A/N: And I'm back! Sorry for the extra long delay in updating but I was so distracted with my very own romance. I hope you like this chapter!

Also, ballots are now out for the Profiler's Choice Criminal Minds 2012 Awards Chit Chat on Author's Corner! ilovetvalot and tonnie2001969 and hxchick worked very hard to put it all in place so, please be sure to participate!

"Ohhh." Penelope groaned with discomfort as she clutched her stomach in the passenger seat of the SUV. "How could you let your mother shove so much food down my throat?" She leaned her head back against the soft leather. "I feel like I gained a hundred pounds since breakfast."

Dave smirked silently, not exactly enjoying her discomfort but enjoying that she's been spending some good quality time with his mother which just so happens to usually include copious amounts of food being thrust upon the unsuspecting non-Italian. Both Rossi and Garcia got up extra early before daybreak in hopes of beating his mother to the kitchen and making a sensible breakfast but that simply didn't work. She'd already made two pans of cinnamon rolls and force fed them enough food that just their two plates alone could have fed the entire team for a day, never mind what she put on Celeste's and her own plate. She claimed Dave needed more than anyone, to keep up with Penelope and get some kids going… they both decided to politely eat their whole plates rather than open that can of worms up again in discussion.

"Sorry Kitten. I've gotten used to it over the years." He rubbed small circles into her palm as he continued the drive back towards home. Celeste was driving his mother in their rental as the followed the couple in the SUV and he was thankful for the forty five minutes of togetherness he could get with her. "I know my mother can be a handful—"

She gently linked her fingers with his, stopping him. "She's great, I mean that." She sat up a bit straighter. "I just can't eat anymore, ever again." A pin would pop her right now, and they ate hours ago. That's how full she was. "I had lots of fun this morning otherwise."

Dave knew she meant that and it made him almost unbearably happy. After their far too large breakfast and Penelope collapsing on their bed for a few minutes before she could find the ability to stand up again, they all packed up the cabin and the pets, singing Christmas carols that Mama taught her… all in Italian. Penelope seemed to genuinely love his mother and sister and that feeling was mutual.

"I did too. But I am sad we are leaving the cabin earlier than planned." He sighed out, reclaiming his hand to better maneuver through the congested streets of the city. They were almost home and he was actually a bit scared that once things got back to normal for them, everything would and what they'd become would be no more.

Penelope had those fears as well. "Was um, was the cabin…" she had to shake the negativity from her head. "You're still going to be my extra special orgasm maker right?"

Pure relief with a healthy dash of humor flooded him. "Yes. You're still going to be my delightfully flustered temptress, right?" he teased, knowing the blush to rise on her face had more to do with the memory of her seduction of their quickie yesterday than it did of the car's heater.

"Yes. But only so long as you actually date me… It would be nice to be romanced by my boyfriend like you plan on doing tonight."

His smirk grew as it did every time he heard that title attached to him. "Consider it done, though I feel too old to be called a boyfriend."

She shrugged. "Too bad. That's what you are. Though if your mother had her way we'd have been married yesterday." And she should learn to shut her own trap, even if they were both laughing over it.

Their morning pillow talk surrounded a joint decision to redirect conversation away from weddings and babies as his sister and mother were prone to bring up with them. It honestly encouraged and freaked Penelope out in equal proportions.

Dave? Well, he was cautiously optimistic those things would come in time, if they were meant to be. He wouldn't let himself walk that road unless he could be sure he wouldn't just be repeating the thousands of mistakes of the past. Especially not with Penelope Garcia, she deserved far better than that. "You should take that as a complement, Kitten." He took the exit closest to his house and realized that he didn't quite know what the plans were for the night after the fun of the date he was going to take her on tonight. "You know, you did say you would spend the week with me."

Penelope felt her smirk rise. She was wondering who would bring this up. It seemed awfully strange to feel such a pull to someone else's house but she wanted nothing more than to spend time with him while she can. He's her boyfriend and his family is in town. She felt her place was with him. "I am. I need different clothes though. Besides," she added when she saw the distinct smile of triumph grow on his face just as they pulled up to her place. "Buttercup has firmly claimed your mother as one of her favorite people. I doubt I will be able to separate them until she flies home."

That got them both laughing because over breakfast mama Rossi gave them a lengthy description on how she woke with Buttercup on her head and ever since the young kitten has followed her around, rubbing on her leg, begging for bits of bacon when she cooked. The gray and white ball of fur loved her so much, and that feeling was mutual, that she took the ride back to Rossi's on his mother's lap. "She's always loved pets. I had to scout all around for an assisted living place that let her keep her dog. Pricey as hell, but it's worth it to see her happy."

She loved watching him talk about his mother. He's always been the kind of guy to take care of things, get things done so it wasn't surprising to her that he's also the person who handles her finances and she learned from Celeste that he uses a great deal of his own money to keep her where she is, happy and comfortable. That's a good man if nothing else, her mother had always told her to pick the guy that's good to his mother. "You really do like to spoil the women in your life don't you?"

"I do." He smirked, taking her hand and gently kissing it. "Did you want to go shopping for something to wear tonight?"

She could feel herself blush a bit at how attentative he was to her. While a part of her would have been insulted, thinking that was a rag on her clothes she came to understand it. He was taking care of her, as was his nature. "Just how formal is opening night at this theatre?"

Dave thought that over as he maneuvered past a large patch of ice, racking his brain to remember the dress code. "Well, our tickets are in the dress circle so fairly formal. Somewhere between cocktail and evening wear?"

She eyed him curiously as she adjusted the heat in the car. "You seem unsure."

"I haven't been there in two years. I don't like going to these things alone."

She wondered how he could have possibly not had anyone to go with in two years. Really, even a friend? Why not her? "You could have always asked me."

Dave looked straight ahead to the road, not wanting to make eye contact with her during this part of the conversation. "I didn't want to step on Kevin's toes."

She shook her head, knowing that while that was probably true, it didn't explain not asking her over the last six months which were prime season for the theatre in the area. "Too bad. You could have stolen me away from him, sweeping me off my feet."

He smirked slightly in the implication that he's sweeping her off her feet now in that comparison. That's exactly what he wants to do. He feels extraordinary lucky that they got together over this past weekend and looking back on it he can't imagine how he'd let all the opportunities to take her out and romance her pass him by. "I have lot's more up my sleeve you know." He gently stopped at the red light and retook her hand. "I plan to make you so swept away." he took the few seconds he could from focusing on the road to draw her in for a kiss. "Soon, you won't be able to focus on anything other than making love to me."

"I wouldn't put it past you my sweet Lothario." She let a flattered smile rise on her cheeks, almost overwhelmed that she could capture such attention from a man. Sure, Kevin had been sweet but not like David Rossi. Dave makes her feel like the center on his world sometimes, or at least that's how she felt at the moment. "But no shopping for me. I have exactly what I want to wear right at home that I bought on a whim and haven't had the opportunity to bring out yet."

"Oh Penelope, I can't wait for ton—" His words were lost under the sound of impacting metal, skidding tires and his love's shrieks.

-Criminal Minds-

"So, to sum it up a lot has changed." Penelope lamely finished her explanation of the events that the last few winter whirlwind days had held for her and Dave to the virtual audience she had gathered via the beautiful thing that is technology. Skype had its uses, never more true than when trying to inform your friends on just how you and your personal Super Agent went from friends-from-work to Christmas buddies to a couple in the matter of a few short snow filled days.

"Uh! Yeah baby girl!" Derek's remark shook Penelope out of yet another dip into reminiscing about the ultra-intense beginning she has had with her Lothario. "Is his mother alright?"

Penelope bit her lip; glad she hadn't activated video as well as the phone on her call. She was hoping this conversation would take her mind off the fact that on the ride home from Dave's there had been an accident and while their car only gently skid into a snow bank the rental occupied by Celeste and mamma Rossi had directly hit a tree . "We, we don't know yet." She could hear herself start to slip into tears again. Dave was busy making calls to his family and informing them that Celeste was being seen but should be alright, momma Rossi though... she was in surgery and the hospital staff hadn't seemed entirely optimistic. All Penelope could do was help him set up a group call but as it stood the rest all had to be done on his own. She rarely felt as helpless as when he told her to go to the cafeteria and keep busy. He needed to be alone with his family and his call.

"Shush, PG." JJ soothed. She knew her friend must be within an inch of a nervous breakdown from all the commotion and change of the last few days. Really, when she heard of the profiler and the tech getting together her main concern was how little prepared Penelope is when it comes to dealing with change. The bright blonde hates change, which explains why she had stayed with Kevin Lynch for so long. Even on the good things, it's hard for Garcia to adapt. And now with a car accident she was going to need something the ground her, best to bring things back to how they once were. "Let's just focus on the weekend." She turned her tone to the gossipy side she often enjoyed with her female friends. "You have to give more details than that! And we should really get Em on the line too."

Derek echoed that. "You can't dish on something like this without her baby girl."

Somehow, Garcia knew that would be the case. Kevin did have a point when he called their group incestuous so she shouldn't be surprised. The only thing that was surprising though is the level of gossip this seemed to carry. They didn't usually react quite like this but then again, no one really had this type of relationship among the team before. "Alright." She sighed, resigned and happy to be getting her chance to yell her happiness from rooftops, even if the timing of it held some worry for her otherwise. "I'm calling now."

The choir of small beeps indicated that Emily had connected as well, clarified when they heard her bark of excitement. "I need details. I need so, so many details!" she demanded.

Penelope wasn't entirely sure how she would be able to get any details out if she wasn't even able to get in a hello before her friend went on a tangent. "Em, calm down."

"Calm down?" even her tone showered her eyebrows arching in unison. "PG. This is Rossi and you. This is epic. We're all buzzing about it."

JJ's smile grew wide on her end of the line. She and Will had been talking over her reaction to this Garcia-Rossi romance she suspected was budding. She knew they were sleeping together and from what details she got off Derek, David Rossi is more than just being a gentleman. He cares, a whole hell of a lot. Like they all knew he did. In fact, had she and Derek not had several conversations about the fact that Dave has showed nothing but genuine concern and friendship towards his precious Baby Girl in the days since her breakup with Kevin she might have been worried. But as it stood, they did discuss these things and even Reid was aware there was a rapidly approaching shift to the dynamic of the relationship between the older profiler and the tech that was going to change many things for all of them. She, and Will, and everyone else were a bit worried on what those changes might hold but she was quite pleased to see her friend happy, so long as that truly was the result of this relationship shift.

Emily was thinking much the same. She remembered how nervous Penelope was when she finally broke down and admitted she had a crush on Rossi. It was just after she and Lynch had broken up, when she and Derek had come to visit her in London. Immediately she had called JJ and the two, together tried to reassure their friend. "I just knew he'd finally make a move."

Garcia sighed a happy sigh, relieved that this was all going so well. She had almost thought she'd be in trouble with her friends. She knew that in some ways it really didn't look good, dating the boss and all. But at the same time this was all a close knit group of friends and they could all see this wasn't some taking-advantage type deal. "Actually, I think I was the one who did that… with the kitten and all."

"Dish." Emily, Derek and JJ demanded in unison and for the next twenty minutes or so Penelope felt on top of the world explaining her weekend in more detail, being interrupted with only awws, hoots and howls. It was exactly the distraction and the conversation she needed when otherwise all she would think of is the mother of the man she admired most.

-Criminal minds-

As much as he loved her, still not ready to tell her yet of course, Dave was glad Penelope wasn't around when for the fourth time one of the doctors came out and told him there was no real change in his mother's status. It was still all touch and go. A broken hip, three cracked ribs, one of which pierced a lung and various other injuries was a lot for a woman his mother's age. He could admit that. But no news! He was going right into insanity and it showed with his huffing and puffing at the doctor. At least this time they had the courtesy of coming to Celeste's room. She was being admitted for observation for the night.

"Thinking about your girl?" Celeste teased. She really liked her, she did. It was odd for her to like anyone her brother stuck it in, as she would put it. Dave always went for the wrong kind of woman, at least for him. He needed someone who he could spoil but wouldn't demand that spoiling. He needed someone smart, funny, witty. She was all that and more. She was caring. And her brother needed nothing more than caring for. "Where is she anyway?" She looked around, half expecting to see the blonde fussing over her. "I know I only just met her but it doesn't seem like she's the hands off type."

Dave sighed and took a seat close to his sister's bed. "I told her to stay in the cafeteria while I called everyone. She's texted me about fifty times for updates but I just can't let her see me like this. You know what an ass I become when I am worried."

"Or you know, in general." She added. "Oh calm down. She's probably seen your bad side before."

Rossi didn't have to think on that for long, of course she had. She'd seen him angry, drunk, chasing tail. She'd seen him in so, so many places he wished he could have hidden but never was quite able to. And yet, she still chose him to share her bed. It was overwhelming.

"Oh, you are so in love. Thank God." Celeste teased, genuinely happy when her brother didn't argue. "So, I just might get those nieces and nephews after all."

"Celeste..." he warned. "Don't."

"Fine. Fine." She snickered. "But you can't deny it's what you want."

Dave didn't want to deny it, and he couldn't which shocked him a bit. Sure, he knew on some level if he'd ever want that again it would be with her but he hadn't quite gotten it. He actively wants it, something he hadn't imaged possible before.

"Earth to David." Celeste snapped her fingers in front of him. He was a bit more worried and out of it than she'd expect. He's hiding someone about mamma but she wasn't going to press. He'd only hide it all the more. It was always easier to get him to slip up in other ways. Just like when she got him to slip on her Christmas present when she was fourteen.

"Yeah." He shook the images flying through his head of holding Penelope while she breastfed their newborn from his minds eye. It was too wonderful an image and he didn't want to cling to it in case it was a reaction to his worry about his family, or in case it ever happened. "Are you sure you have everything you need? I could get the nurse." He began to rise in his seat, setting into action.

"Oh for crying out loud David, I told you I'm fine." Celeste scolded her overly protective brother. "Shew, go see that girlfriend of yours. She's a mess, I know it."

Despite his worry for his sister and his mother still in surgery Dave did feel a little tug on his mouth at the mention of Penelope as his girlfriend, it returned a bit of that hope he'd just shaken away. Even more encouraging was that his sister had already gotten to know her so well as to figure out what was probably very true. His Penelope was nothing if not a worrier for the people she cared for. "You feel up to seeing her? I think she's going to need to see you with her own eyes."

His sister rolled her eyes. "Bring her in dummy, I like her! And I want to take the opportunity of being injured –when you can't get too mad at me- and gossip about you."

He stuck his tongue out at her and she returned it just like they did as kids before he left the room. He supposed the saying is true; you never really grow up with your siblings.

Despite the levity he tried to show for his sister's sake he really was worried about his mother. He knew it would come to bite him in the ass later but he didn't have the heart to tell his sister the full extent of his mother's injuries. She was still in surgery and the last he heard there were some complications. That's all they were telling him and it was pissing him off his badge wasn't good for learning more.

Penelope. He really did need his Penelope. With all the flurry of emotions washing over him right now she could at least center him just as she always did on the job. She was the team's rock and his as well.

When he found her in the cafeteria she seemed knee deep involved in one of her virtual games she always played on facebook, he thought this one was a farm of some sort. He never really got the appeal himself but as he rested his chin gently on her shoulder he could see she'd put a lot of effort into it. "I'm surprised you aren't startled Kitten."

Penelope felt a great deal of relief at hearing his voice. Her conversation with JJ, Emily and Derek had ended a few minutes ago when Derek had to go help his mother fix a door, Henry was calling for JJ to come play and a voice that sounded suspiciously like Hotch came calling for Em in the background. She didn't want to get her hopes up on the last part there and didn't want to fall to worry again so she immersed herself in virtual farming.

It was far easier to plow and seed and harvest than it was to think on how she realized she's been in love with Dave for a while now. Not just liking him, loving him. Hot Sugar had been oh so handy in pointing that out to her. She didn't want to admit it was true, not when she was so otherwise worried about his family. And that there, evidence. She's always been caring but she was never about to fall to pieces when Kevin's father was similarly in a car accident. She was supportive, a shoulder to cry on but not taking it so personally.

Overwhelmed. That's what she was. And lord did she need to feel her boyfriend's warmth right now. He was the rock of the team, just like he was her rock now.

She turned to him, and her relief turned to sheer panic once again at the sullenness of his face. "What happened?" her eyes began to glass with unshed tears. "Is mamma—"

Dave realized too late he wasn't all that good at hiding his feelings from Penelope now that he had openly declared his romantic ones for her. "Oh no kitten. Well, I don't know. She's still in surgery. But Celeste is anxious to see you. "

Soft sobs began to escape her as she stood and began to retreat down the hall towards the elevator, letting him lead the way to his sister. She didn't deal with death well but she really wasn't going to do well losing the woman that in a few short hours seemed more motherly to her than she'd felt from someone in a long time. And worse, seeing Dave so upset. It would kill her, she just knew it.

Dave loaded them onto the elevator and couldn't help but say. "I'm sorry about our date tonight kitten."

She looked at him with examination. "Oh Dave, you know I haven't even thought on it. Now my Italian Stallion." She tried to calm herself, so overwhelmed with how much he cared for her even through his worry. "We just, we have to pray." She took a deep breath. "I prayed for Emily when Doyle… you know. At least that worked, just took months to see it."

Dave sighed, unwilling to relive that memory. He couldn't handle thinking of his seeing his girlfriend that forlorn ever again. "That's what Camilla said, before informing me that everyone will be coming here soon."

Penelope's eyes widened considerably. "What?" She was going to meet his whole family? All of them? As she neared Celeste's room she realized how fast everything had seemed to move suddenly. She went from a Christmas buddy to girlfriend-numero-uno in the matter of a few days.

Celeste's voice called out to her as soon as she turned the corner. "Hah, Dave told you the whole family is coming then." It wasn't that she wanted to see the younger woman in such shock per se, she just liked how fired up she could get. It was almost like she was Italian in her blood too.

Penelope nodded, a bit out of it. "I uh."

"Don't worry Kitten." Dave tried to soothe, pulling her under his arm and relishing in the feeling of having her there with him, as he needed her most. "Everyone will love you just like mamma and Celeste do." He somehow refrained from including himself in the mix. Not the way to tell the woman you love just that.

Celeste snickered, which aggravated her sore ribs but she didn't let on to that. Her brother was so far gone and still too damn afraid to say the big three words. She had a feeling, based on how good these two are together and how much Penelope already seemed to be part of her family that this one was going to last. "And they will have plenty of time to get to know you, all staying in Dave's house and whatnot."

"What?!" Penelope turned to Dave completely surprised. "I, what?" she wasn't sure she was going to handle all this so well. His house was huge, sure. But not family Rossi huge. No house was big enough for twenty Rossi personalities. Even hotels weren't that big. This was fast, all so damn fast.

"Kitten." Dave pulled her close in an embrace. "Just think. It will be more people to take care of Buttercup. It's not fair for her to be all alone in a new place, especially after being so shaken up in the accident." He hoped that would get to her. He hadn't thought she would be so scared of this and it honestly worried him. But then he realized just how much she was going through and decided it wasn't anything to worry about. She was simply overwhelmed, one of the qualities he most loves of her. It was that she couldn't take those horrible images of crime scenes that was his first impression of her. A soft soul full of caring. "I know it's a lot but I need you here. Ok?"

At the mention of Buttercup a sudden realization hit and Garcia took a moment to calm her nerves. Dave was the one that needed consoling, not her. She had been lucky, her sweet little kitty that her wonderful man had got for her came out of the accident with nothing other than a scare. But mamma Rossi… Dave had done and given her so much and now his mother, his poor sweet mother was in hospital and he had no idea what might happen with her. He was so loving and so—there for her. He always was but now even more so. She just had to face it, just like she did earlier while regaling her friends on her romantic story. She was in a relationship now, one far more serious (already) than she had with Kevin. It was time to buck up and meet the Rossi's, for her boyfriend's sake.

She stood up and with a gentle kiss to his all too handsome lips and she reassured him all would be alright on her end. "Ok." She gently soothed, finally coming back to Earth and realizing she could do this. "I'll make cannoli."

Celeste's smile widened as she watched them, discussing where they would put everyone when they got there later that night. Not only was Penelope becoming a favorite person of hers, but she was also already becoming the closest thing her brother has ever had to a real wife.