Hey, here is the sequel Same Same but Different!

I hope you like it!

Also posted on MyShadowOfDoom.



Tsunade looked up from the paper work. "Yes?" she asked Shizune.

"It's Sakura! She's gone!"

- X-X-

"Haruno Sakura." A deep voice said.

"Pein-sama." Sakura replied.

"Would you like to join the Akatsuki?" Pein asked.

Sakura smiled at this. He doesn't beat around the bush.

"I will on one condition." She said. Pein raised an eyebrow.

"And what condition might this be?" he asked.

Sakura took in a deep breath. "I get to relive my childhood."

Ooooooooooooo I wonder what that means… well I don't, but you might!

Lol, please review and vote in my poll!