Ch. 1 – The Doctor's Appointment

Harry was six when they took him to see his first psychiatrist – the first of many. They had finally given in, they couldn't ignore it anymore – their little Harry wasn't always their little Harry. In fact, there were four different Harrys. There was Harry, of course, but there were also Alexei, Dean and Palau. They were all Harry, but not.

At first the Dursleys had thought that they were simply imaginary friends he was acting out, but after a few years, it didn't stop, and it became apparent that there was something more behind it. So they gave in and took him to the local psychiatrist.

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Sunday 5th May 1985 – Surrey Mental Health Clinic

Harry went through an IQ examination and several indicator tests, which all pointed towards him having MPD – Multiple Personality Disorder – and would possibly develop Schizophrenia later on. On the contrary, however, Harry's IQ test came through with surprising results; he ranked in at a 180 (one of the highest achievable scores). Their nephew was a certified genius…with multiple personalities.

Petunia went pale as soon as she heard the news. She didn't utter one single word throughout the entire tense car ride home. When they arrived at No. 4 Privet Drive, she just ushered Harry in through the front door and pointed wordlessly at the stairs. Harry took the hint and quickly disappeared. He knew what this was about. It was about those days when he would wake up and have to read his diary to find out what he'd done the day before.

He had first really noticed it happening when he was three and started attending kindergarten. He started realizing that sometimes when he thought it was Tuesday it was actually Thursday, and he could never figure out where the days had gone. When he started elementary school, he'd noticed it more and more, and had started a diary in hopes of finding out where the missing days had evaporated to. Now, looking back on it, it had been a foolish, naïve thing to do, but at the time it seemed perfectly logical. And that was only compounded when new entries for the missing days showed up signed each time with one of four names: Alexei, Palau, Dean, and once, Tom.

At first it had been scary. All he knew about the missing days came from his journal and whatever new knowledge that had been learnt by…well, he didn't know what to call them, because he didn't really know what they were, but he presumed they were people. He thought maybe they were him. He reasoned, they went to his school, they slept in his bed and, well, if they weren't him, then who were they?

[Back with Petunia; who is now joined by Vernon]

"Oh, Vernon, I don't know what to think. They said he has Multiple Personality Disorder. It's like he is two people at once. Those days he used to insist we call him by a different name, it all makes sense now – they were his other personalities manifesting themselves," Petunia said fearfully, glancing every now and then at the stairwell, as if fearing that Harry would suddenly appear. "But that's not all, Vernon, he's a genius. His IQ score was almost off the charts. They said he will have likely finished the average college curriculum by the time he's 14."

"Pet, Petunia, darling; it will all be okay, you'll see," Vernon soothed. "Come on, let's get you up to bed so you can take a nap. It'll be okay. Just rest for a while, you've had a shock." Although his words were kind and compassionate, his thoughts were quite the opposite. He couldn't accept that…that freak of nature as his nephew, no. That creature was in no way related to him and Petunia. After all, his Petunia didn't have a sister and that thing had just shown up without warning. No, it wasn't related to them.

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Harry had always known he was different. At first it was little things, like being able to read and write and talk that little bit too fast. Then it was at school when he understood everything and never forgot anything, even from the missing days. But he didn't have an eidetic memory or anything like that; he just seemed to comprehend things faster than his classmates. And then there were Alexei, Palau and Dean; people who were him, but not quite. Harry was used to being different. Different was his normal. And these days he didn't freak out when he couldn't remember what he'd been occupied with just a few minutes ago. The only thing that really worried him, though, was losing his journal. It was small and black but thick, and held three years' worth of precious memories, a different set for each of them.

Harry found it quite amusing and entertaining, really, reading his journal and seeing the different personalities' entries. They all had different quirks, so you could always tell whose day it was. Alexei wrote in florescent green and loved emoticons; his entries were full of them. Palau was more reserved; his entries were in a soft brown and always in pencil, his writing was subtly curling but it was the kind you never got tired of reading. Dean never favoured one colour and his changed day by day. Harry, on the other hand, seemed to prefer purples and golds, or at least had favoured them for as long as he could remember.

Tom had only written once, and his writing was blood red and it seemed to drip down the page. Surprisingly, Harry found it writing comforting, and that entry was one he went to when he was afraid, when it seemed as if the walls were bearing down on him and the sensation of being watched became too much to bear. When that happened, Harry would open his journal to Tom's only entry and read it over and over again.

Tom's entry was nothing like any of the others. It was adult where theirs were childish and it was morose and sombre while theirs were cheerful and inane. But despite that, it never failed to reassure Harry that everything was okay and that Tom was there to protect him.

A/N: I don't actually know the official highest rating on an IQ test but I do know that getting 180 as a child will rank you as genius.

In regards to Petunia not knowing she had a sister, Lily did what Hermione did to her parents, she Obliviated Petunia's memory of her. So when Harry showed with a letter saying a Lily Potter had died it meant nothing to Petunia, but the baby had been abandoned and she wasn't cruel enough to leave it on a doorstep. So she convinced her husband to adopt the child, kept his name the same but made them the legal guardians.