knew it, the stranger was already walking briskly towards her direction. The girl's long, dark hair was bouncing beautifully behind her, and on her face looked like she was catching a deadline too.

The girl stopped a few feet in front of her, hand on chest as she regains her breath.

Sakura blinked, taken by surprise as she looked up to the stranger in front of her.

"Hi, is there anything—"

"I'm sure this is kind of sudden, but may you stand up for me please?" The girl pleaded.

"Hoe?" Sakura mumbled, but did as she was told. The girl seemed nice anyway.

Sakura walked down from her inclined spot and stood beside her once she got back to the plane area. She stood straight, all the while wondering why the girl was judging her from head to toe. This is a bit… Awkward and uncomfortable, she thought.

Just as she was about to ask, the stranger's face suddenly lit up and announced, "I've decided: you'll be my model for my finals project!"

Sakura stared taken aback. "A-Are you serious?"

The girl nodded gleefully. "But this would require your approval, of course. I do apologize for being rude." She bowed.

"O-Oh, it's no problem at all. I'm just surprised, that's all. Are you sure you want me to be your model? Won't any of your friends be willing to do that for you?" Sakura suggested.

The other just smiled. "It's kind of hard to explain, and a long story too. And yes, I'd be delighted to have you as my model. Your whole look is perfect for what I have in mind."

"Well, I'll be in your hands then. I hope I won't cause you any trouble." Sakura bowed. "I'm Sakura Kinomoto, from Painting."

"Tomoyo Daidouji, Fashion Design."



"Your Eriol's Tomoyo? Ouch!" Sakura finally managed to blurt out what she's been thinking of since they left the lawns.

The question caught Tomoyo by surprise that she accidentally pinned Sakura's skin while fitting some fabric. "Oh, I'm sorry!"

Sakura winced at the sudden pinch, but took Tomoyo's reaction as a positive answer to her previous question. "No it's fine, I'm sorry I seemed to have startled you."

"Well… Just a bit." Tomoyo bit her bottom lip and tried to focus once more.

"So, you do know Eriol?" Sakura teased.

It took a while before Tomoyo responded but she nodded nonetheless. "I wasn't exactly expecting that you're really acquainted with him, but then again there's a high chance that you have a same class together so…" She shrugged in ending.

Sakura laughed at the red shade appearing in her new friend's cheeks. "We're not that close, if you're worried—ow!" Another accidental poke.

"Sorry, sorry!" Tomoyo quickly said. "And no, I'm not really worried at all. I'm just kind of embarrassed at how much he told you."

Sakura pondered for a moment and then said, "I don't recall anything from him that seemed confidential. He just talks about how he really likes you and he finds different ways every day just for you to finally answer him."

Tomoyo giggled. "I see."

Sakura raised a brow. "Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?"

"It depends on the question." Tomoyo said, draping another layer of cloth to the garment.

"Why haven't you answered him yet?" Sakura asked boldly.

"I was afraid you'd ask that question," Tomoyo sighed. "And I think you'd probably laugh at this, but it's mostly because… I'm scared."

"Scared of what?" Sakura said.

"That I'll fail to whatever responsibilities a 'girlfriend' must do. Believe or not, I haven't had a boyfriend ever since." Tomoyo managed to laugh at her own story.

And she wasn't surprised that Sakura gasped after hearing it too. "You're crazy! No way!"

"Yes, it does sound crazy, doesn't it?" Tomoyo giggled. "But that's just me. Don't get me wrong though, I like Eriol." She said with hints of pride that made Sakura look at her in surprise.

"You're… in love with him?" Sakura's eyes widened.

Tomoyo's face darkened, but shyly nodded in response.

"B-But… Don't take this in a bad way though, but for someone like you who never had a boyfriend before, not to mention you look incredibly wealthy with high standards, how were you able to know that you're already in love?" Sakura couldn't help but ask.

Tomoyo paused her work for a moment to look at her. "No offense taken, and I'm surprised at how observant you are. Well, it is kind of confusing as to how I managed to be sure that I'm already in love with him, but based on my friend's experiences and a few romantic movies here and there, I just woke up one day and realized that that's it. You see that guy as a different person, unique from all other guys, and that deep down you know you're happy just by seeing him—if that's not love, then I don't know what else to call it." She smiled.

Sakura frowned. "How were you sure that it's true love, and not just mere infatuation or crush?"

Tomoyo grinned. "You're having a serious love problem on your own, aren't you?"

This time, it was Sakura's turn to blush. "N-No! I'm just terribly confused, that's all."

"Let me guess, this whole time we were conversing about love and guys, you were thinking of a specific someone?"

"No, I—" Syaoran. Sakura turned red even more that amused her friend.

"You're a great observant Kinomoto, I think you of all people should know what goes on inside your heart." Tomoyo said, measuring Sakura's legs for another part of the outfit.

"It's not the first time I heard someone say that to me, trust me." Sakura sighed. "It's just that, how am I able to know that I really like the guy? I mean, he just so happens to be wherever I am that I should really accuse him of a stalker when really, he is not. I observe different people every day and maybe see another guy the same time but still, sometimes I wished it was him that I see and not another person, you know? And when he's already there, I can't take my eyes off of him because I just find him annoying most of the time!"

Tomoyo giggled. "I think you just answered your own problem."

"Huh?" Sakura blinked.

"So you observe people every day, huh?" Tomoyo started. "Kinomoto, the fact that you 'can't take your eyes off of him' is already a hint that you see him differently compared to the people you see every day. And even though you find him annoying most of the time as you say, it just seems like he's the only guy who got your attention."

"Does that automatically mean it's love?"

"I can't say it's automatic since it's different for everyone, but I can surely tell you it's a start." Tomoyo winked.

"Is this how you felt with Eriol too?" Sakura asked.

Tomoyo nodded. "I used to find him pretty annoying too 'cause he just wouldn't leave me alone. Until I saw a side of him that truly took me by surprise, and ever since then, I looked at him differently compared to the other guys I see."

"I see," Sakura said. "You know, you're really easy to talk to, Daidouji. I'm surprised myself I managed to blurt all these personal things to someone I just met."

"I could say the same to you, I'm happy you're the girl I chose. I owe you big time for this project." Tomoyo beamed.

"It's okay, your advices are already good enough!" Sakura grinned.

"You're welcome then." Tomoyo said.

"And I think I just had another hint for my feelings."

Tomoyo's ears perked. "That's a good start, what is it then?"

Sakura just smiled at her and said, "I'll just show it to you when it's done."


Talking to Tomoyo was refreshing, Sakura thought.

And before she even knew it, she was already walking towards to the usual café, still in deep thought after Tomoyo dismissed her.

See him differently… huh?

"Welcome to Heaven and Coffee!"

Sakura jumped at the sudden greeting, blinked and realized just then that her deep thought brought her to the café where it all started. Well, I guess going to this shop is second nature to me now. She shrugged.

She was on her way to the counter when her eyes unconsciously scanned and looked for a specific someone.

"Syaoran's… not here, I suppose?" She whispered.

"What's this? You miss me already?"

Sakura turned red in embarrassment and instantly knew whose voice that was. She turned around and aimed a punch towards Syaoran's arm.

"Hey girl, what got you so violent?" Syaoran frowned, rubbing the spot where she hit him. "For a little girl like you, you sure can hit!"

"Stop being such a wuss and a stalker please!" Sakura flushed.

But this only made Syaoran laugh, much to her chagrin. "First of all, it's a mistake to call me a wuss. And second, I'm not stalking you. I just arrived here and truth be told, I never noticed that you were here until you called my name. Now who's the stalker?" He teased.

Sakura just glared at him and turned back again towards the counter. She was scanning the menu for a nice drink and treat combo and wasn't surprised anymore when Syaoran was already behind her.

What did surprise her though, was when he looked over her shoulder to scan the same menu on the counter as well. Sakura actually stopped her breath when she felt his near her neck.

The nerve of this guy!

She turned to look at him but regretted it at once, seeing as how their faces were only inches away from each other.


Syaoran just blinked at her, waiting for her to continue. But instead of finishing her rant, Sakura just blushed a few more shades of red, and prayed to God that he won't make fun of her for it.

"Either you finish whatever you're going to say to me, or you start ordering 'cause the line's starting to pile up." Syaoran said, thumb pointing to whatever's behind him.

Sakura frowned, and even looked behind them, and clearly no one was lining up. "I don't see anyone behind you, unless you brought an imaginary friend along?"

Syaoran's shoulders shook as he chuckled, catching Sakura by surprise once more.

"You're one crazy guy." Sakura rolled her eyes and looked at the cashier… who happened to be her friend who seemed very amused. "R-Rika! When did you get there?" She stammered.

Oh Rika's smile had so much meaning that Sakura couldn't help but gulp. She knew that smile, it was the same smile Rika threw at her when she first met Syaoran in this exact café.

The same smile that led Rika to think that Syaoran is her boyfriend, and even managed to tell it to Chiharu and Naoko.

"I was here the whole time Saks! But I wouldn't exactly blame you for not noticing me." Rika winked.

Sakura brought a palm to her face and breathed deeply. Why does it seem like people have right timing today? First with Tomoyo, then Syaoran, now Rika looks like the crazy Cheshire cat that has another thing to gossip about.

"Never mind that," Sakura sighed. "Can I just have my usual order please? Thanks."

"Sure thing." Rika said and punched in her order. She then addressed the one behind Sakura and asked, "How about you, sir?"

Syaoran was about to answer but Sakura beat him to it.

"Oh no, we have separate orders. And I don't even know the guy so I think that's kind of rude." Sakura interrupted, all the while shoving her pay towards Rika.

Syaoran just looked at her while Rika giggled. "I think that's even ruder Saks, but whatever you say." She accepted the money and gave her change.

Sakura's frown never left even after she already got out of the line and walked to her usual spot. Syaoran's eyes followed her, amusement obvious on his face.

"She's a bit stubborn, isn't she?" Syaoran said.

"Hold the bit," Rika grinned. "But you'll never get bored with her, trust me. Please do take care of my friend." She bowed.

Syaoran laughed. "Yeah, I don't think I'll ever get bored. And don't worry, I'll do my best." He smiled this gentleman smile that even Rika couldn't help her cheeks to blush a pretty pink.


Sakura was fuming.

Well, more like cursing Syaoran while her palm supported her jaw. Her elbow was resting on the loveseat's arm as she looked outside the busy streets.

No seriously, why? Why does he always pop out at the right time? I swear that guy's previous life was a mushroom! Or a ninja! A ninja mushroom!

Now I'm being ridiculous. I don't have time for this! I should be back at my dorm, finishing my painting.

And that girl's walking towards a puddle while she's on the phone, I'm going to feel bad about her white shoes though. …Whoop, there it is! Now I'm sure she's blaming this to whoever she's talking to on the phone.

Sakura blinked when the girl faced her palm up and looked towards the sky. Sakura did the same thing too and noticed the skies were turning dark and thunder shook, signalling that rain was coming soon.

Great, just when I didn't bring an umbrella with me. She frowned.

"You know, I think I like it better when you were smiling by yourself rather than frowning like that. You're going to have wrinkles embedded on your face if you keep that frown." Syaoran said, taking the loveseat opposite her and placed their drinks and desserts on the coffee table.

"There're a lot of available seats around, you know." Sakura said.

Syaoran pretended to wince dramatically. "Have you always been this stingy? And there may be a lot, but I chose this seat with you." He winked playfully.

Sakura rolled her eyes and just gave up. She knew it was going to be a waste of time if they fought over something useless again. Instead, she reached for her drink and started stirring.

This caught Syaoran's attention. "Well, this is new."

"What is?" She asked, eyes still fixed on her food.

"No response from what I just said." Syaoran replied, taking a bite off his waffle.

"I do believe you don't like girls who 'talk too much' as you said before, so I'm quite surprised that you find my 'silence' as new."

Syaoran blinked. "You got offended by that?"

"No," she glared. "I don't know. I just know that I hate you."

"Which is something I never understood." Syaoran said.

"I… I don't know, I can't explain it okay! You just get to me, it's annoying. You're annoying."

Syaoran stopped eating, eyes straight against hers. "I'm sorry if you feel that way then, I better find another table if this annoys you even more." He said it in such a serious tone that surprised Sakura.

Her hands slowly reached out but halted, at the same time her mouth opened to say something but nothing came out of it.

No, please stay, was what she wanted to say.

Syaoran was about to leave but something in her eyes made him stay, and stay he did.

"Okay, I'll stay."

Huh? Sakura blinked.

"I'll stay here," Syaoran repeated. "Your actions and your expression just told me to stay, and I'm not one to refuse so yeah."

Sakura's lips thinned. She was confused.

"So I guess you're not the only one who can observe other people huh? But I'm not as great as you who can observe each individual, so consider yourself pretty special 'cause I can read only you." Syaoran laughed. "This is actually fun, no wonder you enjoy this very much."

"What?" Sakura finally managed to speak.

"Now I have another excuse to stare at you too." He smiled. And it wasn't the same smile he passed to Rika, but it was on a whole different level that Sakura's heart began to beat fast.

Her hands fisted on her jeans, cheeks slowly turning pink, their eyes staring right at one another that meant more than just simple words through observations.

"Does that automatically mean it's love?"

"I can't say it's automatic since it's different for everyone, but I can surely tell you it's a start."

Tomoyo's words echoed in her mind while Syaoran's smile remained fixed towards hers.

Outside, lightning shook and part of its light helped illuminate a side of Syaoran's face. And thunder came, but Sakura was sure her heartbeat was still ringing louder compared to that thunder.

He's the only guy who got your attention this much… Surely it's a start…



"Okay class, please hang your paintings on your designated part of the wall. I have high expectations for everyone since I've given you an extension for your projects." Ms. Mizuki announced.

The class nodded in response.

"I'll give you this time to fix the room while I go to the Dean's office for a short while. After you've hung your paintings, you're already dismissed. Just leave them to me for checking." Ms. Mizuki continued. "Hiiragizawa, please see to it that every thing's in order before I get back. Thank you!"

With that, the professor left and noise filled the room.

Most from the class have hung their paintings at once, eager to leave the classroom after that. Others stayed for a few more minutes to check on their classmates' paintings and say what's on their mind, but left soon after.

Only few remained and one of them was Sakura, who was still seated on her desk, her painting still covered.

"Hey Sakura, aren't you going to hang your painting?" Eriol asked.

"What's this, Saks? You weren't able to finish it?" Chiharu said.

Sakura was still in deep though, cheeks a bit flushed, before she answered them.

"I was able to finish it, I'll hang it don't worry." She replied.

Chiharu and Eriol looked at each other, Sakura was in a weird mood today and they couldn't understand what's on her mind—which for them, was kind of unfair, since she could almost always figure out what's on theirs.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Chiharu asked worriedly, hand on her friend's shoulder.

Sakura nodded and passed her an encouraging smile. "I'm just kind of embarrassed to hang it, I think."

Chiharu stared, hand on hip. "How come? Your paintings have always been great Saks, I'm sure this one won't be any different."

But Sakura's blush deepened, creating more confusion to her two friends.

A ring from Chiharu's bag broke the silence and Chiharu took the call. It was from her boyfriend and she was happy to be asked for a date.

"That was Takashi, I'm sorry but I have to go Saks, I'll see your painting later!" She waved and left.

Sakura then turned to Eriol and bit her lip, he looked at her for a few moments and sighed. "If you're that embarrassed, then I think I just need to go to the men's room and already leave."

She smiled in thanks. And in return, she said, "Oh and before you leave, you might want to try and call Tomoyo for tonight, I think she's in love with you too."

Eriol's eyes widened and this time, it was his turn to blush. "T-That's… I mean… Yeah, bye!"

Sakura giggled and slowly stood up from her seat. She grabbed the canvas and took the cover off, placing it neatly against the wall. She was too busy fixing her painting that she never heard Eriol say outside the door, "Oh hey Syaoran, I'm kind of in a hurry but you can just grab the papers on my desk at the back corner!"

Sakura stepped back a few steps to observe the painting, checking if the positioning was right and there was nothing else she needed to tidy up.

"That should do it, I think." She said, a finger on her chin.

"I'll say, that's quite a handsome painting you got there." Syaoran commented.

Sakura almost jumped, but instantly relaxed as she tried to process her mind to get used to this mushroom technique from this guy.

Wait, this guy!

Syaoran laughed, realizing that he unknowingly surprised her again. "I'm not stalking you, I swear. I just came to get the papers from Eriol's desk."

Yet Sakura remained in her spot, back still turned to him. It took her a few more deep breaths before she decided she couldn't hide it any longer, and turned around to look at him in the eye.

"You think so too? I'm actually proud of it." Sakura smirked.

Syaoran mirrored the expression and lessened the gap between them. Her breath hitched when he suddenly reached out to wipe off the paint that was left on her cheeks. "I think you should be. You really captured the person's facial expression. Your observing hobby seems to have its perks when it comes to painting."

"I'm very grateful, don't worry."

"There is one problem though."

Sakura looked up at him and raised a brow, "And what is that?"

"You never asked permission to paint him." He stared at her, eyes showing clear amusement.

She bit her bottom lip. Guilty as charged, she thought. She looked down and avoided his gaze, and waited for whatever punishment he's going to give her.

"Well what can I say? I've had a good source of inspiration from the coffee shop." She joked.

Syaoran laughed. "I can see that." He nodded. "But I think I know how you can make it up to that person for using his face."

She looked up again and urged him to continue, unconsciously stepping closer towards him with only a few inches between them left. Her eyes sparkled against his own as she waited for him to continue.

"A date sounds like a good payment enough."

Sakura's eyes widened, and so did her mouth turn to a small 'o', but slowly her lips curved into this pretty smile that Syaoran couldn't help but to smile himself.

"So how about it?" He asked.

"Are you paying?" Sakura teased.

"Hm…" Syaoran pretended to think, but a teasing punch on his arm caused him to laugh again. "Of course, of course!"

"Good, let's go then!" Sakura said, scrambling back to her desk and arranging her things.

Syaoran smiled at her and while she packed, he took one good look at the painting. He was actually very impressed at how detailed she made this. It was a great surprise, but he found it kind of… sweet. And now he's cursing inside because he can't believe he just thought about something as girly as that. No, surely there's a similar term for sweet in a man's vocabulary!

"Syaoran, are you ready yet?"

"Yes, yes."

Never mind, as long as he found it touching that she chose to paint a portrait of him during one of their café encounters, then that's all that matters. Judge him vain, but he actually found that side view of him while looking out the window pretty good.

At first Sakura couldn't understand what brought her to paint him, her usual reason was because she had nothing else to paint and it felt like a good choice, and so she did. But as the days passed and she realized a lot of things, maybe that painting was the final hint for her feelings after all.

Boy and girl—new couple, always getting on each other's nerves, obvious sign of admiration. Dating for a long time already? Hm, no… Childhood friends? Probably, maybe not. Girl's a painter, face smudged with brown paint. Guy's probably an engineer, blueprints rolled are peaking from the inside of his bag. Known each other for a long time? I don't think so… Looks great together? Hm, actually…

Definitely yes.
