Hey, y'all! So, this fic is one I've been thinking about writing for a while. The plot actually belongs to YogurthFrost (on deviantART) but he has tagged me to write it. *does happy dance* So, people, I have his permission. Don't go telling him to sue me.

The pic that this based off of is called "The Green Wraith... is...YOU" by YogurthFrost. It's pretty darn incredible, and I'm honored to have been allowed to write about it.

I don't own Kim Possible. YogurthFrost owns the general plot idea; I just added some stuff to make it flow more smoothly.

Kimberly Ann Possible was still trying to get used to her new sense of freedom. For now, at least, she could wake up without having to worry about whatever homework was due - or in this case, summer work. High school graduation nullified all of that. Until freshman year at Go U started, she was entirely free.

Ronald Stoppable was having the exact opposite issue. He would wake up every morning worrying about what new recipe he would try to memorize. He had been accepted at the Go City Culinary Institute soon after graduation, and he wanted to start out freshman year at the top of his class. Of course, Kim had no idea about this; she thought he loved writing the same recipe over and over again on little index cards, given how much he did it on his free time.

The pair had broken up soon after graduation. It was by mutual consent, so Ron was safe from being shot into deep space, but it changed something between them. Both of them had felt, but didn't say, that kissing the other felt like kissing their sibling. They had just become too much like family for a relationship to work out. However, even though their romance had broken apart, Team Possible stayed tightly tied together - just like they had been for years.

The day started out like any normal day before it.


Kim groaned and rolled over in bed, covering her head with her pillow. The last thing she wanted to do was to get up.

"Kimberly Ann Possible, get out of bed!"

"I'm up, I'm up!" Kim hollered back at her mother, briefly lifting up the pillow so her voice wouldn't be muffled. The deed done, she immediately plopped back down and closed her eyes. She was utterly exhausted. She hadn't slept a wink last night, God knows why, and she felt like she could hibernate.

After about five minutes, Kim heard the clomping of footsteps traipsing up the stairs, and she groaned. Knowing her family, whoever it was had set course to her room.

"Kim! Mom says that she wants-"

"-you out of bed and downstairs before-"

"-your breakfast gets cold!"

Kim growled wordlessly under her breath. She envied Ron for having such an angelic sibling, regardless of the fact that they weren't related by blood.

Suddenly, the sound of hurried footsteps picked up again, and a split second later the door to Kim's room was flung open. Twin sets of footsteps thumped against the floor as their owners climbed up into Kim's room and ran over to her bed. One pair of hands yanked the pillow away from her, and the other pair pulled the blanket right off the bed.

"Tweebs!" Kim yelled, sitting bolt upright in bed.

Kim's twin brothers, Jim and Tim, snickered when they saw their sister.

"Hey, Kim," Jim said, hand over his mouth to keep from bursting out into laughter, "I think you might need a hairbrush."

"And some more sleep," laughed Tim, not even trying to stifle his laughter.

Kim scowled. "Funny thing about that, Tim. If you know that someone needs more sleep, then don't go and make it impossible for them to get it!" She fell back heavily on the bed and grabbed her Pandaroo, using it to cover her face.

"Wow, what's up with you, sis? Did you-"

"-wake up on the wrong side of the bed or something?"

"Waking up requires having gone to sleep in the first place," Kim snapped. "Now get out of my room!"

"Get out of bed first," Tim nagged. "Or else-"

"-Mom's gonna come up and get you out herself."

Kim swore under her breath and swung her legs out of bed. "All right, I'm up. Happy now?"

"Sure." Jim shrugged. "Oh, by the way, your-"

"-Kimmunicator rang about an hour ago."

"We answered it for you and said that we'd-"

"-have you call back later."

"What?" Kim stood up quickly. "Wade called and you didn't get me?"

"It wasn't Wade," the twins said in unison, and then they turned and scrambled down Kim's unorthodox steps.

Kim paused. It wasn't Wade? Who was it, then? And why didn't they get Wade to patch them through first?

Ann heard twin sets of footsteps hurrying down the stairs, and he shook her head. Those boys were going to break their necks doing that.

"Boys, don't run down the stairs," she yelled over her shoulder, not bothering to turn off the spray nozzle attached to the sink. "Did you get your sister up yet?"

"She should be coming-"

"-down in a minute to check-"

"-her Kimmunicator. If she isn't down in-"

"-five minutes, can we split her bacon? Please?"

Ann shook her head firmly and glanced at Kim's Kimmunicator. It had been sitting on the counter all night, charging. "I really wish she would charge that thing in her room more often."

"I do," came her daughter's voice from the hallway, and Kim walked into the kitchen. "Just not last night. Don't you dare touch my breakfast, tweebs," she warned quickly, seeing that her brothers were trying to be sneaky. "Mom, why didn't you get them not to touch my Kimmunicator?"

Ann shrugged. "It's not my gadget to keep up with."

Kim pressed her lips together tightly, but a huge yawn almost immediately spread them again. She shot another warning glare at her brothers and made her way over to the counter.

"Where's Dad?" she inquired through another yawn, pulling the charger out of her Kimmunicator.

Ann shut off the nozzle and let it retract. She gestured vaguely in the air and replied, "Working on the garage."

Kim nodded in understanding. Ever since their home had been destroyed by the Lorwardians before graduation, repairs had been nonstop. Thanks to her father's blueprints, Felix's mother's technology, and their connections at the lab, they were able to rebuild the house itself as an exact replica of what it had been before in just under three weeks. James Possible, however, was altering the garage to serve as more of a home workshop for himself and the twins.

"You know who was calling?" she asked. "Jim and Tim said that it wasn't Wade."

Ann shook her head and began drying off the breakfast dishes in the sink. "I didn't see who it was."

Kim sighed and booted up the small device, pulling up the recent calls list. Even though she still had her wrist communicator, she liked the original version better. It was easier to do stuff on than the tiny screen of the wrist version.

"GJ," she said in surprise. "Now what would they want?"

She selected the 'call' option and leaned against the counter. She only had to wait for about five seconds before animate popped up on the screen of a woman with short brown hair and an eye patch, sitting behind a dark mahogany desk with a small smile on her face.

"Ah, Kimberly. Good morning."

"Morning, Dr. Director," Kim replied, nodding respectfully. "Sorry I didn't catch you earlier."

"It's no problem, Kim," the head of Global Justice assured her. "Are you all right? You look exhausted."

Kim shot a quick glare at her brothers, who grinned innocently in return. "I'm fine. I just couldn't really sleep last night. What's the sitch?"

Dr. Director leaned forward, her smile gone and her fingers interlacing in front of her. "The 'sitch', as you say, is Shego."

Kim blinked and looked around the room at her family. They were all peering at her with confused looks on their faces, and she could tell that they were all thinking the same thing.

Why Shego?

"Shego?" the redheaded hero repeated. "I thought she went legit." Then another possibility struck her. "Is she hurt?"

"No, she's fine as far as we can tell."

"So what's going on, then?"

"We've connected her with a string of crimes throughout the States, each more violent than the last. The most recent offense resulted in the hospitalization of Drew Lipsky."

Kim, had she been eating, likely would have choked. "Drakken? She hurt Drakken? I thought they were a thing now."

Betty Director shook her head. "It would seem not. It looks like he'll pull through, but as of now he's still under close watch."

Kim pursed her lips, thinking for a moment. "So, Drakken's still legit?"


"So Shego's going this alone. I wonder why?"

Dr. Director shrugged. "It doesn't matter. All that matters is that she spurned the second chance we had given her, and at the rate she's going she might end up killing someone."

Kim shook her head. "No. Shego doesn't kill. She told me herself once during our fights that killing was a line she would never cross."

"It sure looks like she was trying to kill Drakken."

"She's a smart woman. She knows when to stop."

Dr. Director sighed quietly. She knew Kim well enough to know that she would not be dissuaded from her opinion. "The fact remains that she's grown more violent than she ever has in the past. We need to capture her."

"And you want Team Possible's help," Kim realized. "Why? Global Justice is a powerful force."

"You know Shego better than anyone else on our side," came the reply. "You know her fighting style and the way her mind works. You're our best hope of catching her once and for all."

Kim thought for a moment. Honestly, she didn't want to capture Shego. After all, she seemed like she had really gone legit after the Lorwardian incident, and Kim found it somewhat hard to believe that she had actually hospitalized Drakken. Even so, if it needed to be done then she would do it.

"Okay, I'm on it," she said after a minute or so. "Lemme just call Ron-"

"We've already contacted Mr. Stoppable," Dr. Director interrupted. "He said he would be over to your house shortly. We sent a GJ jet over to pick the two of you up from there. It should be arriving in a few minutes."

Kim's eyes widened. "Shoot. Gotta go, Dr. Director! Sorry!"

"So can we have-"

"-your breakfast?"

"No!" Kim cut the transmission and stuffed the device in her pajama pocket. She snatched a few strip of bacon from the lone plate on the kitchen table and stuffed them in her mouth, turning and sprinting out of the room. "Mom, ill oo le Roh im en ee ometh?"

"Yes, dear," Ann said calmly. "I'll let Ron in."

The twins exchanged looks. "How can you-"

"-even understand her?"

"I have three children," their mother replied. "I'm fluent in gibberish."

Kim scrambled up to her room like she was being chased by a rabid bear, muttering to herself all the way. Of all the days she had to get out of bed feeling like a zombie, it had to be today?

"Damn," she swore when she heard the doorbell. She tossed the Kimmunicator on her bed and practically tore her pajamas off, grabbing her mission clothes from where they were draped over the back of her computer chair.

"Yo, KP!" Ron called up. "You 'bout ready? GJ's heading over!"

"I know, Ron!" Kim yelled back, hopping around the room with one leg in her pants. "Gimme a bit!" To herself she muttered, "Of course. Of...freaking...course."

She slipped on her bra and shirt and snatched up her Kimmunicator, slipping it into her leg pouch. Then, just as she was struggling to get her socks and shoes on, she heard the increasingly loud roar that was her GJ ride.

"Oh, come on!" she shouted at no one in particular, grabbing a hairbrush from her dresser and swiping it through her hair a few times until it looked more like hair than a malnourished squirrel. Tossing it carelessly over her shoulder, she practically leaped down her steps and then down the main staircase.

Ron stepped out of the redhead's way as she came barreling down the steps. "Whoa there, Killer."

"Sorry. No time to talk, we're running late." Kim grabbed Ron's hand and yanked him out through the open front door. "Bye, Mom! I'll be back for dinner at the latest!"

"Bye, honey," Ann called, turning back to her daughter's still unfinished breakfast and the twin boys hovering over it.

"Please?" Jim said sweetly, a somewhat familiar look creeping over his face.

Ann smiled. "You know, Kim's always going to be the best at the Puppy Dog Pout." She paused and sighed good-naturedly. "Fine."

"You okay, KP?" Ron inquired.

Kim opened her eyes tiredly, not bothering to lift her head from where it was leaning against the inside wall of the jet. "Didn't get any sleep."

"Ah." The blond boy nodded apologetically. "Been there, done that. It sucks."

"Merci, Captain Obvious," Kim groaned. She closed her eyes again, listening to the steady thrumming of the jet's turbines. It almost lulled her into a state of unconsciousness. Almost.

"Hello, Miss Possible. Mr. Stoppable."

Kim opened her eyes again and sat bolt upright when she heard this new voice. "Agent Du. Um...aren't you supposed to be flying the plane?"

Agent Will Du came and sat down in the seat in front of Ron and Kim, placing his elbows on the small table between the two rows of seats and leaning forward slightly. "Autopilot. Right now, the jet's flying straight and level. I don't need to do anything until I take her down."

"So where is she?" Kim asked.

"She's in one of her houses. It's about twenty miles outside of Middleton."

"So we'll be there pretty soon," Kim assumed.

Agent Du shook his head. "We have to slow down and quiet our engines so we don't alert Shego to our approach. We should be there soon, but not as quickly as we normally would be."

"So still soon," Kim clarified. "What's the plan?"

Will reached into his pocket and pulled out a small earpiece, handing it to Kim. "Here, put this in. When you press the little red button, it activates. We'll be able to hear each other both ways until you deactivate it." He paused briefly. "Just one rule. Do not activate the radio before Shego notices that you are there. We need to keep radio silence so she is unaware of our presence until the very last second."

"Radio silence. Got it." Kim fitted the little device to her ear.

"Don't I get one too?" Ron asked in a tone that bordered on whining.

"You won't be going in with Kim," Will said somewhat sharply. "We can't risk any screw-ups on this mission."

Ron scowled. "The mystical monkey master does not screw up. Right, Kim?"

"Uh, yeah. Right, Ron." Kim averted her gaze, feeling a blush creep up over her cheeks.

"You'll be staying back on the jet," Will continued. "We need someone to monitor Kim's radio activity once she activates it so, in case she gets hurt, we can get her out of there."

Ron sat back in his chair grouchily. "I do not screw up."

Kim bit her lip, wisely choosing to ignore her friend for the time being. "Anything else I should know?"

Will shook his head. "Not really. Just get in, incapacitate Shego, and then get out of there as fast as possible so we can come in and pick her up. Remember, turn on the earpiece as soon as she finds out you're there." Kim nodded, and the GJ agent rose from his chair. "We should reach the drop zone in about ten minutes."

"Drop zone?" the redhead echoed. "You're not landing?"

Another shake of the head. "Not until we need to pick you back up. Our engine gets ten times louder whenever I put down the landing gears, so it's better if you just jump. We'll circle around until you call for us."

Kim shrugged. "Okay. Sounds good."

Will turned around and retreated back into the cockpit, taking a headset from a hook on the wall and fitting it to his head tightly. Kim heard the telltale click of the door locking behind the agent.

Ron let out an over-exaggerated yawn. "Okay, so we have about ten minutes to ourselves for relaxation. Oh wait, I forgot. You have about ten minutes to yourself for relaxation. I have all the time in the freaking world because Mr. Know-It-All-Golden-Boy in there doesn't believe in my abilities!"

"Chill out, Ron," Kim said firmly. "Griping about it won't change anything."

"Whatever," he said, suddenly resigned. "I'm gonna go get a soda. You want one?"

"Please and thank you. Sprite, if they have it." Kim yawned and closed her eyes again.

Ron stood up and looked around, and a confused look came over his face. "Kim?"


"Don't prisoner transport jets usually have a fridge full of stuff for the agents guarding the prisoner?"

"All of them do," Kim said wearily. "That's why I didn't think you were insane when you got up to 'go get a soda' thousands of feet in the air."

"This one doesn't."

This struck Kim as rather odd, and she reluctantly opened her eyes. For the first time, she looked around the jet and actually registered her surroundings. The only part of the jet that could have passed for a transport jet was the little section with the chairs and table. The walls of the rest of it were lined with racks of electronics and, in some places, weapons.

"I don't think this is a prisoner transport jet," she said slowly, standing up.

"Then what is it?"

Kim didn't reply for a moment, walking around and inspecting the hardware hooked on the walls of the jet. There were gas masks, extra communicators, earpieces, rifles, stun guns, and - Kim had to do a double-take on this one - grenades.

"I think it's an attack jet," she replied after consideration. "That's strange, though...I thought GJ only used these when they wanted to blow things up."

"Maybe all of the prisoner transport planes broke down," Ron suggested.

Kim snorted. "Sure. That's likely." She walked over to the cockpit door and jiggled the handle, but it didn't budge. "I think something's up, Ron."

"Why does it matter what kind of plane this is?" Ron asked casually, sitting back down heavily in his chair. "If anything, this jet will get us there in half the-Kim, what are you doing?"

"I'm gonna ask what's going on," Kim replied, her finger hovering over the red button on her earpiece.

"They said radio silence, though!"

"We're ten minutes away from Shego's house, and we're in a jet," Kim said testily. "Not even she has equipment to pick up on something from as far away as we are."

She pressed the button and opened her mouth, but the words died in her throat when she heard that there was already an active conversation going on.

I'll just let them finish before I jump in, she decided.

"You have an ETA, Agent Du?" a familiar voice crackled over the radio. Betty Director.

"Miss Possible is dropping down in about eight minutes, give or take."

"Give or take what, Will? We can't afford to time this wrong. One wrong calculation, and Kimberly is dead."

Kim caught her breath. What are they talking about?

"I won't calculate this wrong," Du said firmly. "She knows what to do, and she knows to get out of the house as soon as Shego is incapacitated. She won't be caught in the path of it."

"For her sake I hope you're right, Agent Du. She'll be mad enough once we drop the bomb on Shego. That's bad enough without Kim being killed by it, too."

Kim blinked rapidly, suddenly feeling dizzy, and she walked over and sat down across from Ron.

"I won't mess this up, Director."

"Good, because if you do then there will be hell to pay. Shego needs to be eliminated as soon as possible, but Kim...Kim is an idol to the world. She dies, and there will be too many questions."

Kim numbly pressed the red button again, not wanting to hear any more. She leaned back and stared at the headrest of the seat next to Ron, fingers gripping her armrests so hard her knuckles were white.

Ron noticed his friend's pallor and tense movements, and he inquired, "You okay, Kim?"

Kim shook her head slowly.

"What's wrong?"

Kim pointed to her earpiece, trying to find her voice. Of course, a voice is useless if you don't know the right words to say with it.

"The radio? What did you hear?" Ron leaned forward in concern. "What's going on?"

Kim opened her mouth and closed it several times before she finally said weakly, "They're not planning to capture Shego."

"So what are they planning to do?" he inquired.

Kim took a deep, steadying breath and forced herself to look Ron in the eye.

"They're going to kill her," she whispered.

Hahaha! I enjoy cliffhangers WAYYY too much, don't I? Of course, this is how the story has to start out if anything after this chapter is going to make sense. I have three pages of plot written out...hopefully this won't take me a year to write like some of my other stuff outside of FF. Merci bien for reading, and gracias to Yogurthfrost for letting me use his brilliant idea!