So in the end, here's how everything went. I had moved in with Paul that Monday, skipping the day of school to watch him lug all of my stuff in his tiny place. Honestly, he gave it a homey feel without even me being there. His place was really great and after being there for a week, I was at home.

I had avoided Charlie at all cost, only leaving him a message once on his phone that he could sell his place again, I was with Paul. And that was that. No more dad.

Paul and Sam really hadn't agreed with my choices, but I luckily had Seth, who stuck up for me, saying maybe it was better for my well-being. Plus, as I forced it out of Leah, Charlie was fine; all of his stuff was back at their house.

It was a little unsettling to be on such weird terms with my dad, but it was a two way street as I told both Sam and Paul. He could act just the same I had tried. But the fact was he didn't. I wasn't sure how to make of that. That part of me that always shoved those thoughts away that he didn't love me, really set into reality. They triggered something inside of me and I faced the fact because of my condition and his life here with Sue now, I wasn't a part of him like I was as a kid. Things happened and I guess that was a part of it.

Anyways, I kept in touch with Leah and Seth, not letting my siblings have a life without me in it, and did talk to Sue from time to time. I made sure to check up on Charlie even though he didn't check up on me and I made sure to tell Sue, she wasn't the reason I moved out from Charlie's old place. It was just time and I wanted to move on with Paul.

After a few months, which were a lot less drama free, Paul had finally seduced me and I was his. I was nervous as heck and it was scary shit, but his love was everything. After our first time, everything was so much better. We had become so much closer and loving. It was kind of weird.

"Bella," Mr. Levin called after graduation was over and our Pack was outside talking. "I must say, for having such a hard course and only one student to teach, you did great. Honestly, you are very smart and passionate about your work. You will go far in life, and it was an honor to teach you. Keep me in mind when you become a mathematician will you?" he joked as he shook my hand. Letting out a laugh, I smiled and went to hug him.

"Thank you so much for helping me with the advanced course. I don't think I would have made it half as far if you weren't there taking your time to explain it."

"That's what a teacher does," he said with a shrug. "I'll let you get back," Mr. Levin said, nodding over to my group of friends, and boyfriend who were watching us interact. As we parted from each other, I walked back into Paul's arms. Kim was silently snickering and teasing me with that inside joke we had a while ago. Besides that though, I had finally graduated from Forks High.

"Bella?" a voice called through the busy crowd of graduate students.

"Mom?" I asked looking around.

"Oh Phil, we missed it," Renee said as she found me.

"Mom," I smiled running over and hugging her waist.

"Hey sweetie," she said clutching me tight.

"What are you guys doing here?" I wondered, now moving to Phil.

"We came to fly out and celebrate your graduation, I am so proud of you Bella," my mother said with a hug.

"Thanks guys," I said turning to the Pack. Each giving me their own little sneaky smile, they nodded and went back to talking.

"Mom, Phil, this is Paul, my boyfriend," I said walking them over to my group.

"The boy we talked to over the phone," Renee said. Paul nodded and I grinned. Very sneaky boyfriend, very sneaky…

From there, I introduced my mom and Phil everyone else beside me and smiled when I came to Sam and Emily.

Sam had found himself a girl (finally!) He and I both knew it would never be as strong of a relationship if I had picked him, but he continued to try and that all that mattered. Emily was a sweet, loving girl. She was a really good cook and was head over heels in love with Sam. With her long black hair straight cut bangs, and dark brown eyes, she seemed like a good match for my Sam.

They had met at the grocery store, how weird is that? I thought it was the cutest thing when he told me about her. From there, they had dinner, which I helped him cook and they fell in love as time passed on. I was so happy for the guy. Sam deserved the best and even when he fearfully spilled to Emily about the double imprint on me, she still kept an open heart and was kind enough to let us be the best of friends like Jake and I once were when we were kids. I think I was always in her debt for that, because it could have gone in a different direction. In a way, I would like to believe that's why Sam fell in love with her. She was so accepting and dealt with all the weirdness of the supernatural world like me (but better). She fit him in ways that I couldn't. I was happy they were together.

"So lets get this party on the road?" Embry questioned.

"Let's go!" Phil cheered and led the way to the parking lot. Chuckles from the Pack rang in my ears and I let Paul hold me close to his side as we walked, knowing our time together was forever.

A/N: The End! Liked it?