The Lobotomy
Written by: Adventure-Seeking-Juliet
When: Listening to Rescue Me from the Once Upon a Time trailer for inspiration. (It's very good, I suggest you listen to the song, if you haven't already.)
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
A/N As Mr. Gold takes a leisurely stroll past the hospital, Regina tortures Belle with the truth about why Rumpelstiltskin never came to rescue her. Please review. :) Possible One-shot.
When the men came into my room, armed only with needles and apathetic smiles, I knew something terrible was coming.
I backed up against the wall, trying to put as much distance as I could between me and their cruel instruments.
But, I refused to cower in the corner like a frightened animal. I kept my head held high and stared each of the men in the eyes as they walked through the door.
The first one looked away as soon as our eyes made contact, the second would not meet my gaze at all, and the third merely looked through me, his eyes foggy and glazed over.
"Ah, Belle dear," a haughty voice called from the hallway," I meant to have you informed sooner about this little procedure, but I'm afraid I simply was too busy."
A breath caught in my throat as the Queen waltzed through the door to my cage, dressed in all black. She was smiling like we were old friends.
I closed my eyes for a moment, trying to calm myself. I could not allow the Queen the satisfaction of knowing how much her presence affected me.
Instead, I thought of Rumpelstiltskin. I thought about how he had kissed me, the way he smiled when he handed me the rose...
"What procedure?" I asked, glaring up into the Queen's dark eyes.
If anything, her smile only grew larger," I finally managed to convince Dr. Whale to perform the psycho-surgical procedure needed to combat your mental illness."
The man in question followed the Queen into the room, his mouth a grim line. In his hands was a small device that resembled an ice pick.
She caught me staring at the tool and offered me a smirk," The procedure is typically harmless, but it helps a patient to become more docile. It will help us to help you, dearie."
She drew the last word out, trying to sound like him. Trying to remind me of him- Rumpelstiltskin.
But it was nothing like him. She didn't sound like him.
In my head, I heard his voice, soft and warning.
"It's forever, dearie."
I took a deep breath," You mean it will help make me easier to control? Make me your puppet?"
The Queen cocked her head to one side, and walked closer to me. So close that the men on the other side of the room could not hear her.
"You already are my puppet, princess. You're just my little toy."
I glowered up at her," Isn't it enough that you've kept me locked away for years? You don't have to-"
The Queen patted my face, harder than was necessary," I do have to, Belle. You see, I can't have you running around Storybrooke telling everyone what you know, that would be bad for my plan."
"What plan?" I demanded," You already have everything you could possibly want!"
She smiled at me," Not quite."
I frowned at her, shaking my head," I don't understand why you want to do this to me. What good could it possibly do you?"
The Queen cackled," You really are ignorant of everything, aren't you?"
I said nothing, instead, I pictured his face...the concentration he had while he was spinning, the quirk around his mouth when he laughed, and his eyes when he spoke to me about his son...
I wish he would've looked for me, I wish he would have come to rescue me.
Did he care about what had happened to me?
As if she had read my thoughts, the Queen spoke again," All this time, you never wondered why dear Rumpel never even tried to contact you? You never wondered why he didn't rescue his damsel from the clutches of the evil queen?"
I opened my mouth to speak, but when I saw the smug look on her face, I stopped.
" Ah, I see," the Queen said, her voice taking on a sickly sweet tone," You thought he really decided he didn't want you? You actually thought that Rumpel would willingly choose not to look for you?"
"What did you do to him?" I asked, my voice shaking. I found it hard to imagine anyone harming Rumpelstiltskin, but the Queen had proved herself to be a true monster.
If anyone could hurt him, it would be her.
The Queen grinned and turned to the men," You may begin the procedure when ready, . The patient has been briefed on what to expect."
"No!" I shouted," What did you do to him?" The three men who had entered first were already moving toward me, preparing to restrain me for the surgery.
As soon as they touched me, I started struggling. If I was going to lose, I was at least going to put up a good fight first.
The first two men rushed to restrain my arms, but with several swift kicks, they were unable to hold me. I ran toward the door, but the third man was already there, crushing me with his arms so that I couldn't move.
"We're going to have to give her a mild sedative," the doctor was saying," to calm her for the procedure-"
"Do whatever is necessary, Doctor," Regina replied, her voice stoic," I'd hate for the patient to cause herself injury."
I bit down into the third man's arm, trying to break free, but he still held me.
I kicked and screamed, but I knew it was futile. The men were very strong, and all of my protests did nothing but irritate them.
The Queen watched as the other men helped restrain me so Dr. Whale could inject me with a long needle, a sadistic smile spreading across her face.
I screamed again, wishing someone would hear me. But they never did.
The effects of the drug were instant, but I was used to the sensation now. My vision became slightly blurred and I could no longer hold myself up on my own.
The men carried me to a chair that had been placed next to the left wall. It was made of steel and had three restraining buckles attached to it, to keep me from "harming myself."
I was proud though. Not once did I cry.
The people became blurry as time went on...but the Queen was still there, always watching.
Finally, Dr. Whale turned to her and said," We are ready to start the procedure now, it might be best if you left the room, Madame Mayor."
"Of course, just let me have one last word with the patient," the Queen said," We've become very close over the last few years."
She leaned down so that her lips were next to my ear and whispered," I told him you were dead. He will never save you, Belle. He doesn't even know you're still breathing."
I was silent, shocked.
"Why?" I asked, my voice cracking.
She just smiled.
I could stand it no longer, I spit in her face. I'm not really sure why...all I knew was that I had to fight back, somehow.
Rage darkened her face," You always were a brave one, Belle. Now, be brave and let us help you."
I glared at her, but I knew she was right. Showing how angry I was only made her feel more important. I had to be brave. I had to face this, I had to survive.
I had to be the hero.
I took and deep breath and thought of him. I thought about his face when he saw me return to him...I thought about the look in his eyes before I kissed him...and I imagined how they would look when I returned to him again.
The pick entered my eye , and I let out one last ear-piercing scream.
"I always wanted to be brave. I figured do the brave thing and bravery would follow."
Mr. Gold leaned heavily on his cane as he walked by the hospital on his way to work that morning.
There was something in the air, a malicious sort of the glee that radiated dark magic.
Regina was up to something, again.
Mr. Gold glanced at the nearly deserted hospital parking lot, and sighed when he caught sight of Regina's car.
Still, it didn't concern him. He had deals to make. He kept on walking.
But as he rounded the corner, a shriek of pure pain erupted from the building.
It reverberated all around him, it felt familiar. Almost as though he should recognize the cry of pain from somewhere...
Against his better judgement, Mr. Gold found himself turning back toward the hospital.
Perhaps there was a deal to be made within its walls.
A/N So..what do you think? Let me know, by leaving a review!