Authors Note: This chapter is the ONLY chapter in Sam's P.O.V as far as I have planned, because the story will mainly focus on Alice. This chapter is the only one that directly continues from 'Save Me Danny', and as far as I know it will remain as such. Also, Tucker will be playing a bigger role in this story, being as I adore Tucker, and I don't think he was even in 'Save Me Danny' and if he was it certainly wasn't as a major part.

I walked back downstairs silently and Danny was seated on the couch with his parents. I walked over and took a seat in his lap, and faced them with a calm expression on my face.

"So... What are we going to do about your parents, Sam?" Maddie asked

Ember cleared her throat crossly, and Eric remained silent, floating beside her

"Fake parents Maddie. Fake" Jack corrected her

Maddie nodded

"Be that as it may. What are we going to tell the Mansons?"

"I should go talk to them" I sighed, passing a hand over my face "They deserve to know"

Maddie nodded

"Are you going to bring Alice?"

I hesitated briefly, finally nodding.

"I guess I should" I sighed "If I show up without her they won't believe me" I turned to face Danny "Come with me?"

He immediately nodded

"Of course I'm coming with you"

"Thanks" I turned to Ember and Eric "You two stay here"

Ember nodded and I suddenly fell through Danny and was on the couch. I looked up and saw him floating away towards the stairs to go get Alice.

When he reappeared I took his hand and sighed. Before I could say a word however, his eyes widened in shock.

"Tucker!" he exclaimed "Oh my gosh, Tucker!" without a word of explanation he scooped me into his arms and suddenly we were outside. I shivered at the tingly feeling of being intangible and was confused when we landed on Tucker's door step.

Danny set me down and knocked, and the door slowly opened

"Oh, well Hello Danny. Sam" Mrs. Foley greeted. Her eyes focused on Alice. "Oh, a little baby. She's so cute, what's her name?"

"Alice" I beamed, cheered up quite significantly that my best friends mother had handled the new well

"Oh, well isn't she a little dear" she cooed, then leaned back into the house "Tucker! Door!"

"Coming mom!" Tucker called

His mother gestured us inside, then disappeared from view. I glanced up as Tucker thundered down the stairs. He froze when he spotted us, but only briefly.

"Sam! Danny!" he exclaimed, rushing over and enveloping us in a secure hug "I thought something had happened to you two!"

"Well... something did, Tucker" I smiled

He pulled back in confusion, and I flicked my gaze to Alice. He followed my gaze and his eye's brightened.

"Is she yours?" he asked

"No Tucker, she's a super alien baby we found out on the street" Danny answered sarcastically

Tucker chuckled

"You're right man, it should have been obvious" he looked up at me "Can I hold her?"

"Of course you can" I smiled, holding her out

He eagerly took her and cradled her in his arms

"Oh, she's so cute" he beamed "What's her name?"

"Alice" she smiled

"Cute name"

"Thank you"

"We have a lot to tell you, Tucker" Danny glanced at me "A lot" he returned his gaze to his best friend "However, first we have to go tell The Mansons about Alice. Want to come?"

"Sure" Tucker smiled "Mom!"

"Yes?" she yelled from her location in the house

"I'm going out with Sam, Danny and Alice. Okay?"

"Okay honey" she replied "Let me know if you plan on staying over at Danny's"

"Will do mom!" he turned back to us "When do we leave?"

"We should probably go now so we can catch them before they leave for work" I stated

"Let's go then" Danny agreed

Soon enough we found ourselves at the door to my house. I reached up and opened the door, walking in.

"Mom? Dad?" I called

"Samantha!" Came a loud call. Both of them rushed into the hall, and their gazes immediately darkened "What is he doing here?"

It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out they meant Danny.

"He's here, to help me tell you something"

"Which is?"

"I had a baby" I stated lamely, figuring stalling would do no good. Tucker glanced down at the sleeping bundle in his arms "Her name Is Alice Ember Fenton" They both recoiled in shock "Oh yes, I know. Ember was all to happy to fill me in"

"We never wanted you to know. We assumed you would be happier this way"

"Happier with what? Being lied to every day of my life?"

They were silent and without another word I turned and stalked out the door, both of the boys following closely behind me.

When we arrived back at Danny's house I turned to face them

"Can you guys go upstairs with Alice and put her to sleep?" I asked softly "I would like to talk with Ember and Eric"

They nodded and scurried in, and I slowly followed behind.

I took a seat on the couch, and Ember and Eric slowly walked in and sat with me.

"So... what happens now?" I asked softly

"Well... Your father and I were going to try and find a way to stay with you, if you want us to"

"Sure, if you want to" I paused "I could get Maddie and Jack to make you each something to wear so you don't make the ghost alarms go off"

They nodded in agreement

"There. Thats settled. Sam, you might want to go upstairs and feed Alice. She may be a little fussy"

"Oh. Oops" I blushed and hurried up the stairs

There. I hope you enjoyed the Prologue :)