Hi-chan's Adventure: Love Hunt!

AN: Hi everyone, because of some reviews from 'Of Chaos and Confusions' I decided to do another one. I found that I really miss doing humor type story so here is the sequel with Hi-chan as the main star this time.

For those who don't know who Hi-chan is, she is a Female version of Hibari Kyouya that appeared in 'Of Chaos and Confusion'.

Now for a Prologue so that you will know of the situation...oh before I forget this story will take place during the Arcobeleno's battle tournament second day. (I think? Not too sure but sometime during this current arc) There will be a bit OCCness to the story.

My best friend is a witch…but she's a total NOVICE!

"Haru-chan! Haru-chan!" Hi-chan busted her way into her friend room one fine Saturday morning...eh, did I said morning? I meant 2:18 AM! How she had managed to entered the house much less the room at this ungodly hour was beyond anyone comprehension, but her best friend, Miura Haru, only sat up exhaustingly on her bed and gave her a tired 'good morning'.

"Need somethin'?" Haru asked, her body wavering from side to side as she tried to stay awake for her friend's sudden visit.

"Haru-chan! Haru-chan! I just learned that Tsuna-san is not the Tsuna-san that I fell in love with!"

At the statement, Haru snapped her eyes wide open. She remembers now. About few weeks ago she had found a magic book up in her dusty old attic. Why was she up there in the first place? Never mind the reasons since it got nothing to do with the story.

Anyway, she found a magic book or more like a very old, dusty, crumbling and worm-bitten pages journal belonging to her don't-know-for-sure-how-many-great-grandmother from a very distance past. (We'll just call her the old-lady-with-magic-power.)

Within the book, Haru came across a love spell. As a girl, Haru instantly got interested, for every girl would want to test out a love potion or in this case, spell, right? So she recited the words on the page with two people in mind. A boy she always heard rumors about from some nearby school, called Sawada Tsunayoshi and his love interest Sagawa Kyoko. With those two names in mind, she invoked on the spell.

When nothing happened, no magic light show, no puff of smoke, no nothing; she laughed it off for being foolish enough to believe in things like magic. The next day, however, she awoke to find a green egg under her blanket.

Thinking that perhaps she should cook it, and then feed it to the two couple for the spell to work, Haru cracked the egg into the frying pan to find a little green lizard with a 'how-to-take-care-of-me' book.

It jumped on her face when the pan gotten too hot and Haru lost the book in the fire. Running back up the attic to find the diary, she was lucky enough to find some information on the lizard.

"Leon, the chameleons is like an undo button. I use him all the time when I first started training to become a witch…" Haru read off the blemished page. "For example, with my mistake in causing my hair to turn purple, I had Leon changed into a blow drying to blow away all the color."

Haru giggled at the old-lady-with-magic-power. She will never make that kind of mistake. Looking at the chameleons, she smiles, "I won't use you like grandma. But I wonder if you can change into other thing like a sewing kit?"

At her question, Leon transformed not only into a sewing kit, but a small sewing machine that made Haru one very happy girl. Enough so that she decided to make something special for her best friend—a Hi-bird costume!

The very day she presented Hibari-chan with the costume, chaos ensured! The Sawada Tsunayoshi she had casted the spell upon had become a totally completely different person! But for some reason Sagawa Kyoko stayed the same.

During that time, however, Sagawa Kyoko didn't fall in love with the new Sawada Tsunayoshi, but Hibari-chan did. Did her spell worked after all? Hibari-chan's first name was Kyouyan, and she made sure that she had said Kyoko…right? Could she had mistakenly think Kyouyan's name?

In any case, she was caught and ends up using Leon in just the same way as that old-lady-with-magic-power. Leon transformed into a hammer and with that hammer, she decided to knock out the mean Sawada Tsunayoshi. Even if the spell didn't come undone, she could just use the time that he got knocked out to escape. With that thought in mind, Haru attacked him using Leon.

But now, from Hibari-chan, she learned that Leon had really worked!

"Ha-hi! Really, desu?" Haru asked excitedly, "The Sawada Tsunayoshi that got captured and then bailed is not the same one that we met during that soccer game?"

Hi-chan nodded her head feverishly.

"He's not! He never once called me Hi-chan! He didn't even know my name when I saw him just now!"

Haru looked over her nightstand to see her clock flashing, 2:32AM.

"Hibari-chan…" she looked at her friend pouty face with concern, "what time did you visit him, desu?"

"I told you to call me Hi-chan!" the raven haired girl's pout deepen, "and I've just told you, Haru-chan. Weren't you listening? I said 'I saw him just now'!"

"Just now, desu? As in 2:00 AM in the morning? How did you get in his house?" Then as if the question brought another, Haru asked "How did you get into my house?"

Hi-chan only frowns. Does her friend think she doesn't know how to enter a house? "I used the door."

"But we locked our door!" and I'm pretty sure that Sawada Tsunayoshi does too!

Hi-chan only looked confused as Haru dash out of her bed and out her room. She rushed down the stairs; almost falling if she hadn't grabbed the railing fast enough. Once her feet landed on the last step she saw her door hanging off it hanger.

"Hibari-chan!" You broke down our door, desu!

After a very, VERY loooooong lecture later about not breaking down people door to visit them at ungodly hours, Hi-chan was seated at the kitchen table as Haru tiredly made breakfast.

"So…" Haru begin putting two plates of scramble eggs and sausages on the tables, "Why have you come to my house so early in the morning, Hibari-chan?"

"It's Hi-chan!" the raven haired girl whined.

Haru smiled. Even since her friend gotten that nickname from the Sawada Tsunayoshi she switched, the girl had been in love with the name. Maybe it got something to do with the similarity between Hi-chan and Hibird, the popular little bird of their beloved town. Or perhaps it was because it was a name given to her by the supposed person that she loves.

"So, Hi-chan what is it that you want, desu?"

Hi-chan smiled. "I want to find my one true love!" Haru was so glad that she haven't drinks or eaten anything for she was sure she would have spite it out onto her friend face for that outrageous statement.


Another long scolding and some crying on Hi-chan part later, Haru sighed in defeat; Hi-chan was just too stubborn to listen to her. Hi-chan had said—no demand that she was to find her one true love even if she had to go to another world to find him.

"Hi-chan are you really sure about this, desu?" Haru asked for the eighteen times since she had agreed to help her friend.

"Yes! I want to find him! Please let me go!"

"Okay then." Haru flipped through the pages of the book she held in her hand, "I think this is the spell…" she stopped on a page that she had recited off of not too long ago and began to repeat it once more.

Before finishing the spell however, Haru paused to look at Hi-chan once more with pleading eyes for her to reconsider but the girl only ignored her as she look around excitedly. Sighing Haru continued.

"Uh? That's it?" Hi-chan exclaimed when two minutes passed and still nothing happened, "Did it not work?"

"Guess so…" Haru laughed, "Maybe it because Leon is in the same room? Let's try again after breakfast."

"Nah, just let me borrow your room, I'm going to sleep." Hi-chan yawned as she made her way upstairs for a little rest. She had been up all night and it wouldn't do her any good to faint during class today. Her teacher will kill her. She is a top honor student at an elite school; falling asleep wouldn't be good for her reputation.

AN: So how was it so far? Sorry for any grammars, spellings, and other errors.

For this fic, I won't be uploading daily like I did with 'Of C&C' but I will try my hardest to get a chapter out at least once every week. It will still be short though, since for these type of fanfics I only want to write at max three pages or 1,500 words each chapter. Anyway thanks for choosing to read this.

Read again next week to find out if Haru's spell had worked or not. If it did, is Hi-chan really in KHR-Tsuna world?