The Recovery.
Disclaimer: Don't own anything.
Chapter one: Bang Bang
Well, this sucks.
Jane Rizzoli felt nothing but the pain. Long mighty waves of agony crashed into her shaking her form, emanating from her chest. Warmth spread rapidly throughout her body, she remained completely unaware the source was her own crimson blood seeping from various escapes and along the cold concrete as if to comfort her shivering figure. Her breathing was raspy, laboured and made difficult by the heavy weight that seemed to be crushing her lungs, making respiration seem far too much effort. Her cranium had slammed on impact with the pavement, the pain agitated more by the gun shot reverberating round her skull, tangling any coherent thoughts previously there into cruel mocking gibberish of a person clinging to consciousness
She was going to say it, she really was, and now she was going to die
I love you.
She forced the words to shine through the chaos.
She smiled to herself, too crushed by pain and confusion to know whether the words were spoken aloud or not, let alone whether they reached the intended recipient of the statement. Content she had finally admitted what had been eating her, the voices hushed and she heard a single cry before succumbing to the darkness.
Maura witnessed everything. The devilish sleek black weapon pulled from a back pocket, the deafening blast of the gun, and the blurred bodies of Korsak and Frost as they tackled the monster to the ground. She was in a parallel world where the impossible happened and horrific scenes played out in slow motion in front of her eyes. She saw it all and registered nothing. Nothing but Jane falling.
An alien, strangled cry ripped from her throat, not reaching her ear drums that could register no new information, so settled on replays of the gun shot, again and again and again. As the heartbroken wail ceased her world shifted back to real speed hitting play on a remote.
It had only been seconds, Jane still stood a chance. Maura skidded to her knees on the gravel. She was numb from adrenaline and didn't notice her sliced skin. Her blood dripped mixing with Jane's growing pool.
Shit, Shit, Shit.
She swore she saw the detective smile at her uncharacteristic cursing. Determined that wouldn't be the last time, she viscously swiped at the tears flowing down her face and took in Jane's injuries as a physician.
She ignored Jane's quivering form and focused on the facts. Ballistic Trauma. Single laceration to upper right chest cavity, single bullet wound, exit wound evident, and missed any major organs or blood vessels…But there is so much blood! A voice squealed in her head until it was silenced by the doctor that possessed her crouching form again. She was currently most at risk of excess air in the chest cavity leading to one or both lungs to collapse, and excess blood loss, with the potential to go into hypovolemic shock. They needed an ambulance- now.