Princess of the Voulturi
Edward leaves Bella and the Voulturi find her, but she refuses to join and puts up a bigger fight than they ever imagined…
This is my first fan fiction, so criticism is good, but PLEASE do not rip me to pieces just like they're going to do to… oops.
The plot is mine the characters are Stephanie Mayers.
Chapter One: He Left: Bella POV
"You're just a toy Bella, leave me alone." Edward sneered.
I couldn't believe him. After all we've been through; I was just a toy, nothing more than a pet.
"Please, Edward, after all we've been through, don't leave me! DON'T LEAVE ME!" I sobbed.
"No one in my family actually cared. As soon as I'm getting rid of you we're leaving. Goodbye Bella." He replied emotionlessly.
"Please Edward, don't go! You said you loved me, you saved me from James! You can't just leave! You promised you never would!" I sobbed.
He gave me a pitiful look. "You humans are all SO gullible. As for James, I do not let other vampires play with my toys, now do I, even if they are boring and worthless?"
Wait, I was worthless? YAY, how could this day get any better (note the sarcasm)?
"WHAT!" the angriest female voice I have EVER heard shouted, "He died for nothing! He died for a so-called worthless TOY!"
Holy crap, Victoria looked ticked off.
"H-h-how did you get here?" Edward half whimpered, half whispered.
"I followed your scent, doofus! YOU KILLED JAMES FOR A TOY! I'LL KILL YOU!" Victoria screamed. She shoved me into a tree and attacked Edward. Minutes ticked by and I heard Edward's cries as Victoria disemboweled him. She lit a fire, "Good-bye Edward!" she shrieked and lit him up in flames. She grabbed me and we were long gone before the Cullens arrived to find Edward's ashes.
Alice's POV
When we found Edward, or at least was left of him, I ran off to hide my glee. I had cheated on Jasper once or twice and I knew that he would tell Jasper soon. I rushed back pretending to dry-sob.
Jasper's POV
Edward was gone. He was gone. Everyone's emotions were remorseful, especially Carlisle's and Esme's. I stopped dry-sobbing for a second and sniffed. I smelled fire (obviously), Bella, wait, Bella! What was she doing here? Where is she now? Wait, there's one more. I gasped. The others looked at me and were waiting for an explanation. Only one word came out of my mouth: "Victoria."
Hope you liked my first chapter, and yeah, I DID just kill Edward. Sorry Edward lovers. I guess you'll just have to survive if you keep on reading!
Chapter Two: Victoria: My Savior? Bella POV
Victoria ran and carried me bridal style while I struggled. "They'll find me you know!" I proclaimed.
Victoria raised an eyebrow, "I thought you were their toy, what do THEY care? They LET this happen to you."
She DID make sense and she didn't rip my heart into and stomped on it. She also felt the pain of Edward's actions and was just missing her mate. It did follow the code. What code? You may ask well since Victoria's just running, here it is:
Bella's Code for Dating Vampires
1. Do not injure yourself in their presence
2. Do not act like a wuss, after all, he can't help hurting you. Try to make him feel better.
3. Even if he's territorial, get to know his coven. After all, they may be your family one day.
4. If he promises he'll never leave you he MUST be held to it. He IS immortal you know.
5. Do not get yourself abducted by other vampires (this is a must).
I learned most of that from experience. I started sobbing all over again.
"Why are you crying?" Victoria asked SYMPATHETICALLY! She acted like a-a-a FRIEND! Clearly she couldn't be my friend, could she? "I know it's hard losing someone, even if they are conceited jerk. We're going far away from Forks."
"W-w-where?" I stuttered.
"To Quebec, Canada. Do you know French by any chance?" she quizzed.
"Oui, je parle aussi italien et en anglais. Parlez-vous français, Victoria? (translation: Yes, I also speak Italian and English. Do you speak French, Victoria?)" I asked in French.
"Of course I do Bella. Why would I bring you to a place that speaks a language I don't know?" she said with raised eyebrows. My tummy rumbled.
"Um, Victoria, I'm hungry." I whispered.
She sighed, "I guess I forgot you humans needed to eat!"
We stopped at a restaurant where I ate as fast as I could. We arrived at Quebec by nightfall. I can't believe it. Victoria is my new best friend.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Can't wait to write the next!
Carlisle's POV
When Jasper whispered, "Victoria," I knew something else was up too. I sighed, "What else is it Jasper?"
"Bella was here too," he mumbled. Esme just about fainted out of worry.
"What do you mean was?" I asked him.
Jasper's POV
"Was meaning not here anymore, probably with Victoria," I said. Esme was freaking out and I tried to send here calming emotions, but she was resisting them. I fell to my knees. There was too much emotion. Everyone was sad, angry, and confused and I couldn't take it.
Emmet's POV
Victoria has Bella. OMG! Victoria has BELLA! I hope she doesn't hurt her. Oh gosh, why did Edward insist we left? Rosalie is crying into my shirt. I guess she did like Bella. I vowed to myself that I would find Bella for my family and especially for Rosalie. Victoria is going down!