Fanfic Timetable

June 18th – Battle of the Department of Mysteries. Sirius Black falls through the veil.

June 19th – Voldemort is revealed as being back; Death Eater meeting is called and Severus Snape is found out as a spy.

June 19th-22nd – Severus Snape is tortured in a dungeon of an abandoned manor. Peter Pettigrew is caught by Aurors on the last day with several other Death Eaters, and Severus was put in the infirmary at Hogwarts.

June 24th – Sirius Black is pulled back from the veil and his name was cleared.

July 6th – Order meeting is held and Albus states that Severus is in a condition where he needs to recover at Grimmauld.

July 8th – Severus Snape arrives at Grimmauld.

Chapter One;

Everything was perfect – or at least it was perfect until Sirius had gotten the news two days prior from Albus during an Order meeting that Severus Snape would be staying at 12 Grimmauld with him and Remus until he 'recovered'.

It was the beginning of July, and Sirius was finally a free man. Though he did suffer, the five days he had spent behind the veil was horrible. So much pain was inflicted on him because he was an alive man in a dead mans' place, he relived memories he wished he had forgotten – including memories of Azkaban – and couldn't have been happier when he was pulled back from the veil to see Harry and Remus both crushing him into a hug, and then told he was a free man because Peter Pettigrew had been caught.

Sirius was filled in on everything that had happened while he was in the veil – supposedly the Minister had finally accepted that Voldemort was indeed back, and the next day it was in the papers. He called a meeting which Severus – the Death Eating scum, as Sirius had hissed during the explanation and received a glare from Albus /and/ Harry – attended. He didn't return however, and after a day, Albus began to worry and he had every right as afterwards an owl had appeared and the letter it contained revealed Voldemort knew everything of Severus' spying and that he sent the Order to save Harry at the Department of Mysteries, and he was at that time being tortured in a dungeon – normally Albus would keep a calm demeanor, but when it was shown that the letter was written in Severus' blood, the man actually began to look his age.

After getting the Aurors involved, and with some help of a lower spy in the Death Eater ranks Severus and Albus had been working on turning, they found the manor he was being held at – not many details were given on what happened in the dungeon – but what was given was that founded in the manor was three lower ranked Death Eaters, Avery, and Peter Pettigrew. It took them a few hours to get the results of all the tests they gave to Pettigrew before he was proven to be the actual Peter Pettigrew and immediately after the papers were signed to pull Sirius out of the veil with a cleared name and freedom.

Afterwards, Sirius returned to Grimmauld and life began to thread together – Harry had been given permission to come live with him at Grimmauld, where he claimed a room on the second floor, though he spent most nights with the Weasley's and Sirius was perfectly okay with that. Remus had moved into Grimmauld permanently and claimed the room a few rooms down from Sirius' on the top floor. Sirius was quite enjoying himself; he took to regular visits to Diagon Alley, or just walks with Remus whilst in Padfoot form even did wonders. It was the happiest he had been since before Lily and James passed.

And now sitting in the study, waiting for Albus to come through the floo all he could think was how 'Snivellus' had found a way to run his happiness once again. Nobody would give any details as to how badly in condition Severus was, and even if it was bad, it was /Snivellus/ - the bastard was too stubborn to die, he'd do perfectly fine lurking in his dungeons and being left alone. But no, Albus strongly disagreed and insisted that he be allowed to stay at Grimmauld, though he didn't insist in a way where he directly said 'Severus is staying and that is final' he more put it in 'Do what is right, Sirius, this is a sanctuary for all of the Order, think of all he has done for the Order and our cause' – not that it worked on Sirius, but it had turned Remus into a 'Sirius, we must do what is right!'

So here he was, sitting on the couch, arms crossed over his chest, glaring across the room at Albus who had just entered and was having a lovely conversation with Remus. "Where is he?" He finally asked, narrowing his eyes.

Albus glanced over and smiled, his eyes twinkling madly. "He's upstairs in the room you appointed, he needs lots of rest. Let him sleep when he is tired, but I do wish for him to move around a bit, Remus here has already agreed to take care of him."

"All you must do is simply tolerate his presence and… /try/ to be nice, he's hurt, Padfoot." Remus pleaded.

"Hm." Sirius hummed, turning his attention to the opened Transfiguration book on his lap.

Both knowing that was the closest they were going to get to a 'I'll try to be nice' – Albus nodded off and walked out to head back to Hogwarts and Remus walked out of the room to start on lunch. Sirius let out a loud sigh when he was alone, dropping his book and rubbing his eyes – mentally hoping that Snivellus wouldn't deliberately try to get him to lose his temper, which it always seemed he did.