A/N: I don't know where this came from... really, I was just making it up as I went along.

Of course, whenever I leave my brain to roam, it usually comes up with the Master, hence the reason he plays a major part in all of my fanfics.

Anyway, this is... I'm not sure. I could extend it, but I'd like to know if people like it. If I get a lot of positive feedback I'll take it that people do XD

Ah, that makes me sound like I'm begging for comments. Seriously, everyone. You don't have to comment if you don't want to, but they're still appreciated :)

Disclaimer: Doctor Who is copyrighted to the BBC, I don't own it, I simply write fanfiction. You probably noticed, since this site is called ''.

"Anywhere you want! Your wish is my command!" the Doctor grinned, performing his customary frolic around the TARDIS console, pulling levers and pressing switches.

"I wish you'd stop treating me like one of your ape girlfriends." the Master muttered, but stepped up to the console anyway.

"Don't touch that!" the Doctor yelled, grabbing the Master's arm before the blond Time Lord could press the Doomsday Button.

"What? Oh, I thought that was the radio." the Master grinned mischievously.

"Nah, nah, this is the radio!" the Doctor's grin matched the Master's as he flicked a switch and some trashy pop music started blasting out of the speakers.

Determined not to be out-done by the Doctor, the Master took out his laser screwdriver and held it against the console. Immediately, the music changed to some famous death metal song that the Doctor felt he should know the name of, but didn't for some reason.

The TARDIS whirred angrily at the Master and switched the speakers off, then lurched sideways and threw them both across the room for good measure.

"Ow!" the Doctor carefully disentangled himself from some wires, "Okay, apparently the TARDIS disapproves of death metal." he held out a hand, which the Master pointedly refused, getting up on his own.

"Right! Where was I?" the Doctor's manic energy returned as he went back to the console, "Oh yeah! Where d'you wanna go?"

"A thousand miles away from you."

"Not gonna happen!" the Doctor grinned in a manner that made the Master want to strangle him. "Anywhere else? I'm offering you a choice here."

"Fine. Third planet of the Na'kaya system."

"I think it's got a name, you know." the Doctor said, pulling the scanner screen round so he could read it.

"Ah. Evidently not." he skimmed through the information, wanting to make sure there were no harmless lifeforms the Master could enslave and no dangerous weapons lying about. "Planet of Junkyards?" he made a face, "What d'you wanna go here for?"

"I need to build a new laser screwdriver." the Master said, holding it up, "This one's useless since you 'modified' it."

"Ah! Nope, nope, no way." the Doctor pressed a few switches and the TARDIS started hurtling off to the other side of the universe, "Besides, I improved it!"

"It doesn't have the 'kill' setting any more!" the Master protested loudly as they raced through the vortex.

"And that's good! I also installed an 'instant espresso' setting!" the Doctor shouted back, whacking the console with a hammer in a futile attempt to stabilise it.

"Oh, well that's wonderful!" the Master rolled his eyes, "Who cares if we can't save the universe from a ravenous monster? At least I can make a cup of coffee!"

The Doctor chose not to respond to this. Instead, he clung on for dear life as the TARDIS rattled violently and jolted around. Eventually, he managed to steady her by tugging one of the levers.

"Do you actually know what you're doing when you fly this thing?" the Master asked, getting to his feet, "Or do you just push all the buttons without knowing what they do and hope it's going to work?"

The Doctor went a bit red. "Oh, just... shut up!"

Ignoring the Master's smirk, he reached for the scanner screen to see where they were.

"Paragon?" he frowned. "That's strange. I thought this was the Tukulla galaxy."

"And what is Paragon when it's at home?" the Master raised an eyebrow.

"That's just it!" the Doctor's frown grew deeper as he examined the readings, "It's not at home! Nine hundred quadrillion miles away."

"Yes but what is it?" The Master asked exasperatedly. "Planet? Space station? Lost puppy?"

The Doctor shook his head. "It's a star. The largest and brightest star in history. It's supposed to be in the Ignia system."

The Master thought for a minute. "I remember reading something about that. Isn't it one of the hottest galaxies in the universe?"

"Yes. Thirty-eight planets accustomed to boiling temperatures have now lost their source of heat, and it's appeared slap bang in the middle of this galaxy." the Doctor ran a hand through his spiky hair. "Nine hundred billion people from Ignia are going to freeze to death, and over six trillion in Tukulla are going to burn."

"Doctor, you're getting the 'Let's save the lives of primitive lifeforms' look in your eye again."

"This is my normal - oh, nevermind. Come on! Donna method!" the Doctor ran over to the double doors of the TARDIS and pulled them open to reveal the universe outside.

The Tukulla galaxy was rather beautiful to behold. It was a spiral like the milky way, but a little smaller and had an orangey hue. Slightly to the left of the center, an extremely bright and dazzling pinpoint of light shone.

"Paragon." said the Doctor. "A misplaced sun. How could that have happened?"

"Your memories have been known to be a little unreliable before." the Master pointed out. "Are you sure it wasn't here before?"

"Look, look!" the Doctor pointed. "See where it is? That's a completely unnatural place for a star! The nearest planets have probably been burnt to a crisp! We have to get Paragon back to Ignia now!"

The Master sighed. "I'll get the tow rope."

A/N: What do you think? Should I carry on? :) it's quite difficult to force my brain along one story line (it likes abandoning fics in the middle and running off to write oneshots), but I'm sure I can manage it if I have a plentiful supply of inspiration ^_^

Also, please tell me in the comments if you'd like the story to be a lot of little adventures with more humour, or a big epic plot? (Which might take longer to write.)