The Rooftop

by TheMadKatter13

SUMMARY~Up on the rooftop of the school, Naruto gets a dose of his daily, unwelcome visitors. His rapists. AU. Sasuke/Naruto.

DISCLAIMER~The rights to Naruto reside with Kishimoto Masashi and I receive no financial gain from the writing of this story.

AN~Reviewer FromAfar on aff. net and Tanuki-chan on ff. net both pointed out many loopholes and illogical fallacies in this story. I was pretty much content to ignore them but now that someone else has pointed it out, it's really bothering me so I will be rewriting this story. If you're interested, make sure to ADD STORY ALERT. Even with a re-write in progress, I'm still going to post this final chapter as promised.


It was a week after the school trip and Naruto hadn't spent any time with Sasuke since he had snuck out of the Uchiha's room that afternoon while the brunette slept. He had retreated back to his room, still unsure about what had just happened. Now, a week later, and he was starting to convince himself that it was just a fluke, that something had been up with Sasuke that day and the pale boy only wanted the sex and the blonde had just imagined the love confessions. It wouldn't be abnormal for him to hallucinate since it had happened a bit since his health had declined so drastically. Later that day found him on the top of the school's roof, like normal.

It was peaceful up on the school's roof where no one ventured. The world was quiet up there. He began to doze off as he normally did, the sound of the door opening escaping his attention. Suddenly, shadows fell over him and he opened his eyes to find Sai and Neji standing above him. Then they were on him, Neji at his ankles and Sai at his wrists. Naruto struggled slightly but grinned at them.

"You really think you can do what you usually do with only two of you?" The blonde gave a short, barking laugh as he felt the glares hit him full force. Knees settled on his biceps as an erection tried to force itself down his throat. Jerking his head side to side to escape the sorely lacking member, he tried to yank his legs up, by proxy jerking the Hyuuga forward. The long-haired boy jerked the legs back down and then clambered up to sit on them. Sai was still on his biceps which was actually becoming somewhat painful. 'Sasuke!' Naruto automatically thought, calling out for the paler boy in his mind, though immediately dismissing the thought, thinking it stupid.

Naruto continued bucking and twisting, attempting to get them off of himself long enough to land a punch on them. Suddenly, hands were at the hem of his pants, reaching inside and the blonde twisted even harder to keep the hands away. Then the roof door slammed open and for some reason, the feeling of safety began to crawl back to him. Sasuke strode toward the trio, murder in his eyes and his aura burning violently, lashing out around in fierce flames.

"Hey, Sasuke. 'Bout time you showed up!" Sai grinned, completely missing the furious expression in narrowed black eyes, grabbing a fistful of blonde hair and raising his head to kiss the enormous hickey on the left side of Naruto's neck, completely and idiotically oblivious to Sasuke's apparent anger, as was Neji. The blonde could practically hear the Uchiha snap. At that moment, Naruto wondered if Sasuke would leave the two alive if the looks he was giving their oblivious asses was any indication.

Neji was ripped away first, so hard that when he hit the wall of the little enclosure over the stairs, he fell to the floor, unconscious. Naruto knew Sai would have it worse and he was right. The short-haired boy was ripped off the blonde next, a fist burying itself into his stomach. The next fist connected his face, and the last hit was a grab, twist, and pull to the brunette's erection, hard enough to make the boy scream before he was also thrown into the wall, landing unconscious next to Neji.

Naruto lay on the ground, staring at Sasuke who was currently facing the two unconscious boys who he had once accompanied in raping him. His head was hung, long bangs hiding his face. Neither boy moved.

"Sasuke...?" Naruto asked quietly, climbing to his feet from the position on the ground. He stood there, unsure, carefully watching the dark boy. Silently, he began to inch towards the boy. "...Sasuke...?" he called again. Suddenly, the pale boy lunged forward, kicked the two unconscious bodies away from the wall, then whipped around to face Naruto who jumped in surprise. Sasuke walked swiftly forward with a burning look in his eyes before grabbing the tan boy and flinging him around into the wall. Naruto made an "oof!" as his back connected with the wall, flinching when it did. When he looked up, Sasuke was standing in front of him, his black eyes dark with anger. Naruto shifted nervously.

The Uchiha moved forward, his body pinning the tan boy to the wall. Teeth attacked the hickey on his neck, which had yet to shrink nor even fade in the slightest. Naruto made a small whimper in his throat and tilted his head to the side in submission to Sasuke's unleashed animalistic instincts. The harsh attack slowly ceased and was replaced with gentler, apologetic licks, and then a light, careful kiss. Sasuke stopped his movements, nuzzling into his mark on the blonde's neck. It was only at that moment when Naruto felt hands tighten on his hips that he even knew they were there. After a few moments of unrelenting squeezing and the distinct impression of fingertip bruises on his hips, he gave out a small whimper at the slowly, steadily increasingly strong grip. The hands gave a final squeeze before haltingly and shakily letting go to wrap around his waist, but the brunette's head remained firmly in the crook of the blonde's neck.

Naruto shifted, unsure of what to do with himself. After all, he had just spent the last week convincing himself that he had merely dreamed the words spoken at the school trip and now here Sasuke was, like it was real. Like it hadn't been a dream. He was so confused. He loved Sasuke, more than anything. The Uchiha was his closest, and quite frankly, his only friend, and despite the heinous actions preformed upon him in the past, he was willing to forgive and forget. He lifted his eyes to the sky, willing himself not to cry at the strange turn of events.

"...u're mi...," a vibration tickled against his neck. Naruto blinked and shifted his eyes to the dark-haired head.

"What?" the blonde asked incredulously, willing his ears to have heard wrong.

"You're mine," the voice growled more firmly, the vibration tickling the blonde whose eyes were currently wider than they had any right to be. Then something flashed in them and they went back to normal as a smile slid across his face.

"Only yours?" he asked quietly, holding his breath for the answer, his heart beating wildly in his chest. The arms wrapped around his waist tightened.

"Yes," came the quiet vibration. The arms tightened momentarily. "Only mine!" Those hands slid back to his hips, but then began sliding up his sides, then under his armpits, forcing tan arms up against the wall. Finally, Sasuke's right hand found its normal place around both of Naruto's wrists and the other one slid back down, only to sneak up the blonde's shirt, slim fingers spreading feather-light touches across the tan skin. Sasuke grinned against his mark when Naruto shivered at his touch. He leaned back to look at the shorter boy's face. "Only mine," he whispered, a gentle look entering his eyes as he brought his lips gently against his love's.

The kiss was soft, softer than any before it, though it soon became heated as Sasuke worked furiously to derive the blonde of his pants, then lifted the shirt over his head and wrapped the tan wrists in it. With the hand that wasn't holding up the tied wrists, he pressed into Naruto and urged the tan legs up around his waist. Naruto willingly obliged, his growing erection pressing against Sasuke's through the pale boy's pants. The Uchiha immediately unbuttoned his pants, letting his erection free to rub against the blonde's as he skillfully removed his shirt one-handed.

Naruto whimpered as he arched forward into the pale chest, his hips moving slightly to rub their erections together, eliciting mild moans from both of them. His restraint almost visibly snapping, Sasuke suddenly began to kiss him harshly, bruisingly as he readjusted the blonde so that he was at his entrance. Breaking off from the kiss, he tilted his head to the side, offering his neck to the blonde who he wished to have his own mark on him. The blonde opened his mouth and was about to close it when Sasuke jerked the tan hips down onto his shaft.

The blonde cried out and bit down on the pale neck as Sasuke sunk into him, to the hilt. The pair stayed like that for a few moments before Naruto let up, giving his bite mark a lick and a kiss, as if to say he was sorry. Sasuke responded with a gentle kiss to his own mark on the blonde. Then, at Naruto's whimper, the Uchiha started to move inside him, taking his hand off his lover's tied wrists and putting both hands on the blonde's waist, helping Naruto up and down on his shaft. The tan arms stayed up for a moment or two before falling down onto pale shoulders while their owner's head lolled against the wall, panting and moaning helplessly.

Pinning the blonde further into the wall, Sasuke let one of his hands off the tan waist to wrap around the blonde's forgotten erection that had been pressed in between their stomachs. The still-clothed hips rocked rhythmically into Naruto as he pumped his erection. The blonde's moans increased as well as got louder at the double sensations. The sound of panting filled the air on the rooftop until Naruto got loudest still as he came into the pale hand.

"Sasuke!" he cried out as he came. The Uchiha kept on pounding for a few more thrusts before he came as well.

"Naruto," he growled out as he came, his lips against the mark he had created. His hips gave a few more soft thrusts before he drew out, turning around and sliding gently down the wall. On the ground, he readjusted the tan legs from around his waist so that Naruto was sitting sideways in his lap. Sasuke wrapped his arms around the boy's waist who was currently leaning against him, his blonde head resting against his pale shoulder.

"Naruto," the brunette started. The blonde "mm"-ed in response. "I love you." He could feel a pause in the blonde as the shock ran its course. His head lifted off his shoulder and he gave a small smile at the surprised look in the shockingly blue eyes. He could see the shock leave and disbelief take its place.

" me?" The blonde asked slowly, carefully. "Last week, I didn't imagine it?"

"I love you," Sasuke repeated. "And, I am...sorry that I have not been around the past week. There were things that had to be done for the council concerning the trip last week. Last week you did not image. Naruto, I love you and always have. You can rest assured that that will not change." Naruto stared at him in wide-eyed disbelief. It was hard enough to grasp that Uchiha Sasuke was in love with him, but the fact that he actually spoke so much, something he greatly disliked, proved that he wasn't lying. A tear slipped from the corner of a blue eye and Sasuke immediately leaned forward to kiss it away.

" you, too, Sasuke," Naruto finally replied, more tears slipping out. "I never even imagined that you would feel the same way," he cried, the pent-up emotions from the years finally breaking lose at the reality of someone caring for him, about him. At the reality of someone finally loving him.

"Will you date me then, Naruto?" The blonde nodded enthusiastically as Sasuke kissed him, a real smile finally appearing on the pale boy's face for the first time in years. Sasuke reached around them and grabbed their clothes and dressed them both, sliding a blade from his pocket to cut the rope around tan wrists. Done, he got Naruto up onto the top of the stair enclosure and followed. The blonde looked at him, confused. The Uchiha said nothing, merely lay down next to the blonde and wrapped his arms around his waist.

"I love you, Naruto," Sasuke said after a few moments of silence.

"I love you, too, Sasuke," Naruto replied with a smile.

Together, the couple stayed up on the rooftop, watching the sun set and then silently watching the stars when they emerged.


Sai and Neji woke in the freezing early morning hours...naked, the stair door locked, but a rope hanging over the edge of the roof to the ground. Gritting their teeth, the two proud boys scurried on home in nothing but their skivvies, early risers laughing at them the entire way.


Whelp, here we are. Hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. ^.^ And 'skivvies' is a military term for skin/birthday suit/naked. Again, ADD STORY ALERT if you're interested in the more logical re-write already planned/in-progress and please feel free to review what's already up.