
Well, this was long over due. Sorry my computer crashed! This was an idea that I got in my head and couldn't get out, so it wasn't prompted by anyone. I'll try and get to some of the ideas I was given, especially for everone that asked for a continuation of the first chapter.

This is more Cooper than Klaine, but hopefully no one minds.

Oh, and there's a curse word or two and a bit of implied something. Nothing major.

Disclaimer: Cooper, Blaine, Kurt, Scandals, Lima, NCIS, Saturday Night Live, and anything else you recognize that I may have mentioned, are owned by someone else. Not me. I only own the plot.


Cooper Anderson hated the quiet. Something bad always happened in the silence. In the horror movie, it's always eerily quiet when the creepy music starts and someone dies. It was silent for a good minute after Blaine came out at dinner before their father stormed out. It was quiet after that too. It was completely silent in his dorm room when his mother called to tell him that Blaine was in the hospital after the Sadie Hawkins dance.

It was silent again that particular Saturday evening. His parents were at a dinner party and Kurt and Blaine had gone on a double date to Scandals with some friends from Dalton.

Cooper had been watching an NCIS marathon but it went off for the nightly news. He hated the news. The boring monotone voices of the men and women analyzing whatever new issue arises in politics were enough to put Cooper to sleep. He decided to mute it and play a game on his phone until it was time for Saturday Night Live to come on.

Cooper sighed and dropped his phone onto his stomach. Tetris was kicking his ass. He looked around for something to do.

His gaze slid across the TV screen and he froze.

He did a double take that, in any other situation, would have been comical.

But nothing was funny. Cooper was full-on panicking. He didn't want to take his eyes off of the screen but flailing around blindly wasn't helping him to find the remote and he needed to hear and god, why did he ever think mute was a good idea?

Finally he found the remote, frantically aimed it at the TV and stabbed at the buttons. The second the sound kicked in he dropped the remote on the cushion beside him and stared at the screen.

"Reports are coming in about an attack at Scandals, the gay bar in West Lima," the reporter was saying. "Sources have confirmed that a large group of men attacked a group of innocent patrons who were waiting outside of the club. The conditions and identities of the victims have yet to be confirmed."

Cooper wasn't even listening anymore. The second the news story switched from Scandals to something else, Cooper was up and searching for his phone. He'd had it just a second before. Where the hell could it have gone?

He found it, wedged between the couch cushions. He barely had it in his hand a full second before his fingers were flying across the screen.


He tried again but all it did was ring and ring and ring. "Fuck Blaine, pick up!" He slammed his phone down on the table and picked it up a millisecond later to dial Kurt.

He went straight to voicemail.

Cooper felt like he was going to cry, or scream, or something. The reporters were going on and on about heath inspections or something, as if there wasn't a more important life-or-death situation going on that very moment. And why weren't Kurt and Blaine picking up? They always picked up. If they weren't answer then they must be-

No¸ Cooper scolding himself. Don't think like that.

He focused his attention back on the television as the screen flashed red and the Breaking News banner slid across the screen.

"We have breaking news regarding the attack at Scandals this evening. Authorities have begun releasing information about the victims. Two of the victims are reported to have mostly sustained minor injuries while three are being admitted into ICU with possible life-threatening injuries. One of the victims died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. He is reported to be-" the reporter stopped speaking and brought a hand up to her ear. Cooper's heart was beating a million times a minute. The reporter turned her stare back to the camera and continued. "Reports have just come through that another victim has died as well. Both are reported to be young, brown-haired Caucasian males that apparently used fake IDs to get into the bar."

If Cooper though he was panicking before, then he had just reached a new level of freak-out. His body was doing a million things at once. He was pacing and crying and dialing his phone and kicking everything he came in contact with.

It took several tries to both Kurt and Blaine's phones but finally, finally, he heard the line click.

"Hello?" Blaine's voice came over the telephone. He sounded dazed and out of breath. Cooper was entirely too relieved to even notice.

"Blaine, oh Blaine, thank God you're okay. You are okay, right? Blaine where are you? Is Kurt with you? Is Kurt okay?" the questions came tumbling one after another from Cooper's mouth.

Blaine suddenly sounded a bit more awake. "Coop, are you crying? What's wrong? Is every-"

"Blaine? Where are you?" Cooper asked frantically, wiping at the wet tracks on his face.

Silence. On the other end of the telephone line, Blaine hesitated.

"Blaine. You tell to tell me where you are. Right. Now," Cooper said, punctuated his words as he tried to keep himself calm.

There was some shuffling and quiet talking. Cooper could vaguely hear what he hoped was Kurt's voice, but he couldn't make out what he said.

Finally, Blaine sighed and said quietly. "We're at Kurt's house."


"His parents went out and we wanted to be alone. I would have told you but you know how you get so…" Blaine trailed off nervously.

"What about your friends?"

"They cancelled hours ago. They're still at Dalton."

"So you guys never went to Scandals?"


Cooper collapsed onto the sofa, thoroughly relieved and exhausted. "Oh, thank God."

More shuffling came from Blaine's end of the line and then a voice, that time Cooper could distinctly make it out as Kurt's, said, "What's wrong with Cooper?"

"I don't know," Blaine replied his voice slightly muffled. A moment later his voice came much clearer through the phone. "Is whatever happened important or can it wait until I get back home, because I'm kind of falling asleep here."

Cooper noticed for the first time that both Blaine and Kurt's voices were breathless and tired. "Are you guys high or something?"

"No," Blaine replied quietly as Kurt mumbled something about how drugs would destroy his voice and was therefore, not an option.

"Then why are you two…" Cooper trailed off. His eyes widened and he practically dropped his phone as it finally clicked. "Oh! You two are…that's why…right now?"

"Ew, no. That'd be so many levels of weird."

Cooper cleared his throat awkwardly. "Right, well, be careful and be safe."


He couldn't help but laugh. He could imagine his little brother's face turning steadily redder and redder and Kurt's probably blushing even harder. "Not like that. I mean, be careful because if Burt comes home early and finds you two, you are a dead man, Blaine. But I do hope you were safe in the other way too. And you know, if need be, be safe again…"


"Okay, fine, I'm hanging up now. Have fun!" He ended the call before Blaine or Kurt could say anything else. He sat his phone down on the coffee table and picked up the remote to change the channel. He fell asleep a few minutes later, not even waking up when Blaine snuck in the front door at almost 1 o'clock.

Was it crap? I feel like it was crap. Oh well, I tried. At first I was going to have Kurt and Blaine actually be involved in the attack, but I couldn't bring myself to do it so I just decided to finish the angst off with a bit of humor. Or, at least I hope it was funny.

Let me know what you think and drop any ideas!

Until next time!