A/N: See guys? I'm updating uber often now. So be nice and come back to me? Pwease? Review just once? Favorite maybe? Anything?

Chapter Eight~ Lost (Peter's P.O.V)

It was quite obvious that I was lost. I had no idea where I was going. I was trying to get to the Healing Ward, but I didn't really know where that was. I'd always followed, like I was supposed to, when Remus led the way. Then Sirius would follow, with James. And then me, bringing up the back, the most loyal follower! Because I was.

But... if Remus and Sirius and James were here, I wouldn't even be looking for the Healing Ward. I'd be tailing after them to the Mess Hall. And I knew how to get there.

I was a bit scared, to say the least. I'd found myself in a hallway I didn't even realize existed, and it was darker than other hallways. The portraits didn't seem to like me much, and I was scared of them as well.

Suddenly people came gushing out of the floor. Oh, um, well it was actually a flight of stairs leading down to who knows where, and the people were just coming out. I knew who they were immediately, of course, by the bright green and silver colors that greeted me. Slytherins.

"Hey, look! A little lost lion, all alone in territory that clearly belongs to us." The voice was sly, and I flinched and backed away from it's black-haired owner. I had heard rumors about the Slytherins. Nasty, mean blokes, they were.

"Well would you look at that." an older, thin boy with long straight hair leaned on a pillar and looked down his nose at me. He didn't look nice at all.

"I-I'm looking for the Healing Ward..." I said nervously.

"Aww, is the little Gryffindork sick?" the black-haired girl flashed a crooked, mean smile that looked dangerous.

"Bellatrix, you're going to make him pee himself. Do calm down."

I wish I could say he – the tall blonde boy - was exaggerating... but I was shaking. "You're in S-Slytherin."

"Oh, a brilliant lad here." another boy slid forward and I paled further, but gave a shaky smile. I had plans for this kind of situation.

"Ah~ Rodolphus. I thought you'd overslept, love." the one called Bellatrix purred, smiling at the new boy.

I initiated my plan immediately. "I wish I had been sorted into Slytherin. After all, I am a Pureblood."

This was my brilliant plan. Okay, not really brilliant seeing as James and Sirius and even Remus usually came up with the ideas, but this was all mine. This was something I'd always been able to do, a skill I'd found I could use. "Really, kid?" The ones called Rodolphus (I assumed he was the son of the Lestrange family) and Bellatrix had rolled their eyes and snorted, but the taller blonde boy arched an eyebrow.

I grabbed the lifeline and nodded eagerly. "Purebloods should stick together, right?" I said eagerly.

Bellatrix laughed a laugh that actually kind of reminded me of Sirius. If Sirius had a girly voice. "Well he's got something right, at least!"

I nodded again. Yes – I could easily switch loyalties if it saved my rear end. I had barely opened my mouth to say something when I was suddenly faced with someone's back.

"Hey, you guys messing with Peter?" it was James, I realized. And immediately I was in awe of him again. Standing up to so many? Wow! That was brilliant!

"James!" I grinned.

"Morning, Peter." he yawned, and I noticed he was tired. Immediately I was depressed again. They had gone off on a late night adventure without me.

"Oh, it's you Potter." the older blonde snorted.

"Black, Lestrange. Malfoy." James jerked his head in a nod that was mostly polite. I grinned again and gave a little bounce.

Then it hit me. Black. Sirius Black. Bellatrix Black. Oh, now the resemblance makes sense.

"Where have youbeen? We didn't see you make an arse of yourself this morning at breakfast. We were quite beginning to enjoy the peace." Lestrange sniffed.

I flushed. It had been a very quiet breakfast. A boringly quite breakfast.

"I... was helping out a friend." James said, and lifted an arm. He tugged on his sleeve, as if adjusting it. I gasped.

It was covered with blood! James Potter's sleeve was coated in blood! Perhaps he beat someone senseless for messing with Remus. Yes, it had to be Remus. Remus was the weak link in the group, after all. Sirius and James and I could handle ourselves.

Bellatrix and Rodolphus looked a bit startled at the sight of the sleeve, but Lucius kept his face his usual mask. Wow, he was good.

"Mhmm. Yes, well, Potter, I believe you'd better keep a better leash on you're companions in the future. This one was very nearly scared to death." Malfoy sneered, and then turned on his heel and stalked away.

James watched him go and then turned to me, eyes bright with mischief. "Ahahaha! Was that not the most fun you've had in ages? The look on Bellatrix's face!" he laughed again, grinning.

I nodded and clapped and laughed with him.

"Blimey, Peter! We're going to be late to Charms!" he gasped suddenly, catching sight of the clock behind me. I started as his sudden outburst, and then nearly tripped over my feet as he dashed off.

"Where...are...Siri-" I panted as I caught up with him outside the door to Flitwick's room.

James looked at me and I saw that he looked uncomfortable. "They... They'll be along." he shrugged and went into class.

"Two and a half minutes late, Mr. Potter. Mr. Pettigrew."

"Yessir. Sorry, I... we were in the Medical Wing. With... Remus." James added the last bit as he passed.

Flitwick looked startled, started to say something, and then quickly snapped his mouth shut. "Oh. Very well then, take a seat."

Wait... why had we escaped punishment? James must be even more persuasive than I originally thought! Brilliant!

A/N: This Peter is insanely different than the last Peter. And I think the newer chapters I'm posting are different too. I'm sorry... I guess my writing style has changed. And this IS my first story writing first person, I believe... so I'm sorry if it is kind of awkward.

Please, please review. I got seven before I took a break and put this on hold... and since I started again I've recieve none. Please, just one to tell me to continue this?

~Solemnly Swearing She's Up To No Good - Kiti.