'Hello, this is Konoha Veterinary. How may I help you?'

"Oh ehm hello, my name is Sakura Haruno and I called to receive information on my cat that is recovering there?"

'Oh yes, hello Miss. Haruno. Yes your cat, Millie has recovered extremely well and is ready to be sent home.'

"That's great news! I'll be picking her up in the next half an hour if that's okay?"

'Yes of course. Unfortunately, it seems Millie has become quite distressed since recovering. I think somebody is missing home!'

"Oh she hasn't has she? Aww, well my baby is coming home soon! Haha, thank you!"

'No problem Miss, I will see you soon then?'

"Yeah, Bye!"



I grin as I hang up the phone, placing it on the side. I turn around and head straight to the door, fully intent on sprinting to the vet to pick her up. However, as soon as I put my shoes on, someone grabs my arm and pushes me into a nice, firm chest.

"And where are you going, doll?" A voice whispers into my ear. The unique nickname was an obvious give away to whom it was.

"I'm going to pick up my cat from the vets, Sasori. Now, if you kindly let me go…" I tried to escape his hold, but to no use. His grip tightened around me even more!

"A girl like you shouldn't be leaving the house alone. I shall accompany you." He says, releasing his hold from me and grabbing his shoes from the floor.

"Whyyy? It's not like it's late at night that I could get kidnapped or something!" I groan, gesturing to the window where the sun was shining through.

"I do not care." Sasori said non-chalantly. He picked up his shoes that were placed neat and tidy by mine, and gestured to the door.

" Let's go then." He said, and I grinned up at him and pulled him out of the doorway.


I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked toward where the vet had disappeared to, then looked at Sasori.


Sasori raised his eyebrows and shifted his eyes towards me, as if asking me what the hell all the fuss was about and how long is this going to take?!

I just shrugged my shoulders at him, and looked back towards the door. A sudden jolt of the door was all the warning I had before a man with a deranged looking cat in the cage he was holding burst through.


I jumped at how loud and high pitched the wail of the cat was, and realised that, that was my cat!

"Millie?!" I whispered. The vet looked up, slightly relieved.

"Aah, here you go, Miss Haruno. Millie has been terribly home sick." He strangled out, his face marred with scratches.

"Oh, wow." I said, astonished. My cat did this?! I looked down into the cage that had gone terribly quiet.

'Meow.' I heard a small, almost questioning meow from the cat inside, and I looked into the gaps just to confirm that this was seriously my cat.

The cat had big round green eyes, that had gone wide with fear and relief. Her turquoise shell of a coat was dark and spotted with different colours; ginger, black and brown. She had a ginger line going from her eye to her ear, and her black and ginger chin was sticking out the most.

Definitely my cat.

But what on earth had happened to her?!

I looked up sceptically to the vet, and my brows furrowed in anger and blame.

"What did you do to her?!" I hissed, almost sounding like my cat. My poor Millie, she looked terrified and angered. Her fur was still shaved from where the operation had taken place, with only a faint scar noticeable.

The vet looked up at me in disbelief, and started to open and close his mouth in incredibility.

Sasori decided to step in, noticing how it looked like I was about to pounce the vet.

"I'm sure she's just home sick, being around people she doesn't know. Come on, Sakura. Let's take her home." He said, and slowly began to lead me towards the exit of the building with Millie's cage in his other hand. My heart thumped with each step:

'He said home…'

Millie had calmed down by the time we had arrived home. I was constantly cooing words into her cage, and she constantly meowing back to me, but this time not in anger or fear.

By the time we arrived home, Sasori was looking at me with amusement in his eyes, and Inner was strangely quiet.

'Hey, where have you gone?'

There was no reply.

I was shoved (literally) out of my musings when Tobi came bounding down the stairs.

"WHERE DID SAKURA AND SASORI GO?! WAAAH, TOBI CANT FIND THEM." Tobi cried out, not realising that we were at the bottom of the stairs.

He crashed straight into me, lucky enough it was Sasori who had Millie's cage. We both came to an abrupt stop when we tumbled into the wall, and it all went black.


"Is she dead?"

"No, but Tobi will be, yeah."


"You're dead, Tobi, when she wakes up."


"Wait, shut up. I think she's waking up…"


Fuck, my head.

I open my eyes blearily, looking up at the white walls of the ceilings, blinking rapidly.

My head felt like it had been hit by a truck.

I felt a gentle hand place something cold to my head, and I groaned as it eased the pain.

"Sakura." A voice said, but everything was so blurred and loud.

"Shhhhhhhhh." I hissed out, closing my eyes again when the light was too much to handle.

"We should have taken her to the hospital." Another, deeper voice says.

"And then have them call her parents, Kisame?" I gentle soft spoken person said, but the words just blurred together.

'Hospital?' I whisper inside my head.

'Yeah, Tobi rammed you into the wall. Knocked you out.'

'Oh.' I whisper back to inner, the only voice that wasn't blurred or masculine.

"Sakura, yeah. How's your head?" I looked up, finally, as the pain started to fade away.

Deidara was crouched in front of the couch, looking at me with worry. Next to him were Kisame and Itachi, whilst a few feet away was Tobi rocking back and forth in the corner.

"Tobi, you little shit." I rasped out, wincing when a pain shot across my eyes.

"I'll kill you." I whispered, menacingly.

Tobi whimpered, and shot off across the room to my side.

"PLEASE CHERRY, I'M SORRY." He yelled, causing me to yelp and hold my head when it echoed painfully in my head.

"Shut up." I hissed. When no-one said a word, I slowly opened my eyes and looked at Itachi.

"My head hurts, I was unconscious, I'm sensitive to light, seeing stars, and I couldn't remember who you were for a second, I was confused. I have a mild concussion. I need some Paracetamol, do not give me Ibuprofen or Aspirin. And somebody needs to be with me for the next 48 hours." I listed off, relaying what I had learned of a concussion.

I saw Itachi nod and I placed my hand on the ice pack wrapped in a towel around my head. He went to the kitchen and got me a glass of water with some Paracetamol like I asked.

"If I start bleeding from my ears, or you can't wake me up when I go to have a much needed nap, -cue glare at Tobi- then call the hospital immediately, okay?" I said, calmly. If I had shouted –like I so much fricking wanted to!- I would've only stressed myself out more.

"Of course, Sakura. Take some rest, we will all be here when you wake up." Sasori said, with Millie in his arms.

"Fucking hell Tobi, how hard did you throw me into the fucking wall?" I hissed.

"I'm seeing Sasori being nice for once. I 'ust be hallucinating." I slurred together, yawning. I heard them snicker to themselves and Sasori huff, but I slipped into slumber before Sasori could make a retort.



Sinst xoxo