Author's Note: Alright, folks, here's the squeeze. I figured you all deserved some kind of upload of some sort, even if it is a note from me. This story has fallen away from me, more so from lack of interest than anything. See, writing isn't really my real field. I'm not a writer, I will admit to that completely. That being said, finding my way back here is very VERY difficult.
Today I decided to stumble back over here and amuse myself at what I read, thinking about the nearing end of Glee and all. After a few chapters, I was disappointed that I did not continue. I enjoyed what I wrote and honestly, I just wish someone else just NEW what I wanted and would finish. That being said, I've considered alternatives that may help me out. I MIGHT consider working on my story more, but with all of your help.
I'm LOVE it if you send me reviews on this "chapter" or messages about what you think should happen. I'm going to be 100% honest, I have the ending planned out, so that is out of the question for change. Well, two optional endings which I may just end up posting anyways. BUT, how should they get there? Considering the season when I started this story, a LOT has changed with the show and we've lost some wonderful people (RIP, dear Cory). So, please, help me get this out. I've lost my note and may need to start where I left off on whims.
How should the choir competition go? I've had song ideas thrown around for years, but any suggestions? How many chapters should high school take place? What else should happen in between now and graduation? Everyone will be personally thanked in each chapter for their addition if I take it.
Please, help me finish this happily ever after.