Hi. So, this is the start of my new story. It's based of off the Korean drama 'You're Beautiful,' and the Japanese drama, 'Ikemen Desu Ne." I love them both and if you have any free time, you should watch them. Enjoy! Disclaimer: I don't own any of these, but I made up some characters. Plus, some of these events didn't actually happen, our are different, because I can't remember all of it. Characters are very OOC. Enjoy!

You're Beautiful

I have never thought about what I would do in my life. And I still don't. Am I going to be a pilot? A waitress? The president? Whatever it is, I still haven't figured it out yet. I didn't know that it was going to change right in front of me. Right now, I'm training to be a nun. Mother Superior is guiding me, like god. But, I'm a very clumsy one, unlike my brother. My twin brother, Andrew, is a rock star. He's dreamed about it for years. Ever since we were little, I knew that he was going to be someone. I knew that his voice was good enough for anyone. Whoever turns him down is just plain stupid. I listen to his voice everyday when we were little, soothing me to go to sleep whenever I cry. Since my dad and mom abandoned us, we had never had a real family. But I still believe that my mom is still somewhere out there. If I can just reach her, my star, than I know that wishing for something from the bottom of your heart can come true. My brother and I have gone our separate ways, but I still keep in touch with him. Now that I'm twenty-one, I can start living my own life. I can start relying on myself, not my brother. I can now see some paths. Some. Not all. I never thought that one day, I would be in his shoes. Literally. My story isn't like any others. It's a journey. Full of pain, anger, love, friendship, and on and on.

I'm at the church. Praying. Praying for something to happen. For someone to lead me somewhere. 'Mother Superior,' I'm saying in my head, 'What do I do?' I don't hear any answer, so, I just leave. But, then, I hear a singsong voice, calling out to me.

"Annabeth, Annabeth. You will find out about your life. You will." The voice suddenly stopped. What did it mean? The lights shine through the stained glass windows. My blonde hair was nowhere in sight. Gray eyes scanning the place. I took in a deep sigh and walked out, passing the rows and rows of empty seats. The white cloak around my head sways in the wind as I walked out of the church. My blue dress brightens as I walk into the sun. I ran towards my electric scooter with my white flats. The life of a nun isn't what I thought it would be like. I sit down on my scooter, turning it on, and sat down. The spring air smelt nice and the trees whistling made the atmosphere even lighter. Well, time to get riding. The trail glowed from the sun. It lit up, just like a path of destiny. It feels so nice that I smile really wide.

As I started riding through the country grass, I hear a car behind me. Rumbling. I take a quick glance at the side mirrors and I saw a small, black limo. Weird. There aren't many cars here around this place. Whatever. I keep riding, though. And it keeps following. I start to wonder, 'Who is this? Is this person after me?' I start to worry. Faster, faster, I go. And faster, and faster it went also. And it passed me, then, stopped. I screech to a halt, lurching forward. I threw my head back when I stopped. Ouch.

A man came out of the car. Chubby, short, and kind of not good looking. But I don't think like that. His greasy black hair was slicked back, eyes hidden behind a pair of sunglasses, and a black, leather jacket on his black shirt, matching his black pants, and his black hair, shoes, and scarf. In other words, he scared me.

The man advanced towards me. Suddenly, he stopped in front of me, analyzing me like a creep. I get really uncomfortable, until he said, "Do you know Andrew Chase?" In an instant, I start my scooter again, and ride, missing the black limo. I think I ran over his foot, because he yelled in pain, clutching his right foot. He limped back into his car and started it up. As he was chasing me, I screamed as loud as I could, but no one could hear me, since I was in the country. "Wait! Wait! I don't mean to hurt you! I just want to know if you are Andrew's sister!" Still, that didn't make me stop. I kept riding. And he kept screaming. Until he said, "You're brother has been in an accident!" That made me halt again, jerking my head back and forth. The black limo stopped behind me, knowing that I have given in. "Thank god you stopped."

"W-what do you mean my brother has been in an accident? Is Andrew okay? He's not hurt, is he?" I can't afford to lose Andrew like I lost my mom and dad. He's the only family that I have. My heart is pounding right out my chest.

"Yes. I mean no. I mean yes. I mean- um..." I waited for him to continue. He seemed very nervous. He rubbed his hands together, his eyebrows twitching, and his face sweating. Then, he took one big breath. "You're brother's fine. But he got into a drunken fight. His eyes blotched up and he has to go to Europe to get it fixed. Don't worry. He's fine." I sighed. What a relief. I thought that he was gone. How did he get into a fight like that? He's not that stupid to get into one. But then, there was something even more. If Andrew's fine, than, why is he here?

"Wait. Why are you here telling me this. I mean, Andrew's okay. What happened?" Now, the man looked even more scared.

"Okay, let me start from the beginning. My name is Mr. McKenzie. I'm an agent and manager for a band called A.J. I'm sure that you've heard of it. It stands for Angel." The truth was, I have. My brother use to talk about it over the phone with me about them. He said that one day, he's going to join them. Wait, is that why he's here? "You're brother, Andrew Chase, has been chosen as another member of A.J."

"Are you for real! Get out! I'm so happy for him!" But then, it struck me that it might not happen. He has to go to Europe to fix his eye. My face fell.

"Um, yeah, well, he has to sign a contract. Today. And right now, he's in Europe. If he doesn't sign it by today, he's not able to join. And I really think that adding Andrew to the group is a really good idea. And your brother agrees with it. He really wants to join the band. It will help with his career a lot."

"What do you want me to do? I'm just his sister."

"Um, well... I want you to be him." What?


"You heard me. I want you to be him. I want you to take his place signing the contract. Please, please, please?" He sounded very sincere.

"I-I don't think I can do that. If you can't see, I'm a girl. A girl. You know, the opposite gender of a boy. And I don't think that it will work. People will know I'm a girl."

"Please? I have clothes and a wig ready. Please?" Mr. McKenzie had his hands together and shaking them around furiously. I had to think about it. If I pretend to be my brother, that means, that, his dream will come true. It will help with his singing career. If I pretend to be him, I might be able to find my mother. I might be able to find out who gave birth to me. 'It's only a signature,' I keep saying to myself. 'It's only a signature.' And there are many benefits to it.

"Fine," I finally said.

"Please-wait. Did you say fine?" I nodded, though I wasn't sure if I was doing to right thing. "Thank you , thank you , thank you so much! I know that you will make your brother proud and happy. It's a once and a lifetime opportunity." And it was. Even though I didn't know it.

"I'm glad that I'm able to help my brother. Now, when is the signing?" Mr. McKenzie glanced at his watch. Suddenly, he started to freak out.

"It's in ten minutes!" We ran to the limo, put my scooter into the trunk of the car, and drove off. It would have been weird if I changed in the car. We reached a building in the city. A huge building. Mr. McKenzie and I next to it, trying to concoct a plan. There was a huge group of fan girls outside of the building. Some were wearing angel wings, while others were holding signs and fans that said, 'I LOVE YOU A.J!' or some that said, 'MARRY ME, A.J!' Some girls had both and all of them were screaming like crazy. I was pretty sure that they missed school to go here, since they were years younger than me and had school uniforms on.

"Hold on. I have to go get something from the car real quick," said Mr. McKenzie as he ran off to get whatever. I was planning to wait there for him, but I suddenly got pushed into the crowd by other girls wearing wings and holding signs. Especially when I'm in a dress, it doesn't get easier. For some reason, I got a small wing in my hand. It looked like a fan. Then, the girls from all over the place made two lines. I just stood there. In the middle. I couldn't move. I didn't know what I was suppose to do.

A van labeled, 'A.J,' parked in front of the building. Then, three people walked out and all of the girls started screaming like before, but even louder. Security and guards had to come and keep them from running towards the three people. But me? I just stood there like an idiot.

I still had my eyes glued to the van, but I was able to see three boys, all around my age, walked up the aisle that the girls left for them. My sign was in my hands, lifted so everyone could see it. I didn't know how to move. The first one had messy black hair and beautiful, sea green eyes. He wore a black shirt with black pants and everything he wore today was black. His hair covered most of his face and he had on a permanent scowl, but it somehow made all the girls start to swoon. He walked right past me, glancing at me for a few seconds, then, walking off again like I was nothing. The next boy was one with brown hair and kind blue eyes. He looked a lot more lighter than the guy before. He wore a white shirt with a white jacket. His pants were black and he wore some colorful Osiris shoes. When he walked past me, he gave me a gentle smile and walked off. The third and last boy was the most cheerful. He looked like someone that wanted to have fun every single day and will lighten anyone's spirit. His honey blonde hair and hazel eyes made his face seem even more childish. His plaid, red sweater covered his white shirt with a black tie and he wore some ripped jeans. When he walked towards me, he looked at me like I was an important person and took out of pen, and signed my angel wings or fan or whatever. Then, he made a motion that I would do in church. Then, he walked past.

Finally Mr. McKenzie came back.

"What happened? I go to the car for a few minutes and I come back seeing you starstruck. Anyways, here's your bag of clothes." He handed me a large, brown bag and I took it.

"You need to go change. Now." I looked around.

"Where?" Mr. McKenzie pointed to a building, next to the one with the screaming girls. It looked vacant so it has to be a good for changing. I walked into the building and ran into the bathroom. I put on a leather jacket on top of a red shirt with some dark, ripped jeans, and some black combat boots. On my head, I wore an uncomfortable, blonde wig, the same color as my natural hair, and a black, leather hat on top of the messy hair. I walked out and checked myself out in the mirror. Not bad. Chains were all around me. It was like dead weight.

"Wow. You look a lot like your brother," said Mr. McKenzie as I walked out of the building, walking like a boy.

"Thanks. I think." I shifted around uncomfortably and put my weight on my left leg, then, my right.

"Okay, we need to go now. Let's go." I followed Mr. McKenzie into the building where all the girls were crowding and walked in, avoiding all the stares and looks I was getting. 'Remember, I'm a boy. I'm a boy. I'm pretending to be my brother.' We finally got inside and I sighed. The whole place was amazing! It was so beautiful! The building was at least three or four stories high, looking like a mall, and stairs everywhere. I can't even describe to you how amazing the place is. I love it.

I followed Mr. McKenzie into a room with a a few men. One of them was talking, but quickly stopped talking when I walked in.

"Ah, and there he is. Andrew Chase. Welcome. We were just talking about you joining A.J. Behold, Andrew Chase. He has the perfect image, the perfect personality, and the perfect voice for the band. It will be a huge success!" The man with his hair up gestured towards me, everyone else looking at me. They seemed to nod in approval and made small conversations to each other. I felt strange. I wasn't Annabeth Chase anymore. I'm Andrew Chase. At least, for now. "And all he has to do is sign the contract. Here you go. It seems like they approve of you." The man, who turned out to be Mr. Allen, gave me a pen and a contract, stating that I am joining the band, A.J. I quickly signed it, trying to forge my brother's signature. Hopefully, it works and no one can figures it out. Mr. McKenzie seemed very nervous also.

"Welcome to A.J, Andrew Chase." I sighed, but then, suddenly, the three boys burst into the room. The brunette and the blonde looked like they were trying to hold back the boy with the black hair from punching everyone in the room in the face.

"No, I will not except him!" He grabbed the contract out of Mr. Allen's hands and ran out of the room, grabbing me along with him. The two other boys followed and so did Mr. McKenzie and Mr. Allen, but they weren't as fast as we were. I felt like I was being dragged.

We reached a recording room full of instruments and stereos. Pianos were in the back, guitars in the left, and drums on the right. The boy with the black hair turned me until I was facing him in the eyes.

"Sing," was all he said. The other two boys came.

"Percy, stop it. It's fine," said the boy with the blonde hair.

"Yeah, Jeremy's right. Come on, Percy. It's fine." The boy with the brown hair looked at me like this has happened before.

"No, Sam. I will not except him until he sings. Now, sing, or I will rip your contract and you will not be able to join this band." By then, Mr. McKenzie and Mr. Allen reached us and tried to get into the recording room, but the door was locked. They pounded on the door, but no one would open it. I felt like running away. But I mustn't. This is for Andrew. For all he's down for me. They eventually stopped banging on the door and just gestured to me to sing. I didn't know what, though.

"We're waiting," said the impatient Percy. I needed a song, fast. Everyone's eyes were on me. Mr. McKenzie looked scared out of his mind, like we were going to be caught for what we did.

"Go on. No need to be shy," Sam said. He gave me the same gentle smile he did before.

"Yeah, just sing a song that you really like. No big deal," said Jeremy. Everyone was looking at me. I had to do this. I took in a deep breath and sighed. Then, started to sing. I was still pretty hesitant.

"See, he's too scared. I knew that this wasn't a good idea." Percy brought the contract up to my face. He was about to rip it until I started to sing.

I remember tears streaming down your face as I said I'll never let you go. When all those shadows almost killed your light. I remember you said, don't leave me here alone. When all that's dead and gone and past, tonight.

Just close your eyes. The sun is going down. You'll be alright, no one can hurt you know. Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound.

Finally. I did it.