Chapter 1 - Beauty & The Beast

Ryan Kuhn was not expecting special treatment when he admited to his murders, or when he requested help but he was sure that someone would have decided to go a little lighter on him. His once nicely trimmed hair was long and knotted, he knew that if his mother was alive she would call it the head of rats tails, but she was not around. That slag had died when one of her clients could not orgasim no matter how many times, they would try - he was fifteen at the time so being sent to the work house or the orphanage was not something that would worry him.

His arms were pinned behind his back thanks to the over tight straight jacket, his head was bowed down due to the heavy cage that had been locked on him so that he would not be able to knaw, through his jacket nor would he be able to bite anyone - needless to say it made eating rather diffulcult for him. Shifting himself around on a backside that was boney, thanks to not having enough food to produce viewable flesh on his body so that his bones would not be on show, his ears picked up the faitest sound of someone slotting a key into the padlock of his cell. His heart began to hammer as he placed the sole of his feet against the floor and began to shuffle back away from the sound, his shoulders started to rise up as he began to cower - though he had a mean personality he did fear people especialy the guards of this twisted hell hole. He knew that the guard who would walk in, would be a large over wieght man who went by the name Brian, his accent was deep and rasped, his hair shocking bright oranage causing Ryan to call him The Gingerbread man when ever they would meet.

As predicted a large guard walked in with a club in his hand which he would easily try to wound, Ryan with if he was given the chance. But it was not the guard that had caught his attention it was the young woman who walked in behind him, she had long golden hay coloured hair and piercing green eyes - he had never seen a woman with green eyes before, they all had brown or blue eyes sometimes even grey if he was able to find a very special whore to kill. He wanted to tilt his head but the cage made it some what diffulcult, so he was only able to set it at a slight angle as he blinked in confussion which caused the unamed woman's lips to twitch as she tried to hold back a giggle.

Is she laughing at me?

Ryan thought as he grinded his teeth letting out a low growl as he moved himself, towards the woman but Brian soon put a stop to that. He moved himself towards Ryan with a look of disgust in his eyes. Ryan quickly moved himself backwards and whimpered when Brian, walked towards him holding the club in his hand high, Ryan knew that he would be whacked so he tenced his body up in a pathetic attempt to try and reduce the amount of pain that would come from the blow.


Ryan had to twitch his own mouth to see if it was him who had spoken, but the voice that he heard was not covered by laughter it was more light and yet stern - It was the female. Both Ryan and Brian turned their heads to look at the female, who stood with a glare on her pale face that was aimed at Brian not Ryan, Ryan wanted to laugh he wanted to wriggle and stick his tongue out when he realised that Brian was being scowled but he bravely thought against it.

The female walked up towards Brian but instead of stopping to shout at him she walked, round and crouched down next to Ryan, her hand stretched out towards his shoulder that was shaking from the force of keeping the laughter trapped inside of him.

What is she doing?

He let out a few hisses and spat in her direction, wanting her to get away from him, his lips were twitching showing off his teeth that had tasted flesh from a tight women's neck many times before. However the new female did not react like so many others, she did pull her hand away from his shoulder but instead of hiding behind Brian, she pointed at his face and starred at him a firm gaze as she narrowed her eyes causing her eyebrows to meet in the middle.

"No Ryan."

She did not shout at him like she had shouted at Brian but her voice was firm enough that it caused Ryan, to stop snarling and hissing and instead just starred up at her with a look that showed he had listened and would behave. Brian was shocked.

"Well that is certainly new. Usualy the nurses would have run away from him by now."

The female ignored Brian and instead rested her hand on Ryan's shoulder and began to gently pet him like he was nothing more than a young pup, Ryan instead of snapping seemed to make small purring like noises as he shifted himself around to get comfortable now realising, that there was no need to cower away and be scared by this female. Turning her head to look up at Brian over her shoulder she looked at him up and down, before she spoke.

"Seeing as he my patient, I would like if you let us get to know one another, which means you have to wait outside until our time is up."

Brian looked like he wanted to protest but did as he was told, while glaring one last time at Ryan before he slammed the door like he was nothing more than a child, who was being sent to their room for using a bad word. The female rolled her eyes as she looked towards Ryan, a smile came over her lips as she removed her hand from his shoulder and seated herself a good foot away from Ryan - she had to sit on the floor as there was no chairs in his room only his bed and she did not want to sit on something that belonged to Ryan, unless he gave her his permision. She was a new nurse this being her first Asylum but Ryan was not her first patient, she had worked with a young man named Clark who suffered from a dangerous split personality disorder, she only worked with him for a month as he sadly killed himself by hanging himself with his own bed sheet that he tied to the cars of his window, now though she was working with Ryan - she knew that it was more of a test to see how far, she could be pushed, but she was dietermined to win.

"Well now that unpleasentness is behind us, let me introduce myself."

She's funny...

"My name is Dr. Rosaline Napier, you can call me Rose but only in our sesions."

Ryan was watching the female named Rosaline she seemed different from the others, who had walked into this Aslyum mainly because she was treating him like a real person, and because she was not afraid of him. Looking down at her legs that were crossed, so he decided to copy her, it was easy for him to cross his legs as many times he would have to sit like this as this way he wouldn't lean against his hands that were forced to rest against his back.

"My name is Ryan Kuhn."

His voice was very gruff due to the amount of times that as punishment he would be strangled, he had the bruises to prove it but his hair and the straight jacket would cover this up. If Rosaline had heard what the living nurses said about Ryan she would have been taken back, to hear him speak to her, but instead she just smiled sweetly at him. She was thinking about taking the cage off of his head but she knew, that she would have to have at least another three more sessions with him before she was able to do that. Slipping her hand into her pocket which was connected to her jacket that was wrapped around her frame to hide away, her black dress she pulled out a note pad along with a small pen, instead of writting down words that Ryan would try to read she seemed to be drawing which caught Ryan's attention straight away that he forced himself to sit with a straight back even though it hurt.

"What are you doing?"

He spoke in confussion as he moved himself closer. Rosaline smiled as she lifted the pad up placing it against her shoulder, so that Ryan would not be able to see what she was doing. Ryan let out a low growl as he moved himself towards her again, but was stopped by the look that she gave him, and the fact that she scold him for the second time that day.


Her firm voice quickly set his growls to rest. He pushed himself away from her as he bowed his head down, his lips moved into the form of a pout as he began to let out low growls that weren't as mencing nor dangerous as the last. Rosaline allowed herself to smile again as she pulled the note book away from her shoulder, and went back to drawing her eyes would sometimes look up towards Ryan before she pulled, them away and focused on her drawing.

Why won't she let me see what she is drawing? Its not fair damn it!

He thought to himself bitterly as he moved from sitting cross legged to having his knees pressed against his arms that were stretched around his hips, his face was becoming darker as he glared daggers at Rosaline watching her with hatred, he wanted to rip the note book out from her hand and see what she was drawing, he even wanted to rip out her viens and wear them like a necklace, but everytime he looked at her green eyes he knew that he would not be able to do this, and this made him even more angry but he kept it to himself.