Out numbered.
I don't own Goosebumps. That honor is R.L. Stine's.
Chapter 1: "Not one scratch." and broken hand.
Kely pov
I sat on my bed sadly. Another birthday had come and gone with out my parents noticing. I guess I was must to notice. I was small and skinny for my age, my hair is black as the night sky and long. The only thing I could do was make dolls. Don't get me wrong, I love my dolls, but it gets lonely after a while.
I heard a tapping noise at the window and looked to see my only living friend in the world. "Meli!" I whispered happily running and opening the window. She came in and hugged me "Happy Birthday, now how old are you again?" she asked pulling out of our hug "Twelve." she nodded and socked me hard in the arm. I winced then laughed. Meli pulled out a big box "I know it's not much, but I thought you would like it." I opened the box and inside laid a ventriloquist doll "I figured you would like to fix him up. Then we can give those idiots you call parents something to look at." I smiled and hugged her again "I love him, what's his name?" she shrugged "The shopkeeper I bought him from said it was Slappy." I nodded and gently placed him on my bed. I grabbed my doll repair kit and got to work on the handsome doll. "I didn't know if you would like him or not. He's kind of creepy." I shook my head "He is very well made, a handsome doll to say the least." I said stitching up the sleeve of his tux. "If you say so, oh." she pulled out a piece of paper. The shopkeeper said you should read this when you fixed him. It was weird though, he made sure I remember to tell you to read it out loud." I raised an eyebrow "Really?" I shrugged and continued to work.
Meli left an hour ago, I pulled Slappy up and looked him over. I smiled and nodded "Okay, Slappy, time to introduce you to your new friends. But, before that," I picked up the piece of paper and examined the text. "Kar-ru , Mar-ri, O-don-na, Lo-ma, Lo-mo-nu, Kar-ra-no." I paused and thought "Hm, I wonder what that was for. Anyway, Slappy, these are the dolls I have made." I picked up the doll and showed him the three dolls. "You better be nice to them. These three are my treasures. Ami, Lizy, Chris, this is Slappy. He's going to be staying with us, okay?" I turned and looked at the clock "My goodness, I should be in bed." I gently placed Slappy between Chris and Lizy, and went to the bath room and changed clothes. After I brushed my teeth, I went back to my room and crawled into bed. "Night, guys." I yawned as I curled up under my sheet, which was the only warmth I had, and fell asleep.
Slappy pov
I looked around to my newest prey. She was small and thin. She had pale peach skin and long black hair. I began to stand and start my torture like usual when something grabbed my arms and forced me back down. The girl's dolls were standing over me and glaring. "No way, Slappy. You're not going near our girl. We all know who and what you are and we're not letting you anywhere near Kely." said the doll named Ami. I growled in anger of these three cutting in on my fun. "Growl all you want, you're not hurting her any worse then she's already hurt." snarled Chris. "Well, you three are no fun." I pouted, crossing my arms. "For some reason we can not comprehend, Kely likes you. For this reason you can stay. But, be warned ,Creature, if you give that girl one scratch we will personally see to it that you are so badly damaged no doll maker in the world will be able to repair you." warned Lizy. Then, the three of them jumped off the dresser and walked over to 'their girl' sadly. Chris shook his head "She does not deserve what they do to her." I looked at them and noticed the girl, Kely, was shivering. I bit my lip and jumped off the dresser as well. I walked over to the window and closed it. It was slightly warmer now, but not by much. The three dolls stared at me as I crawled back onto the dresser and crossed my arms again. "What? You want her to catch hypothermia?"
The next morning, Kely awoke early and gathered the four of us. "We're going to visit that nice doll maker today. He said I could help him with his newest doll." she pulled out a backpack and put the girls in, then, she slung it on her back and picked me and Chris up. We sneaked out of the room quietly. It was clear Kely didn't want her parents to wake up. We slid out the door and she ran holding me and Chris tightly. She stopped outside a small doll shop and knocked on the door. A man with short, black hair came to the door and opened it. "Welcome back, Kely." he said smiling as we walked in out of the February cold. He noticed me "Ah, I see you have a new friend. What's his name?" Kely looked at me and smiled warmly "His name is Slappy. He was a birthday present from Meli." the man snapped "Oh, that reminds me." he pulled out a beautifully crafted box and handed it to Kely "Happy Birthday." he said smiling. Kely put Chris and I on a bench with the girls and took the box. She opened it and it played a lovely little melody. Kely smiled "Little Dreamer? Thank you." she hugged the man and smiled. Suddenly, there was a slam from the back of the building. Kely and the man ran to see what happened. Another man's voice rang angrily through out the shop and there was another slam as well as a cry of protest from Kely. Chris sat up curiously and crept over to the door and looked in. I followed and looked in as well. Another man was standing over a desk with small dolls on it. He raised a hammer and was about to bring it down on one of the dolls. Kely leapt forward and placed her hand between the doll and the hammer. There was a sickening crack and Kely screamed clutching her hand.